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Freddy Mallins

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Status Updates posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Her, it's a he!! How dare you offend the Shade Muaka with gender confusion...=P

  2. Hey are you ever gonna get Windows Live Messenger/MSN? If you don't feel like downloading it, btw, talk to Vahkiti....he found some sort of service that runs IMs online, without having to download it.

  3. Hey LO, I'm need some help - do you have any custom-made Toa bodies that I could perhaps get instructions for? I want to MOC a Toa or something similar again, except my only resources are Inika builds and I'm tired of using those, but I can't do anything custom on my own, yet...halp?

    1. BrickPharaoh


      I don't mean to intrude, but I think I have some interesting torso designs that I can show you, that is only if neither you or LO minds :)

  4. Hey, another WoW player? What server you on?

  5. Hey, are you still working on your Lego Final Fantasy project? If so, can I please help? I'm playing FFVI right now - I've just gotten Setzer in the World of Ruin, and I am now cruising around trying to find Locke and Cyan. Nice tatts, btw. =)

  6. Hey, Ballom. Anything new on your epic MOCs? I can't find the topic anymore...=(

  7. Hey, because you're still an Inhabitant, I couldn't send you the PM, but I'm a co-host on a podcast show called the Three Virtues. On this week's episode, I reviewed your MOC, Toa of Plasma. Here's a link to our topic (I don't think the link to the episode is up yet, but soon it will be) - http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=323250

  8. Hey, can you see my new pic, or is it just a squished version of my old one?

  9. Hey, clean your inbox, that way I can send you the appearance. Or if you'd like me to post it in the topic, that'll be fine, too. You know what, nevermind I'll post it in the topic. Just clean your inbox!

  10. Hey, could you please link me to a full-sized version of your personal photo?


  11. Hey, do you have any MOCs? I was wondering why Vahkiti put you on the Project Unknown list...

  12. Hey, do you wanna make my B-Day topic on here? I'm giving you first-grabs. =)

  13. Hey, don't make fun of my ingenuity! =''( At least Vahkiti liked it....

  14. Hey, don't mess with her! Why aren't you on MSN anymore?

  15. Hey, don't tell ME what to think about them. I actually think they're quite nice; and they're preliminary, so don't get your hopes down, either.

  16. Hey, Haru hasn't told you about another site he Mods at, has he? Just wondering.

  17. Hey, I added you to my Windows Live Messenger; do you use that any? =P

  18. Hey, I haven't talked to you in awhile. What's up?

  19. Hey, I need to see some of your MOCs (to see if Vahkiti made a wise choice of putting you into Project Unknown). Can you comment or PM me back some links? Thanks.

  20. Hey, I'm gonna add you on Windows Live/MSN. That ok?

  21. Hey, I've not talked to you in awhile. Nice Kopaka MOC, btw. =)

  22. Hey, if you're a Colts fan, do you live in Indiana, too? (I hope I'm not the only one =P)

  23. Hey, it's Clayman! I love that game.....=B

  24. Hey, just a question, but did you base Viridan off of Mandalorian battle armor?

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