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Status Updates posted by WhispersAngels

  1. That's cool. Where I live, I want the snow to melt.

  2. Oh no, you have be infected by the T-virus. So wats new?

  3. I did. Thanks. So wats new?

  4. Hey would you support my epic by reading it and commenting it?

  5. Are you guys ploting t ooverthrow Ka-Chan? :P

  6. You're Moc are good. Do you like Aliens like ur sis?

  7. Lol. Hey you are one year older than me. Are you Catholic?

  8. Have you played Resident Evil 4?

  9. What kind of music do you listen to?

  10. Oh, I don't have a sony, but I want a 360. Are you a fan of angels?

  11. 269 point test. It's preety good. Though I want to see Be kind Rewind. Do you like angels?

  12. It's Kirby. Look How cute he is. *Steals kirby from Ka-Chan*

  13. Yea they look cute. But Pit is one aweome angel.

  14. Cool. How does the Le-Matoran look? Have you played the smash bros series?

  15. Sorry I havent comment back. Huge Geometry Test. No, I think scary movies are boring. Have you seen loverfield?

  16. Yea, Im into angels. I know it's a fallen angel, but its look cool. Also,

    the Ice assassins

    look intense.

  17. Your a fangirl overs aliens like Ridley, Aliens, Elites, and etc. rigth?

  18. You know that castle siege is a stage not a place?

  19. No, but I want to. Is AVP2 good?

  20. The black wings or the white ones?

  21. only played Halo 1 for computer.

    Yes Ridley is awsome. Did you know that

    Ripley sounds like Ridley almost? Do you like AVP?

    Seriously , never knew that. Yes, it;s a good movie. Though I haven't seen number 2. Also, Ridley is Super Smash Bros Brawl as a boss.

  22. I only played Halo 2. Fun game, but short.

    Isn't Ridley awesome?

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