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Everything posted by Takanuinuva

  1. Unfortunately His shadow leeches fell out of him. Some of the Av-Matoran eat them and turn into half Light half Shadow matoran.
  2. Unfortunately a Makuta appears and starts turning the Av-Matoran into Shadow Matoran
  3. Being a fan of Lego Universe I've noticed some things in Ninjago and Chima that could be related to things in Lego universe For Ninjago its the Dark matter and the Overlord. The dark matter makes anything evil. Malestrom does the same thing. Plus they look strikingly similar. The Overlord could be a represntation of Baron Typhoonus With Chima I've noticed the chi is like imagination. There similar in colors and from the trailer. Chi makes Cragger stronger and it looks like an orb. Imagination makes minifigures stronger as well. But this is just a theory. What are your takes on it.
  4. It was wierd that the Marvel Ultrabuild sets had two different combiners of Iron Man and Captain America and one combiner for Iron Man and The Hulk. Yet none for Captain America and The Hulk. I've rectifiyed that. Pics are below Front http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/mc/ultrabuild_combiner_captian_america_hulk1.jpg Back http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/mc/ultrabuild_combiner_captian_america_hulk2.jpg
  5. Angry Nui Giants On Nine Crystal Orbs Axalara
  6. Unfortunately Its a noble mask so only non organic stuff can be repaired.
  7. Its a great version of the original song. I'm kinda torn between which on I like better. Though the original is more set in my mind than the new one.
  8. Though I'm not too interested in this line. I do like the new armor piece. I'd like a gunmetal one to be made cause it would work wonderfully for my custom minifigure. I may get the silver chestplate though as a temporary one.
  9. I'm afraid I don't. Sorry bud. I do! One tentacle for one Gresh Weapon? Deal I'll Pm you my address and you pm me yours.
  10. Something I've wanted to make for sometime. A Creation using only the colored hero factory pieces. I built it in Ldd since I don't have all the needed parts. It can be built in real life. Here are pics Front view http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/aurorabomanation..png Back view http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/herofactory/aurorabomanation.2.png
  11. I have one Gresh blade Do you happen to have a green tentacle from meltdown.
  12. Delightful set review. I'm definately getting this set. Mainly for those 3m shells. Though I wish he had two of the trans apple green 3m shells.
  13. I tend to take some of my creations to my parents house. I live on my own but I go to my parents house every month to visit them. Though when I was living with them. We went to my aunt's cabin for vacation and I took my Lewa mata and a very bad moc of an exo toa with me, While there I tried to combine the two. Ended up leaving half the moc at the cabin. Next year we went back and I was fortunate to find the parts I left there. I was really happy since a part I left there was a blunt shooter and It was the only one I had at the time.
  14. I'll take the chestplate. But not the meltdown figure. I want a complete meltdown set. The tentacle is an important piece I need. Lets Discuss price via Pm's Pm me what you want to sell the chest plate for.
  15. Gold 2.0 Hero factory hands. Rocka is the only hero without hands of his main color. Rocka Gold, Surge Blue, and Breez Green 2.0 Ice Shields Trans Yellow, Trans Dark Red, Trans Clear, Trans Purple, Trans Keetorange, Glatorian heads More Bone pieces in Light grey and Light grey Hero Factory torsos.
  16. I wish to make 2.0 Versions of all the Villian characters from Rise of the Rookies. I have Von Nebula done. I have Rotor's, Corroder's and Xplode's Designs worked out. But I need the other villians from the wave before I start making them. So I need 7157 Thunder (Don't care if the sockets are broken) http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7157-1 7148 Meltdown (Don't care if the sockets are broken) http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7148-1 7179 Bulk and Vapour (Just the Vapour set) (Don't care if the sockets are broken) http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7179-1 I also need 3 of Xplode's spikes since I broke the ones I have http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87825pb01 I also need a Hero Factory Recon Chestplate for a Moc of Merrick Fortis http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=92201pb01 So if anyone has any of these would you be willing to sell them.
  17. I got a Ps3 and two games. Angry Birds trilogy and Sonic and allstars racing transformed. I also got Speeda Demon And Madagascar 3 on Dvd A new stand for my Tv and gaming consoles Paper Mario Sticker Star Two shirts and the 2013 edition of Guiness book of world records
  18. Actually, there is also a clip connection on the back of the head.-Gata That's what I meant when i said the visor clips on the back. I know it does, What I wonder is if the axle is too far up on the head. If its too far up. Using Kanohi might not look right.
  19. I've see a review of Bulk and I'm sad to say that he does not have this piece from the Vampyre castle in black http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=10288 Its just this piece. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32015 Which I find disappointing. I want that piece from the vampyre castle. But I want it in black since black is a much easier color to use than brown. On another note. The sets have new head molds. They have the same connections as the old glatorian head but there's also a connection on the front. It might work with axle connected kanohi masks. But I'd have to wait to test it out. Also the visors on the heroes clip on the back of the head and can be flipped up similar to how they did in the show.
