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Artezza Magnus

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Posts posted by Artezza Magnus

  1. I remember when they first teased us with those screens of the Voya Nui Online Game. We were all so intrigued. For me personally, it was great - a way to dive into the world of Bionicle to make the story your own, rather than walking in the shoes of another.


    My own personal candle of hope for the serials has been snuffed out with this news. But hey, we still our fan communities - we can keep Bionicle alive for awhile longer. The power is ours now.

  2. To be fair, the Griseous Orb is a simple hold item. The DNA Splicers have a background and legend attached to them.


    I figure at the very least we'll have a Gracidea-like npc, but they'd certainly be more interesting. A scientist or archaeologist or something a little more interesting than a random flower person. Or maybe someone like Drayden, or found in some ruins.

  3. Kind of turned off by how they've given Mewtwo a female seiyuu. A change is to be expected, its been a LOOOOOONG time since he appeared in the anime, but theres should be no reason its voice should go from being masculine to feminine.


    Unless its a different Mewtwo, though the chances of that happening are slim to none.

  4. I (edit: don't) understand the point of the carpets, to be honest. Its also kind of odd they made new saddles for the horses, instead of using the existing one. Maybe they want to keep the old one rare(ish)? Like the Haybales, though. Even if they don't have a use yet, they'll make a nice decoration for farms.


    Haven't seen the launcher in action, but after reading Dinnerbone's post on a site we or may not be allowed to discuss (I honestly have no idea) I'm pretty excited about the advancements it'll bring.

  5. I was excited that Overclocked was finally getting a European release, but when I went to the only remaining games shop in my local area, what do they say? "Never heard of it."


    I was so angry, until I found out about the major bugs in the EU release.

  6. While I haven't been banned myself, I have to agree 48 hours is too harsh of a ban for something so minor. I've never been on any forum or website that goes to such extremes.


    In games, the worst I've ever seen is a temporary mute, which is a far more appropriate punishment.

  7. Indeed. The 3x3 door with the sand block in the middle that I've used for my ender fortress now pops off as an item when its opened and closed e.e though I'm thankful thats the ONLY thing thats broken with my redstone contraptions. I can live without it.Edit: Oddly enough, the first thing I did after the update was update bits of my texture pack I didn't like. Despite the fact I rarely use it.Currently just messing around with quartz. Redstoning comes later.

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