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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. Hard one....another?

  2. You have no idea where you are, do you? You are in the Wall of Stars.


    They explains the satelliate.

    Am I awesome? =P

    But don't you love Roodaka?

    You saw Star Trek?

  3. Nice new name change...

  4. How you get so distraced so easily.


    Ladies first. Or how about I sing Sweeney part and you sing Ms.Lovett parts?


    *dreams about pacman*


    *gives you a sponge*


    *goes in*


    That makes sense though why not make a trap like in Looney Tunes?


    Video games are like books, movies, and are short!




  5. traveling through the time-space cont.


    I hope you feel better, Emkay. I'm sure he was a great man.


    I want some Phazon...


    Lol, No. xD

  6. You don't get! Diesases don't brign happiness, they only bring pain and suffering.

  7. just wait for us to fiinish then you can join! just wait

  8. Hey have the ike pic up there. Not Link!

  9. Just in my 11th year of school and playing some music. Just asking, what do you write about?

  10. Finally! *pokes Naedai* How are ya?

  11. I still yet to see it. Though, I read info on the blonde one, seh is hilarous.

  12. No, not yet. But I will sooner or later.

  13. He is on top of your head...


    *shakes you* How about Metroid Prime theme?


    You are a lie.


    I want a toasted Emkay, sorry...


    In return, here is what you get:http://www.majhost.com/gallery/ToaTaka/Samus/zss4.bmp


    I said I will see District 9.


    *releses a butterfly* Look at the butterfly!


    No, I realize

  14. =P


    and a little help with Phazon.




    I saw D9 new trailer.

  15. I know that. also, nice new pic. Fry=Epic win.

  16. you scare me, D-exo.

  17. That's a sercet. No one is suppose to know that the black smoke is a villian.

  18. I've returned from the depths of *insert fire place here*...to do battle with you.

  19. Nothing much, how about you?

  20. Techo is ok. What are soem of your fav. bands?

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