  20. I don't think we should assume that the heroes absent from the trailer aren't going to be sets... don't forget that the Breakout episode only featured six heroes. This ad shows seven, but hopefully Nex and Stringer will still be released as sets even if they don't feature in the episode.Stormer makes brilliant use of Chima and Technic parts, Surge has a lovely wing pack, and Evo reminds me of Phantoka Toa Pohatu in a good way. Overall, it's nice to see that all of the heroes will have very unique designs, just as in Breakout. I've seen the trailer as well. They are really pushing me to get more that just a few figures with this line. Also Stringer and Nex could be sets. Breez Bulk and Nex weren't part of the Breakout tv series but were still sets. Plus we haven't seen official or leaked pics of the summer line of sets yet. So we won't know if Stringer and Nex will be part of this line.
  21. Update to my collection 1.0/Rise of the RookiesHeroes- Furno x2, Surge x2 Breez, Bulk, Stringer x2 Stormer, Furno BikeVillians- Corroder, Rotor, X-plode, Von Nebula2.0/Ordeal of Fire. CompletedHeroes- Furno x2. Surge x2, Breez x2, Evo x2, Nex, StormerVillians- Fire Lord, Jetbug, Drilldozer, Nitroblast3.0/Savage Planet. CompletedHeroes- Rocka, Furno, Stringer, Bulk, Nex, Stormer. Rocka XLVillians- Scorpio, Waspix, Raw Jaw, Fangz, Witch Doctor x24.0/Breakout. CompletedHeroes- Rocka, Furno, Surge, Evo, Breez, Nex, Stringer, Bulk, Stormer XLVillians- Splitface, Jawblade, Toxic Reapa, Black Phantom, XT4, Thornraxx, Core Hunter, Voltix, Speeda Demon Sets I plan to get from brain attack (I'm going to be a bit more selective on my Hero Factory Sets from now on) 5.0/Brain Attack Heroes- Furno, Rocka Villians- Scarox Sets I hope to get Meltdown, Thunder, Vapor (Not Bulk and Vapor just Vapor). Going to make 2.0 versions of them along with Corroder, Xplode and Rotor.
  22. When I first saw pics that the Samurai Mech was going to be a set. I wanted it so much. Once I got it. It took a few bricklink orders but I was able to revamp it to be more show accurate. Also being a fan of Nya I got both the Samurai X spinner and the Nya spinner. There are a lot of pics below so here is the gallery when its public. In the gallery is an Lxf file for the mech and card stand built in Ldd if you wish to build this yourself. (In the model there are parts that aren't attached since they won't attach in Ldd. But they will attach in real life. The bottom of the sword also won't attach in Ldd but will attach in real life. Also I've built the thumb differently since recently I've figured out how to build a realistic thumb for the mech in real life.) http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=518691 So here are some pics of my Nya minifigs (All of them wear the ring from the lord of the rings sets. It represents the bracelet Nya had in the show) Samurai X front (I used the head from Spyclops since it best matched the goggles Samurai X had in the show) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/001.jpg Samurai X back (I used a star wars jetpack for her jetpack. I had to cut the top part off for it to fit) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/002.jpg Custom Nya Zx front http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/003.jpg Custom Nya Zx back http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/004.jpg Nya minifig http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/005.jpg Nya in her dress http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/006.jpg Nya with goggles and helmet from the episode Darkness shall rise (Yes it looks goofy) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/007.jpg Wish they made a dark Nya minifig. Then I would have all her variations This is my Custom Samurai X Spinner. (Nya's normal spinner included) Top View http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/008.jpg Bottom View (I wish I could take apart my Samurai X spinner and give it a Gunmetal bottom. Until then That is the only Silver used in all of my Nya sets) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/009.jpg Nya Zx and Normal Nya on the spinners (Nya Zx is loaded with swords) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/010.jpg My custom Card holder for My Nya and Samurai X character cards (Also hold the weapons from both spinner sets Samurai X Side http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/011.jpg Nya Side http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/012.jpg Now with all of that out of the way. I can show you my Revamp of the Samurai Mech Set These are the changes I made 1. Removal of the tan bricks, Trans red bricks blue bricks and most of the light grey bricks 2. Putting a cannon on both sides and making both hands clawed 3. Making the front be able to flip down like it does in the show 4. Replacing the Small jetpack with a more accurately sized one 5. Improving the sword and making the blade gunmetal. 6. Modifying the arms and legs so they have more articulation With that here are pics Front View http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/013.jpg Right Side http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/014.jpg Back View http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/015.jpg Left Side http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/016.jpg Cockpit open http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/017.jpg Samurai X getting inside http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/018.jpg Samurai X inside the mech http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/019.jpg Mech weilding a Shuriken (Ninjago Gunmetal crown works best) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/021.jpg Mech shooting a net http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/022.jpg Here is a pic of the sword (There is a hole drilled in the blade so the sword can be stored) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/023.jpg Hip mounting port (I had to use those studs since they only come in white) http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/024.jpg Sword stored on hip http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/025.jpg Drawing sword from hip http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/026.jpg Sword stored on back http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/027.jpg Drawing sword from back http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/028.jpg One final pic an action pose http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/takanuinuva/Ninjago/NYAGO/029.jpg Comments and critisim appriciated
  23. Well as long as they act like Toy Story toys and don't have powers It would be ok. But they probably would react bad to be dissasembled. All of your parts would be crying out from being compacted in your bins. If it were up to me. I would make it so they would come to life by tapping them with a magic wand. Then I could have conversations with them. Then Tapping them again would return them to there inanimate state.
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