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Everything posted by Xaeraz

  1. GM IC: "We're not doing anything, Anguish," Masenna said. "You're going to remain here while I go get you a healer. And if we cannot have your injuries repaired, I will find someone to make a new foot for you," she said as her telekinesis bandaged Anguish's foot. "Worry not about the facility. Night is coming, and you will be safe here. The Cliffs' protectors will defend you." IC: Xaeraz took a moment to process it, thinking over Kale's response, before asking him a simple question, one that had plagued him from the start of the tournament. "...You're not forcing everyone to go home, right?"
  2. GM IC: "You have no need to apologize," Masenna said, seating herself by anguish's bed and reaching down to hold his hand in hers, patting it reassuringly. A first-aid kit floated over in the grip of her telekinesis, opening and preparing bandages and disinfectant. "It is not your fault the inhabitants of the facility Tuoni and Maeus brought down assailed you. I am simply glad you made it back to me alive."
  3. GM IC: Masenna gently pulled Anguish and the parts of the ruined baterra into orbit around her, Watching them spin slowly around her until she had Anguish held over a bed, setting him down on it and pulling a blanket up to tuck him in. Turning to Malkon, she said, "Thank you, Malkon. You saved Anguish's life by bringing him back here, but I must ask something else of you." Slowly, the parts of the baterra came together, with a nearby bag floating over to hold them. The bag proceeded to float up to Malkon, the parts inside it shifting around. "Take this to the City of Fear, please," she grated, here eyes flowing around the room they were standing in, scanning it. "Maeus can take it to Tuoni, who will surely want what remains of it." IC: Xaeraz nodded and stepped out of the office, his work done, only to find Kale ahead of him. "Kale! Hello!" he said, giving his former co-leader a smile. "Can we help you with something?" IC: "No, nothing of note," Zephyr said to the chef, giving him a look. "Except that the Madu failed to gestate again. There is something wrong with this soil. It unnerves even I."
  4. GM IC: Masenna turned as the knock sounded, and opened the door with her telekinesis as she approached it. Upon seeing Anguish and, more importantly, his injuries, she let out a quiet gasp of shock and sorrow, reaching out with her telekinesis to pick up her limping follower and bring him inside. "Anguish!" she rasped. "What happened?" IC: Zephyr grumbled and stalked through the halls, having made a vine bridge up to a hole above the facility, then down into it. He hated being a farmer, but at least they recognized his power and talent. Still grumbling, he approached Sevyn's cook station and placed a home-grown wicker basket filled with fresh foods on it.
  5. The bomber blew up the ship, so the game has moved into lifeboats now, where more roles activate and food becomes a concern.
  6. i was going to do an nge congratulations joke but that seemed too mainstream. so, i'm happy for you. c:
  7. IC: "I survived," Zeraxa said, blinking slowly as she brought her arms up and around herself, rubbing her biceps to try and bring some warmth to them. She was so cold so cold, regardless of the presence of all these bodies in the room, filled with pumping, flowing blood and meat... The fe-toa broke free from her reverie, eye darting between the assembled forms before she managed to drawl, "Both here and before, I survived."
  8. If you don't mind, Click, I'd like to instate Null and Siren as followers of Tuoni and Masenna, respectively. They're really, pretty good concepts, and I feel that, at the least, Null could see some use.
