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Everything posted by Zorrakh

  1. Zorrakh

    I Keep Forgetting

    And I keep... Um... Ah... Curses, I can't remember...
  2. Zorrakh


    I think it's time to get off the road, even though you're on the other side of the Country. Happy Birthday!
  3. Zorrakh


    I finally beat Boss Battles on Intense! Marth is defintely the way to go if you can dodge Tabuu's Off-wave. It's very easy to beat the other bosses if you're good at Counter Attack. The only hard bosses (aside from Tabuu) are Duon and Porky, the latter being the hardest because the missles that Duon fires do an extra bit of damage when you use Counter Attack.
  4. So, in the BZPRPG I've got something big planned out, if you even care about what I do. Anyways, I'm wanting to start work on a three-foot tall Rahkshi, a Turahk, to be more exact. Anybody have any ideas as to how this could be done? I'm willing to listen.
  5. You're in the spotlight. :D

  6. I was at Fencing last night and we were playing a foam game (which is where there are two piles of blue and white strips of foam at opposite corners, you have to pick up a white from the opposite side that you started at, walk back and pick up a blue on after you have dropped off the white piece where you started, then walk back to where you picked up the white foam and you win the game), and all of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in my head. It was amazing, that sensation of the secret of something being unlocked all of a sudden. And what popped up, you may ask? Well, the dodging and reposting, also known as voids, all made sense to me. It was too bad that shortly after that bulb went off the class ended, but I have something to look forward to next week.
  7. The book has language it it, just to give you fair warning. It's a good book, but as I said, there's cussing.
  8. This is a great movie. If you have watched it and liked it, you have good taste in movies. I am listening to the Hymn of Red October, and it is a wonderful piece of music. Truely wonderful.
  9. I can possibly. I'll take a look at the Rubic when I get the chance. I have dishes to wash. EIDT: Just finished sending it. I spent at least two hours typing all that information.
  10. So... you were busy? Good luck on the Eagle Project, and if need help, just ask, since I've been down that road and I've learned a lot from those meetings.
  11. You know, they've got images of the new Hydralisk on the Starcraft 2 website.

  12. Hi, how are you doing?

  13. I love the new name and the personal photo. :D

  14. I give a big thanks to all the staff members that made the return to BZPower possible. Thankfully, I have kept myself busy for the time it has been down. I have been working on beating 100-Man Brawl with all characters on Super Smash Brothers, and if that is completed, the game awards you the Blue Alloy Trophy, which I have unlocked this evening. My sisters completed it with some of the characters, but I had the honor of completing 100-Man Brawl with most of the characters. One of my other activities that I ahve had fun doing (and still am) is actually working on Bryce 5.5, a powerful landscaping tool, in which, hopefully eventually, I will be able to create virtual Bionicle pieces. It is a great tool, and it's not too difficult to use. I have also registered for Community College, and I will be taking the Begining Piano course. Hopefully my sister will be able to attend as well. That starts this Monday, as well as school. I have also completed Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on Normal difficulty, and sometime I will try it on Hard before I do Extreme. Of course, I have made some MoCs, but unfortunetly the A: Drive is not accepting the data on the disks, and I have something so cool to post... Ah, well, I will get to eventually.I hope you have all had a nice Summer, and I hope you all have a good school year.
  15. You really don't like that acronym, do you? :P

    It's been going slow due to time being spent helping out at VBS, but I want to start getting back into the swing of things.

  16. Three days ago, my sisters, my dad and I went to GameStop, bought a GameCube controler, and a game called Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. But when we got back and started up the Wii, we found out we needed a GameCube memory card. Thankfully we were able to get one off of Craigslist, so now we can save our game. It's a great game, but it's hard at some parts, like when you have to fight Revolver Ocelot.
  17. Would Kraata inside Rahkshi spines count as pilots?
  18. How's the gun you bought?

  19. Aye to Article 135 Aye to Article 136 Aye to Article 137 Aye to Article 138 Nay to Article 139. It seems that an inter-dimentional war does not fit into the BIONICLE Universe or in the C.I.R.C.L.E Universe. Nay to Article 140. Same reason as stated in Article 139/ Aye to Article 141 Aye to Article 142 Aye to Article 143 If anyone needs to know why I voted the way I did, please PM me.
  20. I like how you transfer to different subjects in your interests. :P

    And I hate broccoli and brusselsprouts, too.

    Maybe we could make banners saying "I hate Broccoli and Brusselsprouts". :P

  21. Aye to Article 119a. It sounds much better than the previous version. Aye to Article 127 Aye to Article 128 Aye to Article 129 Aye to Article 130 Aye to Article 131 Aye to Article 132 Aye to Article 133 Aye to Article 134 If anyone needs a reason for why I voted the way I did, please PM me.
  22. Xarkhan, Makuta of Marak Nui. Thought to have been killed many years ago, but he is in fact still alive. The only other Makuta who knows this is Bitil. Never mind, it seems you already have it down.
  23. Wow, your blog hasn't been updated in a while... :P

  24. I have come to a decision on Article 119 and have voted nay, because it does not seem that Makuta need it to communicate via technology because they use telepathy.
  25. Zorrakh

    Agents Of Chaos

    Velox, just so you know, I don't think the staff will allow multiple Kanohi, so you may want to ask first.
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