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Everything posted by Xaeraz

  1. So you'd rather kill off all of the active players and have the game slowly die from inactivity? right because that's not a problem we have ever suffered from nope not at all If that happens, I'll engage phase 3-C
  2. GM IC: The Gate Guardian chittered at Antiro, before making a tiny kick towards him. The much larger, invisible Gate Guardian, hiding behind its tiny projection, made an identical kick, rushing through the air and right for the le-toa. GM IC: Zombie Intavus squealed in horror as his stick hat fell off IC: "If I'm not wrong, it's a Keetongu," Xaeraz said, his armblades slowly extending. "Can absorb attacks, then send them back at the attacker, cure poison and venom, and shared a homeland with Tahtorahks. If I'm right." IC: Venix popped up behind Venga, waving two arms because she had totally come along while her RPer screwed up on posting again. "Hi! Venix! Silence shadow kraata, shotguns, and flight!"
  3. I'd like some clarifications on Deraz's "Sixth Sense," please. For example, how quickly can he receive the information? WE'RE IN FOR NASTY WEATHER PSYCHO RANGERS APPROVED FOR ANOTHER SEASON Kortus Approved Repost, w/spelling errors fixed. Reposting your face. Saran Not Approved. That backstory would not fly, as Tuoni and Hevias would have absolutely killed her for that dinner party stunt at the least.
  4. NIGHT FIVE "We're running low on food," Ehks said, having assumed control of the mob after the execution and the twisted matoran's disappearance. A hand on the deck was all they'd found of the two executed matoran, and had been the subject of conversation until now. The av-matoran paused, before continuing. "We're going to need to start rationing supplies. As it is, we only have enough to keep us going for another week at the current rate. Maybe longer if there were less of us here. But, as it is, we can't afford any more deaths." He pulled a list out of a compartment in his armor, looking it over. "I've also consolidated our numbers a bit. Lifeboat Four is slowing us down, so we should consolidate its members into other boats. New assignments are as follows." 1. Null, Vimes, Ehks, Zakaro, Shadowvezon2. Null, toakapura, Taka Nuvia, Null #43. Null, Dragon.Star, Blade, Tyler5. Null, Voxumo, Sycophantic Wizard/Piraka Mistika6. Null, Toa Chuck, KK177. Null, Nato, Luroka8. Null, Underscore, Gibberish, Hina9. Null, Forgotten Warrior, Nevermore, Daniel10. Null, Seaborgium, Darkcloud, Rider of Kikanalo11. Portalfig, Shadowhawk, Burnmad, Pulse "Wait a minute..." he murmured, looking closer at his scratched-out name. "What could this mean." "It means, everyone else get down," the twisted matoran said, emerging from Lifeboat Twelve. "Can you hear it? Tick, tick, tick..." Ehks stared at the matoran in confusion, even as everyone else slowly backed away. And then, he heard it. Somewhere in his armor, there was an odd, ticking sound. The twisted matoran cackled and stepepd back as the ticking accelerated, bringing panic to Ehks' face. Then It stopped. The av-matoran breathed a sigh of relief, a split second before the plastic explosives planted on the actuary's body went off, ripping his body to shreds and sending his list flying into the matoran captor's hands. With a shriek of metal, the lifeboat he had been standing on, Lifeboat Four, tore away from the assembled group, taking the burning wreckage and mutilated corpse off in a sort of skakdi funeral. "Well!" rasped the walking scrap heap. "This was appropriate. My mafia killed the actuary on the day he was warned about. Too bad he took so much of your food with him!" The matoran laughed, indicating the trail of soggy, ruined rations flowing behind Lifeboat Four's husk. "I think you all should make it simple. You have too many mouths to feed. Cut some of them loose." EHKS, ACTUARY, KILLED NIGHT FIVE CLIMAX LYNCHING 1: Climax lynchings occur at predetermined intervals. Instead of voting for the killer, you vote for the lifeboat you think the killer is in. The lifeboat is cut loose, and everyone in it is assumed to have died. 1. Null, Vimes, Zakaro, Shadowvezon2. Null, toakapura, Taka Nuvia, Null #43. Null, Dragon.Star, Blade, Tyler5. Null, Voxumo, Sycophantic Wizard/Piraka Mistika6. Null, Toa Chuck, KK177. Null, Nato, Luroka8. Null, Underscore, Gibberish, Hina9. Null, Forgotten Warrior, Nevermore, Daniel10. Null, Seaborgium, Darkcloud, Rider of Kikanalo11. Portalfig, Shadowhawk, Burnmad, Pulse ROLE REVEAL: The Actuary is a pro-village role. They know exactly how many turns it is until the next climax lynching. Or, well, they did.
