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Everything posted by Carakki

  1. Going back on entries here, but whoa really? Isn't Lucas like beast though? I thought a lot more people use him. I main as him too, and he's just really fun. Especially using PK Freeze to get the Brawl Ball thing. teehee More people may use him, but you are among the first I've met. I've never tried using PK Freeze of all things to get the Smash Ball, I usually use PK Thunder or aerial attacks (if I play with items at all, which isn't very often).
  2. ...so, of course, we're turning right back around and heading to church for the final VBS performance.
  3. Carakki

    Beach House

    Woo! I'm at the beach house, and it is seriously awesome this year. The guest list is longer than ever, and the house is big enough to accommodate, sporting two floors and three large bedrooms. The guest list is as follows: -My mom -Me -My brother -My sister -My grandmother -My uncle -My two aunts -My two cousins -My dog -My grandmother's dog The best part? I have most of the bottom floor (which is just a "rec room") to myself for sleeping and building (Of course I transported my entire disassembled Bionicle collection!). Almost as good is the fact that, unlike every other year, this house has free wireless internet access, so I can keep all of my faithful readers (if there are any) updated. Tonight, we just arrived and my aunt flew in from California.
  4. You play Lucas? You are officially the first person (other than myself) that I have met that really uses Lucas. Even if you're just starting. I main Lucas, and do okay with the rest of the Brawl cast (I need to find a secondary and tertiary character and am considering Lucario). I'd love to talk Brawl/Lucas with you.
  5. I was browsing the BBC forum and saw an MoC of Ravage, and remembered that while I was watching the movie I had thought, "that looks like it would make a really cool MoC." I've always found copying things exactly into Bionicle form is either too difficult or downright impossible (see Scimita, who is based on Samus), so I thought of mixing around the letters in Ravage's name to make a new name for my MoC to show how it's only based on the movie Ravage. So I wrote the letters of Ravage's name on little slips of paper and started mixing them around. Surprised was I to find that you can almost spell 'average' with the letters in Ravage's name. Completely random, I know, but it seemed worth blogging about.
  6. Am I the only one that noticed that?
  7. ...what is possibly the largest non-prehistoric moth on the planet. This thing was massive. It had a four- or five-inch wingspan and was fluttering around my uncle's outside lamp when we dropped off my cousin at her house after VBS. I took some pictures of it with my DSi, I'll upload those as soon as I can borrow my sister's SD card.
  8. Are you saying that you got a DSi, or are confused somehow by its appearance? If the former, good on you! If the latter, clear it up, then go get one!
  9. I don't know if any readers of my blog (if there are any) have seen my MoC Scimita, but I disassembled her today. It was a somewhat emotional experience, since Scimita came into being in her very first form almost a full year ago at last year's beach week. At least I know that she was sacrificed for a good cause - I am undertaking the large project of sorting all of my Bionicle parts. My goal is to have them all sorted and ready for beach week on July 11. On a completely unrelated topic, I'm thinking of intentionally leaving a grammatical error or two in each of my entries to give the Grammar Points system a shove into activity. Comment here if you're pro-hidden error or against.
  10. Today I realized that I never blogged what this week's $20 contest theme was. This week's theme is unique in two ways. Firstly, it is broken up into two parts. The first part of the contest ended on Sunday, and the theme was to come up with ways to teach songs to kids. This contest stems from the fact that every night this week we are attending VBS, and my mom is teaching the music portion. For those who don't know, VBS stands for Vacation Bible School. It's for kids K-8 grade. Being in transition between ninth and tenth grade, I'm just helping out by running the lyrics on the projectors when the songs are playing (that's where I am right now). Anyway, the second unique aspect of this contest was that the first part had no clear winner - participants receive $2 per idea used. The second part of the contest is due on Friday (as usual), and concerns next week's activities. Every year my family rents a house by the beach, and we stay there for a week. The theme of the second part of the contest is to come up with something to do during beach week that WE HAVE NEVER DONE BEFORE. This is quite a feat considering how many years beach week has been a tradition - I can hardly remember a year we've gone without. So, that's this week's themes.
  11. 1 half vote, half myself. yes. and yes. no yes it's the one in all the inika clones. the bottom one. Thanks again. Now I just have to get my hands on a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
  12. A few questions: -How many entries are permitted per member? -How will entries be judged? -Should the MoC be based off the description in the book, or can it be anything monstrous that follows the above guidelines? -Is there a particular reason it should include a pair of Av-Matoran torsos? -May the MoC include more than two Av-Matoran torsos? -Could you provide a picture of the banned piece? Thanks in advance for answering all of the questions. I will likely enter this contest.
  13. Precisely. Well, nowadays, she's more likely to snipe them to death. I was surprised, too. I didn't expect Optimus to start ripping people apart. Also, huh? Only in that M-rated Bionicle game I dream about every night. M-rated games are overrated.
  14. Carakki


