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Artezza Magnus

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Posts posted by Artezza Magnus

  1. @Cobui: The thing is, Nav supposedly still has the 2.0 map...he just refuses to give it to us. I started messing with world downloader in anticipation of its return, but Nav turned out to be lying and put in a fresh map altogether. Either way, it seems all of us have cut our ties with the place at some point or another, so we can't exactly just pop in and ask him for it.@Flipz: I'm not quite sure if the pumps are necessary. I remember creating a massive conduit the last time I messed with Thaumcraft that spanned several hundred blocks, and it seemed to travel the whole way across, as long as the chunks were loaded. If you're still trying to separate Vis and Taint from your last post, you can create two advanced vis valves, and set one to allow only vis and one to allow only taint. The Vis one would travel to your conduit, and the taint one to whatever system you have for cleansing taint.But it would be far easier to just carve out a workspace, yes.

  2. Trying to learn C++ right now, but I keep getting distracted by things. I've got the basics, but I'm in dire need of practice. I tend to learn faster with hands on experience, does anyone have any links or ideas of how I can learn programming through "doing" instead of just through instruction and notemaking alone? It'll probably help me engage with the subject properly.

  3. I've been taking a break from Thaumic devices since destoying the nearby taint spot, personally. But I'll be sure to keep that in mind when I get around to building the Thaumic facility on the other end of my portal.Turns out that infinite lava source requires you to put redstone into the deployer with the amulet. Doesn't seem to accept alchemical fuel, for some reason. Still, not that hard to create infinite redstone with other methods.

  4. Once you have the Purifier and advanced valve researched, you can pretty much make your regular Thaumic activities completely taint free regardless, if you set it up in a loop with a pump. You may need some bellows to keep things moving, though I'm not entirely sure. If you can mass produce tainted crystals in someway, then once you have Concentrated Evil you can destroy atmospheric taint at your own leasure.I've stumbled upon a method of creating an infinite lava farm and am making a mini quarry experiment. It involves using a redpower deployer, a redstone timer (if thats what its called) and a volcanite amulet. Currently going through the buildcraft wiki looking for things of interest.Does anyone know the name of the special crafting bench that tells you what you can make out of whats currently in your inventory? Or is that only in Tekkit?

  5. I spend most of my EMC making my second array. I've just been leaving my Klein Star Sphere in its mini array to accrue EMC while I get materials to start crafting all the alchemy items.In the meantime, I'm breaking from the theme of all the small buildings at my base and I'm building a tower of alchemy, where I'll be keeping all my equivalent exchange stuff from now on. I'm also contemplating dismantling my arrays and placing them in there, but I might just leave them where they are to avoid the hassle. Theres not much to it at the moment, just a large transmutation circle drawn into the ground with wool.

  6. So...woke up this morning to check on the Far Lands or Bust livestream to see how far Kurt has gotten to the Farlands, since he promised to open F3 at the end of the livestream...turns out Wolfie randomly disappeared during the livestream. Apparently they tried several things to get him back, but nothing worked. I feel strangely sad :(Edit: Anyone seen the new item frames that will be coming in the next snapshot? Apparently you can even hang maps on walls, which I've wanted to be able to do without mods for ages.

  7. It seems the taint levels in the corrupted region have finally dropped to terminal levels. All the tainted land is dying off and reverting to its natural state. I may have to create one more piece of concentrated evil to get rid of one small square area that doesn't want to shift, but other than that, I'll be replanting the destroyed jungle pretty soon.I've also found another jungle far up north, and have created a thaumic portal between here and there just outside of it. Theres nothing up there yet, though. Right now I'm just trying to think about how to build my home area to be interesting while still keeping with the tunnel/node motif.

  8. Be forewarned, it could take ages to clean up that patch. You have to drop the ambient taint level to prevent it from just recreating itself. The method I've been using is a Vis condenser with concentrated evil equipped, filters and purifiers attached to it and absorbing the taint directly out of the air with tainted crystals. It works, but its slow. Thinking about making a second crystallizer to corrupt crystals with.Been thinking about just spamming the place with purity potions for the the heck of it just to see what happens, but I don't want to waste my silver leaves...

  9. Agreed. When I entered the final world, I found that one wrong move would end me. It felt like such a jump after the two previous worlds. Ended up levelling both Sora and Riku to over 40, though thinking back I wouldn't have needed to level Riku for Anti Black Coat, after obtaining a dodge command for him that lets him shoot across the battlefield enveloped in shadow. Of course, the bosses after that probably would have still destroyed me, but thats beside the point.How many optional keyblades are there? I know theres the ones for beating the secret boss and getting gold in all the dives, but apparently theres at least one more I haven't learned about yet.

  10. It was a real sore spot for another forum when Deoxys lost to Mew. Much rage was had, since they dearly want a revival for Deoxys. As long as Arceus lost, thats really all I care about. Hes had so many giveaways in comparison to other legends in more recent years that all the complaints surrounding him about catching him are becoming tiring. Plus its a real sore spot for me personally, since they never officially released the Azure Flute, which has been worsened since only one of the four event pokemon this gen even seems to have an ingame location for you to battle them. I've always loved legends for the encounters, rather than obtaining. But it seems they're starting to phase that out with Event legends.

  11. I've completed the Obsidian barrier around my home and have flattened the area within to make room for several more buildings for when I need to make them. Found a large Silverwood tree and harvested it, then rebuilt it as two separate trees back at base.I also returned to where the taint spot is and set up a two-wide cobble barrier around it. Unfortunately, I was unlucky enough that it had spread into a jungle, and I ended up having to destroy half of it before the taint took hold. I'm now working on planting some crystals at my base and getting that item that lets you break off small pieces at a time, so I can begin the process of devising a plan to reduce the ambient taint in the corrupted area.

  12. Don't worry, it'll still work when Minecraft is updated. The Technic launcher is contained in a completely separate folder from the Minecraft one in Appdata.Not sure about the Silverwood...my plan is to use shears to obtain the leaves and logs and rebuild them nearby, until I can do enough research to create Totems of Dawn (or whatever they're called, its been a long time).

  13. I've been making small buildings for each major moderator type and constructing tunnels to connect them beneath. All of the basic stuff will be contained in one area. Anything accident prone like a Nuclear reactor will be placed further away, but it'll be quite some time before I have to do that.I'm working on creating a relay and a condenser to mass produce obsidian, to wall off the area, so I can mark the boundaries for this specific territory. In the meantime, my energy collector is turning coal into mobius fuel to create my destruction catatyslt.

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