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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kraahlix

  1. Er... You used to be a boy..................

  2. You'e a bit late EW, I'm on post 1076 :)

  3. I thought of you a few days ago when I glanced at a clock made by the brand "Omron". I would have taken a picture, but I had no camera with me.

  4. Your avatar = coolness ^_^

  5. Impressive... Most impressive.

  6. :P

    Your stars are stubborn, friend.

  7. He never said you couldn't, we want to know if you have a reason. I hate it when people lower stars for no reason.

  8. How many polls have you made Pollitan?

  9. I just mean 'yes' or 'no'. It would be very annoying if you had no reason to do it.

  10. So pretty much undoing everything I've been trying to do. Any particular reason you lowered him?

  11. It will be a big waste of time if this ends up doing nothing.

  12. I'm trying Vezon, believe me.

  13. What should I do for my 1,000th post peeps? Shoot me some ideas.

  14. So, I hear you're cool, huh?

  15. *Cricket*

    No, it was a joke, I said it was also for answering questions because I was answering your question about what the comment section is for. It really is mostly for silly comments :)

  16. Congrats on your soccer skills.

  17. not on a site without forums.

    His V-B was 'sing'.

  18. I see it now, it's a hand puppet! The ears are really the thing's arms, and the pupetteer's fingers! And the puppetteer has very pale skin...

    Oh, and the puppet is facing away from us.

    Am I right or what?..... :P

  19. Indeed. This seems to be going around:

    "Hey look, this guy seems nice and helpful!.... How about....

    Hmm... 2 stars. *click*"

  20. A comment I left on his profile :P

  21. Hey, that card game sounds interesting... Good luck!

  22. Yes, it's for answering questions.

  23. Superpoll = bad. Pollitan = ?

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