    LIES! Geometry is the fun, easy stuff, not the other way around. Anyway, Algebra isn't all that hard, I just wanted to retake it to bring up my grade from 7th grade.
  15. This is a message for all those out there that think Gali Mata's hooks are useless as weapons: Watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, particularly the scene in which Optimus proceeds to destroy a trio of Decepticons with hooks where his hands should be.
  16. Happy Independence Day to all. Tonight's festivities for me include setting off fireworks leftover from two years ago that we've been using for two years. Anyone else doing anything tonight?
  17. Carakki

    G1 Update

    Right. So, my mom approved my $100. However, as much as I would like to say that I am writing this entry from my new smartphone, I'm still using my mother's. She has decided to wait at least a month before adding me to or changing her plan. That's three weeks from now. Apparently. When she told me that she would add me when I could afford the phone, she didn't think I would get it so quickly. Hopefully, as she didn't seem 100% sure, the one-month wait plan can be brought down to about a week. Wish me luck.
  18. Remember how I needed $25 more for the G1? I got it. This week has been very busy what with Orlando and such, and so I was the only person to remember this week's $20 contest. Being the only person with an entry, I took the $20 prize. The last $5 was gained by trading a $5 movie theater gift card to my mom. The only thing left is to go get the phone. In other news, I saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen this evening, and I must say, it tops the first one by a mile. I have to go to bed now, but I'll say more tomorrow, along with an update on the G1.
  19. Carakki

    Back Home

    I'm back home and just $25 away from the G1. I had $45 and get $30 for my grades. So I just need to clean Rosie's cage and mow the lawn.
  20. Carakki


    I am currently in Orlando. I'm writing this entry with my mom's phone in order to practice using the phone's keyboard. After all, soon I will have a phone identical to hers.
  21. Carakki


    I'm decent with Zelda, okay with Marth, and horrid with Ganondorf. If I can go wi-fi with you, I'll let you know. My home character used to be Samus, but she seems a lot less powerful in Brawl. Any tips to help me out?
  22. Carakki


    I'm decent with Zelda, okay with Marth, and horrid with Ganondorf. If I can go wi-fi with you, I'll let you know. My home character used to be Samus, but she seems a lot less powerful in Brawl. Any tips to help me out?
  23. Carakki


    My brother's home character is Ike. I play with Toon Link, too. Pikachu. I love Pikachu. Tip: Watch what you do against characters that can reflect or absorb projectiles. You probably know that your standard special attack can be reflected/absorbed, but did you know that your down special is also susceptible?
  24. Carakki


    Does anyone reading this play Super Smash Bros. Brawl? I was bored and decided to post a blog entry for discussion about it. I play a lot, and am fairly decent with my home (main) character, Lucas. I probably need to learn to use another character or two, maybe Olimar or Peach. Discuss, discuss.
  25. Carakki


    Fixed. Thanks!
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