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Everything posted by Takanuinuva

  1. I notice that the gorrila's chi armor is brown. Hopefully this bodes towards gunmetal gray chi armor for the Skunks, Foxes, Rhinos or bears. I really want that armor in that color for my custom minifig. Also Lagravis has a new chi armor design. If that armor is in at least silver. I'll use it instead of the standard for my minifig As for the ultrabuildsLaval: Nice design but liked his prototype feet better. Easy fix though Craggar; Wish he had his prototype weapons. Eris: Don't care for this one. But the face is gender neutral enough. Gorzan. I don't mind the gold hulk chestplate. Also he appears to have a new torso build since you don't see bones sticking off his hips like on the hulk or stormer xl Worriz. Basically Laval's design. But that is not a bad thing. Razar: Fav of the bunch. Always a sucker for the black colorscheme. Head is easily the best of the six I'll be getting Razar and Laval. Both are just for parts but there the best ones so far until more pics and reviews come out.
  2. I really like this set from a looks perspective. Design wise. I don't like the function everything else is fine to me. But I plan on fixing that once I get back home to my parts.
  3. My opinions. Evo- Looks great. Love the staff. He resembles his breakout form slightly which I like Aquagon- Really Cool. Trans blue shells that breakout stringer needs. Awesome swords. Surge- Sweet look. Love the jetpack though I wish the wings were sliver. Has another drone that Breakout stormer can use. He shares the same weapon as pyrox but here it seems to work better Dragon Bolt- Wow such an awesome dragon. Those wings, That head. One complaint the tail end doesn't appear to close like in the tv ad. Easy fix though. Stormer- Stormer looks awesome in this rendition. Shame his sword isn't trans blue. I'd like to see how his left arm is assembled. Definately getting him Frost Beast- Though I can't see much of him. I'm in love with him already. Love the blade. Already plan on giving the blade to stormer's sword. Wonder how he is built. Instant buy Jet Rocka- Um wow. That is quite a mess. I really don't like it at all. I think an Xl version of Rocka with a jetpack would have worked better. Also why won't lego give us gold hands already. I really want them. All in all this wave looks great. I know I'm getting Stormer and Frost beast. I may get others but I'm not sure yet.
  4. I should point out that the style of launcher the Warrior bike has isn't new. Its been used before in the vikings sets. Specifically the viking catapult vs the Nidhogg Dragon http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7017-1 and the Viking Ship challenges the Midgard Serpent http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7018-1 The design isn't the same but the launching mechanism works the same way.
  5. Skakdi Kill Rare Albino Large Locusts Skales
  6. Takanuva Hands down my all time favorite Bionicle character.
  7. Vezon kept the Piraka fusion of Vezok and Reidak and used it to destroy the Toa Ignika. The Ignika forms a body for itself
  8. Knock Loudly and Keep Kopaka. Pythor P Chumsworth
  9. Fortunately the Av-Matoran got distracted by an icecream store
  10. I pay for shipping. As for price Would 15 dollars do. That only includes shipping if you want it to include shipping.
  11. 2001- Tahu and Pohatu 2002- Levahk 2003- Pohatu Nuva 2004- Nuju 2005- Bomonga 2006- Nuparu 2007- Pridak 2008- Photok I think 2009- Tarix or all 6 Agori 2010- Tahu, Takanuva, Gresh, Rahkshi, Skrall, Piraka (All were a christmas gift) My memory is foggy for years 2008 and 2009 since I got a lot of sets from each of there first waves.
  12. Core Hunter is my favorite of the Breakout Hero Factory sets. So I revamped him so he would be more epic looking. Without further ado here are pics Front View (As you see. He has every Hero Core from the Breakout line stored on two ammo belts around his torso. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/001.jpg Right Side (He has the sheild from Breakout Breez but modified slightly so it can fit onto an armor piece. Canon wise Its stronger than Breez's sheild so It can be made larger but also protect from attacks better http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/002.jpg Back View (Showing off how the ammo belts attach to the torso. The Savage Planet paw piece is connected to the torso via Lightsaber blades so its right up against the torso leaving no gap in the middle. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/003.jpg Left Side (I got the foot idea from a foot in the Breakout game. I'll get into the Core Remover Tool in the next pics) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/004.jpg Core Remover Tool closeup (I constructed the tool so it could attach to an armor piece via the 3 long lightsaber blades) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/005.jpg How its constructed (I designed the tool with an action gimmick. Push on the two bohrok eyes and the claw will open. The rubber band lets the claws retract back)http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/006.jpg Claw opened (I had to sand down the pegs on the blades so the claw would close together properly. Its the only modification to parts in the whole revamp) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/007.jpg Here is a pic of how the shield is constructed (The 3x3 disk goes onto one of the pins to give the shield more coverage. The other pin can attach to an armor piece) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/008.jpg Now for some action pics Core Hunter notices something (The head has to be like that since the Hero Cores get in the way) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/009.jpg Core Hunter ready to block an attack (Yes you see a red sphere in the launcher. I didn't like the green one used) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/010.jpg Core Hunter stealing a Hero's core (May or May not be Furno getting core stolen) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/011.jpg Core Hunter admiring his latest catch (Thats is for pics) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/CoreHunter/012.jpg Gallery when Public http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=521139
  13. The Toa Nuva/Phantoka/Mistika don't discover the vehicles and Die when the energy storms return. Mata Nui vs Tuma
  14. Craggar Really Only Mopes In Nightly Underground Staircases Lagravis
  15. Definitely not. From all the sites I've read discussion and feedback of the show on, it's seems like it's pretty even between those who do and do not like the voice acting, or even the show in general. I wasn't paying much attention back when the Hero Factory or Ninjago show started, so I don't have much to base how the show is doing compared to other LEGO shows, but most TV series start out similarly. Also guys, don't go judging the show to harshly. Remember these are just the first few episodes. The Ninjago series and the Hero Factory series both weren't very 'epic' at the start, but both gradually picked up. I'm expecting the same from Chima. Actually I thought the first few episode of Ninjago and Hero Factory were pretty good. Not epic but at least there stories held up better. Chima on the other hand. They could have done it so much better in making the conflict happen. Maybe the story will get better but I know I won't be following it.
  16. The Visorak isn't very bright and guides them off a cliff Roodaka turns the Toa Hagah into Rahaga
  17. After seeing the first two episodes. I'm not impressed. Based on what I saw in the trailers I expected a totally different beginning. Sorry but I won't be watching this series.
  18. Angry. Quatros. Undead. Alien. Grasshopper. Of. Night Boxor
  19. Fortunately none of th Av matoran were hurt.
  20. Kind Old Jaller Outshines Lhikan Crotesius
  21. Takanuva kills Gresh with a beam of light. Toa Ignika devolves Tahu into a Toa Mata
  22. Unfortunately they have trouble controlling there new powers and cause more harm than good.
  23. I think the set is fine. I do wish there were more brown armor pieces besides the fists. And I wish they would make the new head in Orange. We have it in Lime green and apple green. And maybe in Blue for the summer wave. But no confirmed orange. An orange one would have worked better for sets like Pyrox and Bruizer
  24. Mine was actually two bionicle sets. Tahu Mata and Pohatu Mata. I got the other 4 for christmas along with the Manas
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