  5. i wont fight you but ill meet you in the pit
  6. (Mobile post) I wasn't gonna say it aloud, Dragon.star, but... =p Also. Mafia, get you butts in gear and tell me who the heck you're killing. If you don't, the scene's gonna be pretty dang dull. I shouldn't have to keep this game waiting on yous guys.
  7. GM IC: As the last skakdi zombie fell, twitching, with a knife embedded in its skull, another screech echoed through the Cliffs. From over the hill, came an earth pounding thudding sound, only for the beast to reveal itself as a tiny, bipedal thing that looked like a pair of visorak slapped together, belly to belly, and no taller than a toa. GM IC: Zombie Intavus placed his sticks on his head to make a hat. IC: Xaeraz spun, searching for the source of the growl, before turning back towards the Wailing Cliffs and pointing as a large, yellow-orange dome poked itself up over a hill, a single, broken eye behind it. Dirt tumbled from the undead beast's dome, but it seemed no less angry at the intruders. IC: "Ooh!" Venix said as the comfortable silence not at all caused by a reply being forgotten was broken. "Maybe we could recreate the Flying Vs! They might be willing to help us hunt down some gems, right?" IC: "They probably are," Agraney replied. "But first, we should get YOU to the MEDICS. You may have suffered DAMAGE from our BRAWLING."
  8. DAY FOUR Manducus and Valendale shook hands as Burnmad pushed them towards the boat in the center of the ring, the horrific, scrap metal matoran waiting on it for them. The madman who the group had determined was in charge of the whole mess had offered to kill whoever the mob voted. Well, "Offered" was a bit generous. He had more accurately threatened the mob with some sort of bizarre, horrific machine built into his chest that smoked and glowed. Manducus was first across, as ordered, and brought into the waiting arms of the madman. The mafian was drawn into a hug that he was obviously uncomfortable with, even as the madman squeezed him tightly. The assembled crowd would be a bit uneasy about it, but they would be even more uneasy as the scrap on the twisted matoran's arms began to shift and move, forming blades over his fingers. There was a sickening squelching that caused everyone assembled to look away, even Valendale. When they looked back, the matoran was kicking Manducus' corpse into the water, a dripping red cord of bone slung over his shoulder as blood oozed out of the hole in the mafian's back. Valendale took a deep breath and stepped onto the madman's boat. As soon as he was gone, the crowd dispersed back to their own crafts, not eager to see what happened to the serial killer. Not that the noises left much to imagine. NIGHT ROLES PM.
  9. If all profiles that need approval would be reposted so I can look over them, I would really appreciate it. Makes my job easier.
  10. GM IC: "Ooh, Baterra are hard opponents! I fought one once, and it took my legs. That was before Mistress Masenna showed me the power of medicine, though. And speaking of, your injections are done!" She pulled the last needle from Anguish, setting it aside and grinning at him. "Now, we just need to wait for your new foot to grow in!" GM IC: Further mental assaults rammed into Falcon and Antiro's minds, before sharply cutting off as the Ce-skakdi was bifurcated. The last vo-skakdi looked around, enraged, and charged at Antiro, an axe in either hand as an unholy roar echoed across the cliffs in the distance, a distinct rumble of breaking earth accompanying it. IC: "MATORAN are RESILIENT. They can SURVIVE without ONE TOA," Agraney rumbled. "In THEORY, at least." IC: Well, the fight around her had suddenly just... Disappeared. Zeraxa grumbled and reloaded her expended shell, then slunk around behind Macchas Green! and White!, kneeling and trying to eavesdrop on the conversation they were having. Her mask triggered and changed the colors of her armor to match the ground in color and texture, making her look just like a large, rather Zeraxa-shaped rock in the arena if nobody had watched her transformation.
  11. Xaeraz