  9. ........................................... i am just now realizing i never put "portalfig in the opening post" way to go xae lists revised, first post edited, i am a fool
  10. Don't worry, this game moves at a glacial pace anyway, especially during DAY TWO: PART TWO "We have to get out of here!" Ehks yelled from down in the crowd as another explosion tore through the ship, sending matoran reeling, and knocking Null #5 to the floor, unharmed but for some bruises. The rest of the Nulls pulled them in for safety, as Locus, Tex, and Valendale scrambled down to the floor, execution briefly forgotten as a wall erupted into splinters and metal just above the mob. As one, the 46 matoran charged off, some to prepare the lifeboats, some to gather food and bring it to the deck, and some to simply give me a third category to mention. When the lifeboat group reached the deck, out of breath and vaguely panicked, they would find a hunched, twisted form slowly lowering itself down into the sea in one lifeboat, turning back to reveal a broken, grinning pakari. The masked, shambling form gave the group a wave with one, crudely assembled hand, and released its lifeboat into the waves below. Sharing glances among themselves, they quickly began to prepare the remaining eleven lifeboats for drop. When the food group arrived, the assembled matoran quickly divvied the food up into the life boats, and clambered inside, letting them drop as the explosions continued to rip the cruise liner apart. Thought it would take some time, eventually the eleven life boats would form a circle, the mysterious twelfth lifeboat and its twisted passenger at the center. Eventually, the assembled collection of matoran would come together aboard the remains of the ship, share food, and talk quietly among themselves. And then, the twisted being emerged, all voices dying down as he spoke at long last. "I see you have all made it," he rasped, grinning at all of them. "But you're not done yet. My mafia still lurks within your ranks, and the sun's going down." NIGHT ROLES PM. IF YOU WERE NOT ACTIVE WHILE ON THE CRUISE SHIP, PM ME TO LEARN YOUR ROLE'S JOBS. And here's some Lifeboat assignments: 1. Null, Vimes, Ehks, Zakaro, Shadowvezon2. Null, toakapura, Taka Nuvia, Voltex3. Null, Dragon.Star, QP, Blade4. Null, Tyler, Manducus, Luroka5. Null, Voxumo, Rahkshi G, Sycophantic Wizard6. Null, Tiragath, Toa Chuck, KK177. Null, Nato, Valendale, Unit8. Null, Underscore, Gibberish, Hina9. Null, Forgotten Warrior, Nevermore, Daniel10. Null, Seaborgium, Darkcloud, Rider of Kikanalo11. Portalfig, Shadowhawk, Burnmad, Grochi, Pulse Feel free to talk to your lifeboat partners as much as you like! You'll be very close =)
  11. IC: Zeraxa fixed 5040 with a cyclopean glare, simply replying to Leli with a "I'll live," and pushed herself up off the floor, slowly, so as not to strain her aching muscles overly. She still managed to wince once as her back twinged, but she was otherwise as fine as she could be, given her current situation.
  12. If approved, I'll edit the new version in over the original profile, and write out him creating the weapon IC. Marionette Man changes Approved Gadarene Not approved. He violates the three slot rule, as well as being literally immortal. No Name Not Approved. The staff are concerned he will begin the aria, then simply hold onto it for an exceptionally long amount of time before finishing it. Xara 2 Rahk Electric Boogaloo Approved Therex Approved Vinra changes Approved, but you're staff for now anyway. Asi Approved
  13. IC: Agraney lifted one massive leg and slammed his foot into Ignis' chest, cutting the ta-toa off mid-sentence with the sheer force of his kick. Thankfully, Ignis would not be hitting a wall or anything, due to Agraney's back being to the nearest one. IC: Riss heard Nisa's reply and felt her kiss, but was sadly asleep when she did so. Instead, her dreams began to feature a certain fe-matoran and her out, holding hands as a ga-matoran rowed them through the canals of Ga-Metru... IC: Halken shrugged. He didn't know any ta or fe toa in the tournament besides Langmuir, who was otherwise occupied with swords, given his specialization. Halken rumbled as such in his usual verbose manner that his authoer was too lazy to write out. Or spell check. IC: Zeraxa rolled onto her back and stared up at Leli and 5040 with one piercing, green eye. She thought over her reply for a moment, then rasped out from behind her mask, "I was caught with my hands full."
