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Artezza Magnus

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Posts posted by Artezza Magnus

  1. Same. I've always wanted an Ice dragon pokémon, but Kyurem's normal form is...quite pitiful looking. Like hes half-crippled.I think they underestimate him though, purely because he hasn't got much in the way of physical stab. With a mixed set, hes virtually the best wallbreaker in the entire game.

  2. Er... That's hardly vanilla. You edited those portal blocks in. Nether portal blocks can't be placed next to each other in vanilla; the block updates and realizes it's not in a portal, and destroys itself.
    I usually use Vanilla to refer to worlds that have no modded materials in them. As far as editing goes, I usually never use it for more than creating solid walls - any more than that sucks the fun out of building.
    EDIT: Graaaaaah hate the Gem of Eternal Density. Accidentally dropped it into my "EMC Targetting" Alchemical Chest, and it ate all my items. <_< Fortunately, I closed out of minecraft without saving and was able to recover (and essentially got "free" EMC to boot, as it saved my inventory but not changes to the chest inventories in the world), but from now on those little buggers are reserved ONLY for normal chests, to prevent a repeat occurance.
    ...couldn't you have just as easily used the transmutation tablet to get the items back when you needed them? Or am I misunderstanding how the Gem of Eternal Density works?Edit: Out of curiousity, I looked up a few Tekkit servers. A lot of them have Equivalent Exchange disabled, on the grounds that its too overpowered. But the only place that this should matter is on faction and pvp servers - but for some reason those type of servers are the ones that DO have it enabled. Makes no sense to me at all.
  3. Taking a little trip back to my vanilla world, to finish the adjustments to the sand/forge village. Afterward, I made this.http://www.majhost.c...y.cgi?i=3467842Unfortunately, I had to break all the other nether portals in my map (including tnting the portal hazard facility in the southern village, on a whim...still have to clean that up) in order to get this to function correctly, but it was worth it. Trying to decide if the replacement End Portal should be a long drop or a "Lake of Ender" to put the starry texture to good use.

    Starting to mess around with Mystcraft. First randomly created world is a darklit world thats apparently composed only of ice plains, taigas and extreme hills. Sweet :) no weather though, so snow won't replenish.
    If/when you figure out the symbols for that, please tell us, it sounds AWESOME. :biggrin:
    The symbols it generated were small biomes, Ice plains, Taiga, Extreme Hills, Dark, No Weather, Slow Time, and Standard Terrain. I've a sneaking suspicion the world may be unstable, though, because I keep getting lag spikes, but they're fairly minor so I could be wrong.Edit: Scratch that, the world is DEFINITELY unstable. Eh, I guess the symbols can always be used to recreate a more stable version of it later.
  4. Who here has seen Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood or Gurren Lagann? My two favourite animes. Hoping to watch Soul Eater later this year.Currently trying to watch Digimon Xros Wars and Pokemon Best Wishes, since I fell out with pokemon's anime in Gen 4 and I've been putting off catching up with Digimon for ages.

  5. Having some issues getting my 3ds to connect to the internet since we changed routers. The error code is 003-1102. As usual, I did all the steps from Nintendos help site, and as usual, they didn't work.Anyone else encountered this error and could guide me to solving it?

  6. The light puck concerns me. How do they intend to deal with Taboo Noise in the port?All in all, the PR for this was horribly handled. Heck, the backlash across the internet might not be so bad right now if it weren't for that tweet that said there was more to the announcement than met the eye (which turned out to be a bare faced lie).The redrawn art and music are so good, though. I'd definitely buy the soundtrack CD if I could.

  7. Ymper is right, purifiers are the perfect way of destroying taint. Filters are somewhat worthless if you're concerned about the atmospheric taint level.For some reason Rubys, Saphires and Emeralds have suddenly decided to no longer have item sprites for me and have become pink squares. After flicking through NEI, many other redpower related items seem to have the same issue, though not all of them.

  8. I took a leaf out of Alex's book and created several small arrays for the purpose of charging Klein Stars. That Alchemy Tower I built awhile back? Filled it with seven small arrays after I learned about buildcraft pipes, and each one produces and diamonds, which flow into a single charging array at the bottom. Its kinda mesmerizing watching them flow downward...

  9. I'd suggest just building a giant pumpkin farm, to be honest. One sufficiently large enough can net you a constant supply of pumpkins. I can make well over a stack when my farm is full, and they've usually started growing again by the time I'm finished harvesting them all.Alternatively, you can shove them all into your transmutation tablet and turn them into items worth less EMC (a stack of pumpkins is just a little over enough EMC for a diamond), so you could probably mass produce something like leather.

  10. For those who are interested (i.e. no one) I fixed my refinery problem by powering it with steam engines fueled with charcoal from my condenser. This is after pumping a volcano dry disappointingly quickly, so much so I'm beginning to lose faith in lava as an energy source.
    Not interested in using the infinite lava source set up, then?
  11. Right, quick buildcraft question.I'm planning to build a refinery and I'm wondering what to use to power it, I'd like to use lava with a geothermal generator and energy link but there's no volcano within easy reach so I'm shelving that idea for now.So what'd be a better energy source to use?
    You can make an infinite lava source witha Volcanite Amulet, Deployer, and redstone timer. You need to supply redstone to fuel the amulet, but mass amounts of redstone aren't hard to produce with EE.
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