    The Names of Users

  12. Emily looks SO GOOD, too! Both in terms of "wow that is a gorgeous woman" and "wow she is wearing practical clothing for an assassin that isn't sexualized." Plus her powers look SO MUCH MORE ELDRITCH than Corvo's, which is so cool
  13. Xaeraz


    Minor change to make Makaru's comment better, so he has an actually good game in the second slot. Fallout and TES are different beasts who share an engine and a basic premise, though. Open World RPGs, but the way they handle is significantly different due to the setting and how skills and such work. I wouldn't call one better than the other, per se. But, if characters are your problem, the Bethesda Fallouts might be worth your while. There's still plenty of characters, some of which have very small roles, but there's several who keep cropping up. New Vegas is better than 3, IMO, but that's probably because it was developed in part with bsidian, who don't right quests about vampires in train tunnels.
  14. So, what is different between Roy and Marth?
  15. Xaeraz


  16. Xaeraz


  17. the only currently announced DLC fighter i'm even interested in, and it's Ryu, from Streets.
  18. GM IC: The zyglak nursed hummed to herself as she injected the various fluids into Anguish's stump, forming a mixture that would eventually coalesce into nanomachines to rebuild his foot. "So!" she chimed brightly. "What caused this?" GM IC: Falcon's arrow struck true, lodging in the skakdi's skull, toppling it to the ground, as Antiro's gust of wind knocked the other skakdi backwards. The still-standing Ce-skakdi, as well as the other Vo-skakdi, however, had joined up, and joined elemental powers. Antiro and Falcon would learn this shortly as a presence began to try and violently force its way into their minds. GM IC: Zombie Intavus picked up the broken half of his poking stick and poked the rock with both his stick halves. IC: Agraney nodded, saying only, "Hmph. I UNDERSTAND your PLIGHT. I, too, worry for the FATE of my MEN. Without my INSIGHTFUL GUIDANCE, they may IMPLODE and DEVOLVE into MADNESS." IC: Zeraxa ducked instinctively as she saw Maccha Green! dip away from the lava ball. As it was, it still grazed the top of her mask, drawing forth a cry of pain from the heat of it, even as her mask triggered and activated, her armor darkening and growing an extra layer of ablative plating. Still, she couldn't avoid the spirit arrows rushing towards her as one speared her in the shoulder. She yelled in anger and pain as the wrench dropped from her hand, and brought her other arm around, firing off a round at the attacking Maccha White! IC: Xaeraz shrugged, muttering that it had just been a suggestion. Then he paused, holding one hand up as a low growl graced his ears. "Hold on. Did any of you hear that?"
  19. Xaeraz