  14. IC: "And stay in there!" A voice from outside snarled as a large toa was unceremoniously thrown into the common area that currently held Scriva, Thak, and Samantha. Zeraxa hit the ground with a loud thunk, and spent a minute deciding whether it would be a better idea to get to her feet, or just lay there and die. A very, very long minute. IC: "Perhaps we could talk someone into assisting us," Halken rumbled over his BLT (Burnak, Lohrak, Takea) club sandwich. "I was thinking I could use another sword, should I need something sturdier than my dueling blades, myself." IC: Riss shut her eyes, simply enjoying the weight of Nisa on top of her and the elevated position. She gave the matoran a small squeeze, reassuring herself that Nisaduf wouldn't fly away if she let go, and allowed herself to begin to sink into a peaceful rest once more.
  15. IC: "I am a paragon of grace and rugged handsomeness." Halken replied to his sister, clambering up and over to her and Ilyin. "Sometimes not both at the same time, sadly, but it remains true nonetheless! Similarly to how it remains true that Ilyin's plan is an excellent one." IC: Agraney growled as the flames washed over him, turning to the side to try and minimize the damage the flames did. This was one thing he wasn't equipped to handle at all, so he would have to improvise. He drew the short sword from his belt and threw it at Ignis, trying to break the toa's concentration long enough to get in close. IC: Riss gave a contented sigh and leaned back a bit, resting in the dish of the mech's shoulder with Nisa atop her. I could get used to this, given the time, she thought. But I don't want to do this if Nisa is uncomfortable. She'll tell me if she is, right?
  16. Whichever choice receives more votes will be what occurs, due to the resources needed. AND YES, THE ACCUSED CAN VOTE
  17. DAY 2 "String them up! String them up!" the assembled crowd chanted as Null 5 and Valendale were led to the highest point in the ballroom, Voltex and Locus carrying the ropes that would become their nooses. The rest of the assembled group watched. Many were silent. A few murmured thoughts of treason or innocence. Grochi and the Nulls quietly wept for Null 5's plight. And yet, the mob would not be moved by the tears, even as the executioners made their nooses and prepared to slip them over the throats of their prisoners. And then, a resounding boom sounded throughout the ship. Although, calling it a boom would be an understatement. It was more like the sound of a hero being torn in two, a great, rending sound that chilled the assembled matoran to the bone. Quietly, Pulse spoke up, and said, "We're taking on water." The mob looked down to find that, yes, they were, in fact, taking on water, and the ballroom was tipping at an odd angle. There was a clamor of noise as they began to scramble to the highest point, almost drowning out the voice over the speakers. "Well, you seem to be in quite the predicament! The way I see it, you have two options. Kill your supposed murderers, or get some food and get to the lifeboats. May as well make your choice now, my friends~" SPECIAL VOTING ROUND! COLLECT FOOD, OR KILL THE ACCUSED? YOU HAVE 24 HOURS.
  18. IC: Riss just gently laughed, a melodious sound, and held Nisaduf tighter against her. She wasn't going to admit it just yet, but she'd been hoping they could do this at some point. What with how cute Nisaduf was and all... Riss' cheeks grew a bit brighter as she found herself blushing. IC: Halken made a leaping grab for his container of food, managing to snag it from the air successfully, but at the price of falling on his side and smacking against a rock in the process. Still, he laughed, and held the still intact pod up, proclaiming loudly that he had succeeded. IC: "Oh really?" Venix sniped back "Because from where I am, it'd be better to call him loser!"
