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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kraahlix

  1. Hey hey! Thanks for coming to MakutaFest!

  2. Hi. =)

    1. Mesonak


      Uhh... hi. :P


      How've things been going?

    2. Kraahlix


      Depends on which things you're asking about. Life in general is pretty bomb. Yourself?

  3. How did you know what I needed? :S

  4. May be a day or two or three but thanks for the heads up!

  5. Where's the official BSS topic? Am I blind? @_@

  6. Added you on messenger if you want to talk for a minute

  7. Thanks for your ATYU2 vote!

  8. Thanks for listening. =)

  9. Thanks for the ATYU2 vote!

  10. Thanks for your ATYU2 vote!

  11. Thanks for the ATYU2 vote, bud.

  12. Thanks for using our banner!

  13. Maybe it wasn't posted on BZPower, but I got it from their RSS feed.

  14. Yes, I think it came out last night.

  15. Nice job on the podcast. =)

  16. Your personal statement now makes sense.

  17. Kayru and I did. =) Check out my blog and read the story about it!

  18. Lol. Nevann: Greg does not read his comments. Mr. Cupcake: Hey Greg. xD

  19. Sorry bones, these trips keep sneaking up on me. I will get around to judging more entries someyear ='D

  20. *Shrug* I specialize in krwning and awesomeness.

  21. It's still public knowledge.

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