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Everything posted by Zorrakh

  1. Actually, I guess I should say that with correct grammar, so... It was nice meeting you at Brickfest. :P

  2. It was nice to see you at Brickfest. :)

  3. Alright, then. Thank you for letting us know.
  4. Well, I still think he's the best, even if he's not Austrailian.
  5. Article 43: Aye, there are many species that are lacking names in Bionicle, so I support it. Article 44: Aye, we need some more backstory to the characters that already exist, and this would be a good way to start. Article 45: Nay, it seems to me that this Kanohi is one that a Toa woulden't have, since it is deception. Article 46: Aye, then there would be another way to access one's Rhotuka power.
  6. The Gecko. He's the original mascot, he's smooth, as was stated above, and he's Austrailian.
  7. It was nice to meet you too. :)

  8. Happy Birthday! :D

  9. Happy Birthday!

    Is that really how you pernounce Vezon? :P

  10. Zorrakh


    Yes, the Tintin series is great, that's my favorite series after Bionicle. Captain Haddock is very funny. I also started reading a relatively new series called The Chronicles of the Imagnorium Geographica, by James Owen. All I'll say is if you like Tolkien, you'll most likely enjoy it.
  11. Ouch. Don't feel bad, Kohila, there are others that are worse than you, trust me.
  12. Alright then, revision #2: Aye to all Articles.
  13. Very well. Article 46: I think that since the effect is permanent and that a mask power is something that is undodgable, unlike a Rhotuka spinner, I say no.
  14. Article 45: Undecided It seems to me that the same concept can be accomplished with a Great Mahiki, and so I think that there would not be a reason for this Kanohi to be brought into C.I.R.C.L.E canon. 46: Undecided Would the effect be permanent?
  15. Curses, there are preliminary polls. #1 12. Jetrif #2 5. Xravlek Good luck, everyone.
  16. I eventually will. I wasn't able to recover my topic through the cache.

    And official topics don't die, so no need to worry.

  17. Zorrakh


    You could use that for lyrics.
  18. I bet Tahu doesn't. Live and Learn by Steve Conte.
  19. For the Rahi Control element, at least, the user of the Kanohi could take a nearby rahi as a 'host', as long as he concentrates.
  20. Very good. Entry Picture Entry Topic Xravlek is a lower-class Steltian, like Krekka. But, unlike the rest of his class, he is intelligent. When Makuta Gorast attacked Krekka, Xravlek left with him. He was recruted into the Shadows of the Sword sometime after. Instead of relying on brute strength to force himself out of problems, Xravlek uses the strength for speed instead of brawn, and even then his blows are strong. As well as massive strength and speed, Xravlek also has the ability to fly and create energy web traps. Xravlek wields two large swords. Is that too long of a bio?
  21. I haven't entered a contest in a while, and now would be a good time. If I get inspired by something, I'll make something new, if not, then I'll be lazy.
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