  19. Name: Zeraxa Species: Fe-toa Power/Weapon 1: Mask of Adaptation Power/Weapon 2: Elemental control over iron. While she is unable to create actual bladed weaponry with this power, due to the time needed to do so (more than twice as long as any other Fe-Toa for Zeraxa,) she can whip up many (unpowered) mechanical or medical tools with little preparation, due to her experience as an inventor and surgeon. Her personal favorites are scalpels, bonesaws, and wrenches. Power/Weapon 3: Twin shotgun revolvers (I E this). Six shots per, 12 gauge. Facton: Prisoner Appearance: While Xaeraz gangles over everyone except Rap and Country, better known as Elly and Noroi, Zeraxa is much less awkwardly built. While still a bit gangly and tall, she doesn’t awkwardly tower over everyone, instead being only about as tall and muscled as your average vortixx. Zeraxa’s armor is a stark, clinical white over a black body and silver limbs, with a matching pakari-shaped mask. Notably, however, she has fangs instead of what pass for normal teeth among toa, and a metal plate bolted over her mask’s right eyehole, to cover up the hideous wound that was once an eye. Also notably, she wears a pale green surgical mask over the lower half of her mask to hide her fangs. Bio: Similarly to Xaeraz, Zeraxa grew up on the island of Nynrah and worked for a time as a member of the Nynrah ghosts, developing a wide variety of inventions for a plethora of different clients. However, she never found fulfillment in her work, and left to treat the inhabitants of other islands as best she could. Centuries later, after becoming a toa and quite adept at medicine and mechanics, Zeraxa would be one of the few beings to survive the cataclysmic death of Mata Nui mostly physically unscathed. However, she would be sealed off from the rest of the universe for a long time, without food beyond what she and her allies had brought with them. She would eventually emerge a changed toa, but her allies would not emerge at all. Personality/Other: Zeraxa is a madwoman, driven off her rocker by isolation and what she had to do to survive. Howev, her madness is very quiet, more of a gnawing presence at the edges of her mind than a visible issue. She tends to come across as awkward or socially maladjusted at best, and outright creepy at worst. Creepy is, sadly, the better descriptor, as Zeraxa has developed a taste for toa from her isolation, and will take sick pleasure from using her anatomical knowledge to keep you helpless and alive as she savors it.
  20. Scene will be up tonight. Technical difficulties.
  21. OOC: Windex would only be corrosive to a noticable extent if we assume Nubbins uses the original, 1933 formula which was, like, 90+% solvents. Which was also incredibly flammable. IC: Agraney stumbled backwards, narrowly missing taking a halberd in the gut, but ending up with a hand flying up into the air, along with the sword it had held. With a growl, he tossed the super soaker into the air, grabbed the sword, tucked it into his belt, and snagged the small throwing star his hand and turned into, whipping it at Ignis. IC: "What was that?" Venix yelled back, grinning over her shoulder at the approaching adapter. "I couldn't hear you over the sound of me beating you!" She laughed and leaned further into her flight form, hoping to gain some speed that way. GM IC: Tuoni nodded once, touching a finger to his chin, then said, "I do have a task for you. I have entrusted Maeus with researching the teleportation technology that 'Bionifight' used. He was supposed to report on it to me yesterday, but did not." The Herald of Death held one hand out to Frostbite, a simple chain of metal bubbling up, out of his palm. "Wear this, my loyal servant, and the fog shall not harm you as you make your way to the City of Fear."
  22. Scene will be up tomorrow, promise. Voting closed, etc. I think you all might enjoy it c:
  23. IC: Xaeraz shrugged and placed on hand on the computer, mask glowing as he activated it. Shortly, the computer began to regrow its missing components and wires, before eventually whirring to life under the fe-toa's hand. "Really, Dreisen, this mask you gave me? Made in heaven." IC: Riss pulled Nisaduf into a hug once more, gave her another squeeze, and rested her head on the matoran's shoulder. She sat there for a long moment, before saying, "...This is the nicest thing I've had so far this tournament, here..."
  24. IC: "Oh, Nisa..." Riss said, bringing her other arm around to give the fe-matoran a full-on hug, squeezing her tightly. "It's fine to be afraid. To be honest, I'm nervous, too. But!" she pulled away, gently pulling Nisaduf out of her side an dreaching down to brush away a tear. "Buuu~t. I'm not going to let aaaaaa~nyone hurt you if I can, okay? You're very special to meee~" The de-toa gave her assistant a warm smile, hoping her words had helped ease her friend, even a little.
  25. IC: "...I don't suppose that's just a normal computer, is it?" Xaeraz asked, stepping forward. "I mean, call me crazy, but that looks like a normal, broken computer, and I built a couple of those in my time on Nynrah. I know how they work. Could probably get it running again."
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