    since he won't
  20. Yep. What I'm saying is, I was less tired when I wrote this scene as opposed to the last one
  21. GM IC: The Ba-skakdi zombie screamed in anger as Vyne plucked one eye from its face, and began to swing blindly at the rahi. Its partner grumbled something that may or may not have had meaning, and tried to attack Vyne as well. Their uncoordinated swings would be amusing, were it not for the fact that Falcon's companion rahi was in danger. GM IC: "Aw, it's not so bad," the nurse said, prepping the first needle. "I've regrown worse! Malkon has needed my services before, and his kind are a pain to regrow when they don't have their regeneration abilities at the moment!" With a cheery hum, she jammed the first needle into Anguish's stump. IC: "No," Zeraxa rasped, almost seeming to flow around 5040 and swing her wrench up and into the path of Maccha Green's fist. "He's mine. Get your own." The fe-toa glanced back at 5040 and nodded at his hand. "Plasma. Low heat. Get it ready." GM IC: Zombie Intavus shrieked in horror as his poking stick broke.
  22. NIGHT FOUR Burnmad whistled to himself as he cleaned his new hammer, sitting atop his lifeboat under the stars. Though the rest of the survivors had given him a wide berth after the execution, be it for his slowness in killing Tiragath, or the bloodlust he had shown, Burnmad still h ad a couple friends with him. On one side, Rahkshi G was humming to himself, wondering why the sun hadn't risen yet. It had been two hours since moonrise! It should be day already. the ever impatient matoran rose, said "I'm going for a walk," and strode away. On Burnmad's other side, sat Quisoves. QP glanced after the retreating form of RG, and asked, "What's wrong with him." "RG's notoriously impatient," Burnmad replied with a small laugh. "He's been known to ask why it's not dark yet when the kahu are still singing in the trees." The ta-matoran sighed and looked at the hammer, slowly spinning it in his hand. Then, satisfied with the shine, he turned to QP and offered it to him. Qp didn't reply, so Burnmad frowned and reached out with his hammer. He gave QP a tap, then gasped in horror as the matoran keeled over, a knife protruding from his back. "A fool to the end," rasped the shambling matoran from the center boat as he approached Burnmad with one friend resting on his shoulder, chuckling. "My poor coward, dies second of my entire mafia. A shame he didn't live long enough to be your last foe." He laughed, and turned to his companion. "What do you think, Tex? You're a detective now, aren't you?" The matoran shook Tex's form, laughing cruelly as Tex seemed to sway. With a grunt, the misshapen matoran dumped Tex on the boat next to QP. "You know, Burnmad, I never believed in the power of love," the matoran said, sitting next to the petrified hammer wielder, a cigarette dangling from his metal lips. "But Tex and QP proved it. When I told Tex QP was going to die, his poor heart just gave out." "wh-what the karz do you want?" Burnmad whispered. Their captor merely shrugged and pointed to where Rahkshi G stood, staring out over the ocean. The serene night was suddenly shattered as a loud crack echoed across the boats and Rahkshi G crumpled, a new hole ventilating his head. "Another matoran dead. assemble the survivors, Burnmad," the matoran said, standing. "Try and find my men, I dare you." RAHKSHI G, MATORAN, KILLED BY MAFIA QP, COWARD (MAFIA), KILLED BY SERIAL KILLER VOLTEX, DETECTIVE, KILLED BY BROKEN HEART (tied to QP. When one dies, so does the other.) Trial for the murder of RG: Manducus Null 1 Toa Chuck Dark Cloud Rider of Kikanalo Trial for the murder of QP (And Voltex, by extension.) Daniel Valendale Pulse Dragon.Star Null 1 ROLE REVEAL: THE COWARD! The coward is a scared mafia member, who cannot be sent out until he is the last member standing.
  23. GM IC: "Oh, sure, let's see," The zyglak said, grabbing a remote and flipping it to the Sota channel. The Sota Games popped up, in all their amusing we-had-four-contestants-Ko'd-in-five-seconds glory. The medic's eyes popped and she gasped, "The games are on!" GM IC: Another bolt of gravity lightning snapped out at Falcon from between the skakdi assailants, even as Falcon's arrow rammed its way into the ba-skakdi's jaw. The monster groaned, snarled at falcon, and pointed a finger accusingly at the glatorian. Sort of. With its supremely dextrous zombie motor controls, it was pointing all around the glatorian, more than at him. IC: "I am AGRANEY," the nocturn said, "Leader of the TAKEA'S BLADES in the SOUTHERN ISLANDS. We are some of the SURVIVORS of the GREAT SUNDERING, and we take what we NEED or WANT." His arms folded, and he inquired, "And what do YOU do, TOA?" IC: "Whoa there," Zeraxa rasped as she stood from where she had crouched at the start of the round, one revolver drifting up to point at Agent 5040's back as a pipe wrench rattled in her other hand. "No sudden moves, bucko. Plasma?"
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