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Artezza Magnus

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Posts posted by Artezza Magnus

  1. I also had mapping issues what a server related map. Me and friend share a map that we call Carthage. When I tried to map it, it would either not load, or it would be far bigger than it should be. We would end up with a small continent where we built, then vast, emtpy areas stretching out to chunks that just should not exist: Tiny, isolated spots, with absolutely no land in between there and the main area.Speaking of which, I want to move a tower from that map into my singleplayer map with MCedit, but its taller than the height limit from ground level to sky. I've decided to either make a giant crater in either the forest or the jungle, or place it in the ocean and put up a mini blockade around it to prevent the water from leaking in. Problem is I don't know how to make a believable impact crater, and was going to use the crater for another idea, and my past experiences with water have been...less than pleasant. Any ideas?

  2. Random question: what are you guys' skins? Mine is the Iron Man Mk. III armor, but after seeing The Avengers, I need to make a Mk. VII skin. Friggin' beautiful. Come to think of it, I really need to have skins of all the armor versions.Oh, and yay for the history section.

    My skin is myself, including my favourite jacket, but with an added logo on the back (which is unfortunately getting a bit small for me...).Occasionally I might use the Johto Pokémon Trainer or a skin of Takanuva, though. Neku Sakuraba is another favourite skin of mine, but I haven't used it in a donkeys age.EDIT: Dear lord! I just got a silk touch, efficiency 4 iron axe. I'm sticking this in a chest until its needed...
  3. So I've now got ten "homes" on the server...

    • [*]Main Fortress[*]Tree Fort[*]Sand Fort[*]Snow Fort[*]Lava Fort[*]Lily Fort[*]Cave Fort[*]Nether Fort[*]End Fort[*]Shroom Fort

    Any other "important" or unique locales I should worry about to make an outpost? :P~|ET|~

    What about Grenthor? Or the inside of a ravine? Or in the map for the far southern temple?Still working on my goal to get a creation in each Koro, but its not that difficult. Might make a second creation in Po-Koro since all I've got there is the suva :/
  4. I'm wondering what half the visible stuff on that map is, I can see the coliseum and ta koro but I have no idea about the bottom most grey square.

    Its a giant temple in the progress of being built by one of the mods.And wasn't the map bigger before? I could have sworn we had Invi's prison on there...
  5. I'm fully aware of that Alex. I'm just saying its not going to be as catastrophic within the modding community after every update.

    To put it as an example, say a modification uses item A and function A. Jeb adds function B, which uses item A. The modder now has this item being used for something unexpected, and it's possible the way the coding goes that it'll break. And then it's also possible nothing will happen at all. So good over all, but definitely not a 100% certainty that it'll work.

    Doesn't that depend on whether or not the item itself were to have some of its code altered? If my understanding of Java is correct (though I'm barely ankle deep in it, schoolwork devours all my study time) the item would normally be in a .class on its own, and the new function shouldn't cause a problem unless it was similar to the other one.Coincidentally, saw read that point about Optifine elsewhere today. Makes me wonder just how much the new API will allow modders to make use of the source code.
  6. I think its a concept thats beyond of the inhabitants of the MU. IMO, the "glitches" that gave them their freedom are probably what allowed the teasing and such, but weren't really enough to go beyond what their understanding of romance would be. I'd imagine its probably because of Unity. The Three Virtues were kind of embedded deeply into their minds, and the apparent romance could be explained away by the glitches still not being able to go beyond what "Unity" would have been defined as.Kiina exists outside the MU with the other Glatorian, so these rules don't apply to her. It would still be realistic to believe the attraction to be more romantic than what would have been displayed in MU inhabitants. Heh...I wonder what a Matoran or Toa would say if someone tried to explain romance to them?

  7. 1. Have you changed since BZP came back?In some ways, yes.2. How have you changed?I no longer have focus. I can't concentrate on anything anymore, for some reason. This is bad becausse I'm also in my final year of secondary school, and the mountains of work are really frustrating me, especially because more than half of the seven subjects I'm doing right now are completely worthless for my career path. I'm also sad because my teen years are nearly over, and I feel that I've wasted them...I've never had the chance to really let loose and enjoy myself. I hate this negativity I keep breeding in my head.I'm also not looking forward to the next year. Its going to be a year of massive changes and challenges. By the time June ends, everything will be changed forever, and we'll all be moving onto the next stage of our lives. I'm frightened I'm going to lose several people I really care about...3. Have you noticed anyone else change?Haven't been around often enough to notice lately.4. *insert pointless question here*No, androids don't dream of electric sheep.

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