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Everything posted by Takanuinuva

  1. Comic 1 and Comic 2 link to the same comic. I don't know if you did that intentionally or not.
  2. I might go as SlenderMan. I'm certainly tall and thin enough.
  3. Fortunately. A cave in occurs and the Onu Matoran are trapped.
  4. She forgets to activate her mask and share it with the other Toa Nuva. They are killed in the blast.Teridax finds Ahkmou's Matoran sphere and tells him lies about the universe.
  5. Fortunately it gets trapped inside the body of a Mata Nui Cow
  6. I thought messing around with the Hero factory story would be funny.The mask weren't organic so the Inika had to figure them out. Unfortunaltely without there mask powers they were killed by the Piraka. No Matoro meant Mata Nui died and another Kingdom universe was created.Mata Nui vs Tuma
  7. The six great disk matoran instead become toa.Furno Vs Jawblade
  8. Fortunately Mata Nui is aware of this and kills the single Mutant Toa Kaita with a bolt of lightning.
  9. Jovan hides inside a cave and survives. When the Piraka arrive he is able to tell they are not Toa. The Matoran are able to avoid being controlled and when The Toa Nuva arrive they find the Piraka weakened and are able to search for the Mask of Life.Brutaka defeats the Toa Nuva and the Matoran resistance with one swing of his sword.
  10. Unfortunately There fluffy rainbow attitudes prevent them from killing the mutated Toa Kaita
  11. Unfortunately its an army of Shadow toa
  12. It's probably your Internet. It's working on my Ipad right now.Anyways, the title caught my eye. The legs and torso details actually aren't that bad. Also, the way the mask is drawn makes it look like Lewa is screaming. Ya the link is working now.Anyways about the drawing. Its really good but its wierd to see Lewa yellow.
  13. I think the link is broken. When I try to look at the pic I get the Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I'm not sure if its your link or my internet though.
  14. Unfortunately the will in control starts killing matoran.
  15. Fortunately the mutation made the toa into a toa kaita.
  16. My favorite set of the 1.0 wave was the Furno Bike. I liked it so much that I decided to revamp it to make it even more epic.These are what changes I've made1. Added an engine to fill in the big gap in the bike. Engine doesn't work its for detail only.2. Working front and rear suspension.3. Motorcycle sound brick. When rear suspension is pressed on. The brick will activate4. Quad exhaust pipes.5. New foot pegs so the canister Furno 1.0 can ride the bike.6. Handlebars are attached to the front wheel assembly like on a real motorcycle7. Hero core added in front as a detal. Its not meant to be a real Hero core its just a Hero Factory icon.8. I used up a lot of my orange technic pieces on this revamp.9. Better kickstand on the right armor covering. The left armor covering can holster Furno's dual fire bladesI've also made some changes to Furno as well.1. Replaced his keetorange bones with orange ones so he matches better with the bike.2. Added a part to his back so he can wear a jetpack like Bulk in the Bulk vs Vapor set3. Built his feet like the Furno Marine moc so he attaches to the bike easier.4. added technic parts under his chest armor to fill in the gaps.I've taken a lot of pics of this revamp so I'll only be showing a few. For the rest check the gallerySide view- righthttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/002.jpgSide view- lefthttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/003.jpgFront viewhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/004.jpgBack viewhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/005.jpgTop viewhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/006.jpgSide view without armor coverings.http://www.brickshel...eRevamp/008.jpgFurno revampFront viewhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/012.jpgBack view with jetpackhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/013.jpgBack view without armorhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/016.jpgView of torso without armor. Showing off the technic parts insidehttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/017.jpgFurno and his bikeRiding his bikehttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/018.jpgShooting at an enemy with his swords. This is also how I have him displayedhttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/001.jpgFurno next to his bikehttp://www.brickshel...eRevamp/023.jpgGallery when publichttp://upload.bricks...ry.cgi?f=511488
  17. The only thing I can think of that would work is if this piece could be inserted in a metru head and it had an axle hole instead of a pin hole. and if you sanded off the parts that would stick out.http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87082
  18. Unfortunately I have no clue how to continue this so I'll reset itYou are a Matoran.
  19. The entire Spherus Magna planet explodes and kills everyone. The Mata Nui robot no longer has a purpose.The Ignika turning the Toa Inika into the Toa Mahri
  20. Unfortunately all the matoran are now really stupid.
  21. The war kills all the matoran. Mata Nui is doomed.Jaller prepares a Nova blast to kill the Barraki.
  22. Unfortunately he causes the brains of the Voya Nui Matoran to explode
  23. I bought Stormer Xl today and though I did eventually scrap him for parts. I decided to make a revamp of his design.Changes include1. Using XT4's torso for the back. Makes the body less gappy, Brings the arms closer and lower to the body.2. Making his legs shorter and more like the ones in the Hero Factory Tv show3. Making his sword better and giving him a silver blaster.4. Shortening the cuffs to one link.5. One drone on his back so both arms have the same amount of drones.6. Since the set came with two sets of stickers. I added stickers to both of his legs. I didn't apply stickers to the drones since I want to use them for more than just StormerPicturesFront viewhttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/001.jpgBack viewhttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/002.jpgSide viewhttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/003.jpgFront view Skeletonhttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/006.jpgBack view Skeletonhttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/007.jpgSide view Skeletonhttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/008.jpgSword picshttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/004.jpghttp://www.brickshel...ormerXl/009.jpgGallery when publichttp://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=511243Comments and critisim appriciated
  24. Unfortunately Brutaka doesn't know how to use his telekinesis.
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