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Artezza Magnus

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Posts posted by Artezza Magnus

  1. I'll be sure to give it a try the next time I feel up for some survival, then :)Its been awhile since I've completed a proper project in singleplayer. Its more than a little overdone, but I really feel like building the Temple of Time from Ocarina of Time. Anyone else working on a creative project right now?

  2. EDIT: And then I checked my version of Hamachi, I can only have four other people on the same network. Sorry folks, looks like that fell through.
    Its too bad port-forwarding isn't easier. Had to resort to Hamachi for the map me and my friend build on, which means I haven't been able to incent my cousin into joining.
    Meanwhile, in my Technic run, I have now succeeded in synthesizing Dark Matter, which immediately went into my Energy Collector Mk. 2. To get the diamonds for that (and for remaking the armor I lost in the Nether) I have been clear-cutting the forest around my house, slowly feeding tons of plant matter into my Transmutation Tablet.A somewhat more efficient method presented itself recently, though - there's a Bandit Tower somewhat closer to my house than I might ordinarily like, and their iron armor is a pretty high-yield ingredient for transmutation. The best bit is that they respawn nightly, so I have a reasonably steady supply.
    Whats your opinion on the technic pack as a whole so far? I enjoyed Equivalent Exchange on its own, so I've been thinking about trying it, even if I have to abandon Swords+ for awhile.
  3. But how does that work? *Is confused* I thought you'd have to be able to transfer the save file from your comp and back...
    For Pokésav, that seems to be the only method I can think of for using it.We had a debate on another forum about RNGing, and one point that kept coming up was that RNGing was far closer to using IV calculators and the like than it was to hacking. Hacking is introducing/changing something in the game that you're not meant to change. RNGing is nothing more than taking advantage of the way the game calculates its not-so-random values.Seems Gamefreak can't create an RNG thats actually random, which is the real problem here.
  4. ^ I'm having the same issue. If its all servers, its probably an issue on Mojang's side. I remember this happened once before.Also, I've tested the mapper/moderator thing out, and heres the test:http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/7418/outputmu.pngOnce things settle down/get set back up, I'll probably travel around and record as much as I can.Edit: I just noticed, but why does the word filter keep turning the first three letters of moderator into...well, moderator?

  5. Theres still someone hacking into chests. I set up a chest, and the protection was removed. The only people online in that timeframe were Mickbuilder, Mushbuilder, originalskater, comander_shepherd (Edit: Innocent), and Strokk. Strokk also accused Mushbuilder of raiding.

  6. I lost about a stack and a half of iron, about 14 gold and a couple of diamonds (and oddly, one stack of redstone). Theres also two things missing from my block chest, but I've no idea what they were.This is disappointing. I've never seen such mass griefing on the server before...Edit: Its Bushy! I see him building in BBCCD's home!Edit2: Hes also this "mayor" thats been griefing other parts of the village, as well. Unconfirmed, but it seems Demon is on his side.

  7. i vote we MERGE the two maps. this means world editing the old locations to the new map. some things, like the hub, can be single building moved over, other warps can be wholesale dumped over.
    Would that even be possible? It doesn't sound like something that could be done without a TON of recoding.
    No recoding involved at all. Just use the original server setup and use MCedit to export stuff from one map and import it into the other.Tbh, though, that would be extremely impractical. It'd be far easier to just take the continent from the new map and dump it in the old one. Moving all the creations over from the old map on a case by case basis would take forever, and you'd have to sort all the terrain mismatches.
  8. mmm....eeesh..Uh.. hmmmm let me figure this out.yeah Multiverse will take some time to config. And may make things abit laggy. and hard to work with.but we will get the old map back.I want to Poll this... but I think PM's will do!okay - PM Me a message with subject "I want multiverse" if you want the old map back.and "I don't want Multiverse" if you don't want it back and are content to start again.Or "I want the old map back" if you just want to scrap what we just started.if the seccond option is chosen after 48 hours. All the people who have asked for Creative to help rebuild will be granted for a week.
    It says you can't be sent any PMs.
    Either way, I have an idea for a little project of mine, if it's all right with you, Nav, but it'll have to wait until Saturday. Why, you ask? Because that's when Pokemon B2/W2 come out. Muahaha...............Anyway, I want to build Black City/White Forest. I know it's not explicitly BIONICLE-related, but then again, neither is the server.
    This is the CoT forum, Bionicle...technically isn't the center of focus on this part of the website. And there can never be enough Pokémon builds in the world. Or any world, for that matter :3
  9. i know that continuous circuits die in multiplayer maps when no one is nearby, is that part of your problem?
    No, both maps are in singleplayer. I used worldedit to copy my sky vault into another map, and for some reason its broken in the copy and not the original. I've inspected them both, and the only difference is that two of the redstone torches have their settings swapped. Removing the lit one and replacing it fixes the other, but as soon as the toggle button is used it gets stuck turned on again. There seems to be no other difference to the original either, just these two disobedient torches.Edit: @Above: Wasn't Demon Baby the guy who killed the old map with the mushroom ball...?
  10. Ugh...I used World Edit to move my Sky Vault into my main map, and now the door doesn't function properly. The idea is that when you press a toggle button outside, the wool blocks along the walls retract and are replaced by glowstone and a piston door opens at the end of the hall, but for some reason the door now just opens back up again. I remember having an issue like this before, but I can't remember how I fixed it.IIRC, this is the part that controls the togglehttp://img710.images.../testimagej.pngNotice anything that may have rendered differently when it was copied over?Edit: Nevermind, just opened the original map and realised one of the torches that should be lit isn't...Edit2: Ok, I fix it, but it just breaks again when I use the button.

  11. Unfortunately, lava doesn't flow away the same way as water. Even without a source block, it'll stay there. Someone will have to go there and get rid of it for you.That is, if the game doesn't detect the danger and plop you down on the floor above it. Thats happened to me a few times when I used /back after falling into lava in the nether. But I haven't thoroughly tested this, so...yeah, probably not worth trying.

  12. When I logged in after coming home, the minecart track in the desert tunnel was finished. So...whoever finished it, thank you very much. And thanks to Unit who helped carve out the rest of the tunnel, and Wilfre who donated minecart tracks.I'll probably move the rest of the spare tracks somewhere other players can use them, if anyone wants to build a cart track. Can't think of anywhere else to use them right now. If anyone needs some now, they can have first pick.

  13. Who built the bridge from bz metru to my wall/house?

    Er....that was kind of my fault. I was aiming to build a bridge between BZmetru and the desert, couldn't see your house on the way because it hadn't rendered until late.Its not actually finished, to be honest, since I built it too high I can't build underneath. If you want, I can remove it.
  14. AGH, mental limitations...I forget its physically impossible to not take breaks.Anyway, has anyone seen the most recent snapshot with the new jungle temples? I like how they're adding all of these new pregenerating structures. I also like how they added an emerald block for the new ore...now if only they would add a redstone block things would be perfect! I tend to get far more redstone than any other ore on mass mining sprees...

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