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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. You fail me again, STARSCREAM!

  2. Who is that anime chick in your sig?

  3. Nuthin much. What up?

  4. lol, so yea...how are you?

  5. Those who do not know the danger of wielding power will, before long, be ruled by it...Never forget that.

  6. Now I get why the guy said: Oh ######.


    Yea. xD And the chicken fight.


    Cutting the cake? ^^ =P


    Are you a somewhat Tomboy?

  7. Well, in their will, they said to give anything to me. So give me the sets!

  8. thats sad. *steals Lewa's Lewa Phantoka*

  9. Linebeck, an amazing captain.

  10. She is cute. What can she do?

  11. Emkay sits in her heartache, waiting on some beautiful girl to save her from her old ways. She plays forgiveness now watch it now! She doesn't say a thing like Jesus, but she walks like a lady, like she imagine her when she was young.

  12. lol. I win. So what do I win?

  13. Oh, nice. How many comics you wrote so far?


    =P Have you seen any new movies?


    But I need someone to review it, before I send it to you...

  14. Can you show me it?


    I can drive ya.....

    Hop on the seat! =P


    Umm...who would win Sweeny Todd or Krika?


    OMG! *bows down to your* My majecty....

  15. Yup, though I might not get it...

  16. What's up?

    By the way, name's Whispers....


  17. Nice Luigi avater. Hello there. I'm Pit.

  18. lol though I didnt finished my spanish reading.

  19. Cloud? nice though I dont know much about him. I am still a dead sinner.

  20. *is still hugging ya*


    AhhH! Here!


    I dunno...maybe... maybe not... *Runs*


    Finally, she is mine...


    Stop stealing my words! Anything else My highness?


    No, not really cause you didn't help me when I was frozen...


    Party time! *dances*


    Also, can you give me your frien

  21. lol....whoa that lot of bands/singers over there...

    where is rise against?

  22. @ Kallista: Cause Resev are fun to shoot...

    Glad it aint angel season...

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