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Everything posted by Zorrakh

  1. If you could, please explain why you vote nay?
  2. Zorrakh


    Have a good time! Summer Camp is fun, but I can't survive for a week camping unless I have to.
  3. I actually think 'Organized Chaos' would fit well, since that's what it is.
  4. I don't know, it makes me, uh, want to go pilage, plunder, and loot for some reason. Maybe we should do something centered around the Hau, since that's the symbol of hope for the Matoran. Maybe it could be banged up, scratched, and a huge chunk taken out with flames around where the chunk was.
  5. Hmm, I think I missed that part... *blush* I think I'll go for the Jack Nicholson-kind, if no one minds. OK, I'll create a new character, comepletely restart. Except I'll bring myself along to the new planet.
  6. If you don't mind another person joining, I would like to. I used to be part of the BZPRPG when Marc Spector and Deadpool were in it, if you've ever heard of them before, but you probably haven't. But I do have experience RPing, if I need to to convince you. Names, names... I don't mind Agents of Chaos, but that would mean they'll be a few Joker charatcers as members. How about: 1. Force of Tomult 2. Force of Turmoil 3. Medium of Dissorder (Actually, that's a contradictory name ) Just suggestions I'm throwing out if anybody cares to listen to them.
  7. Probably not. Sorry. If you need an expanation from me as to why, just let me know. They're probably going to pass, anyways, so you do not need to worry.
  8. Nay to Article 120. Unfortunetly, I'm the kind of person that likes to keep the Rahkshi and Toa abilities separate. Nay to Article 121. For same reason as above. Aye to Article 122. I'm guessing since it says 'Toa of Water', it is not reffering to Toa Nuva (more specifically, Gali Nuva) , unless I am mistaken. Aye to Article 123. I actually might use this one in my Epic, if I ever start it. Aye to Article 124. There should be more myths and rumours in the BIONICLE Universe, since it gives more depth to culture and such. Aye to Article 125 Aye to Article 126
  9. Thanks. Aye to Article 113 Aye to Article 114. Since the population is so high and with other beings coming in from other domes, I could see the war lasting for that long. Aye to Article 115 Aye to Article 116 Aye to Article 117. To clarify: yes, the punishment is mostly oriented at those that are using it against authority figures, such as toa (or toa team), turaga, leaders, etc., and there are those in leadership systems that do not appreciate that. This is more than just a word, as it does mean that you are pure evil given form, or are born from the darkness, or you only serve your dark causes are other ways to put it. But as in the case of the Toa Horrakah, Makuta Xarkhan bestowed it upon them because of their origins and his experimentations on them. Aye to Article 118 Nay to Article 119. It seems to me that since Makuta can already communicate via telepathy over somewhat-great distances, there seems to be no need for this.
  10. You're welcome. You can find some great deals on there, and I mean really great deals.
  11. Well, what I mean is that I'm going to use one of the lesser-used types of pieces into my next creations. In fact, they will be the main focus of the MOCs, and that kind of piece is The Gear. I'll probably be starting after I finish PBZP T. I have seen hardly any gear-oriented MOCs; I actually haven't seen any at all, and it is a field I wish to expand on for myself. do you have any sugestions for things that could be made? I have some ideas, but I would like to see what others think.
  12. No, I'm not selling this. I picked this lot up last week from a post on Craigslist, a good place to look for great deals on Bionicle, and I got it for $40. I also got a Hau and Hau Nuva, a Pakari and Pakari Nuva, a Kaukau Nuva, a Akaku Nuva, a Miru, several Krana and two Kraata. There were also a few Lego pieces and two one-gallon bags worth of K'NEX.
  13. I love the avatar. :P

  14. That's about life-sized, too. Too bad you couldn't put in a little speaker that shouts 'hey!' every 5-10 seconds. OK, so here's the people that qualify for the Legend of Zelda MOCist Guild: 1. Aeori 2. Ultimate Kardas If you know anybody that would like to join, then just let them know. Now that I'm NOT busy after today, I'll be able to get back into the swing of things and send out PMs.
  15. Aye to Article 33a Aye to Article 34a Aye to Article 35a Aye to Article 37a Aye to Article 106 Aye to Article 107 Aye to Article 108 Aye to Article 109 Aye to Article 110 Aye to Article 111 Aye to Article 112 Concerning C.I.R.C.L.E. Expansion: Tohunga Tahnok, Exo-Fat, --V--, .Carbon, Legend of Lesovikk and Rhas, I hope you enjoy our company, or at least tolerate it.
  16. I will see if I can find the time to read and review, I'm just busy because I'm still working on my BBC entry and helping with an entry in another BZP contest, but I will try. I should also be able to find time to start writing my epic, which I've been putting off for a while. :blush:
  17. I would like it to be Bionicle, but I can make an exception, O Wise and Powerful Omi.
  18. Zorrakh

    Joint Ideas

    Roa has said that the Av-matoran torsos work very well for her, since they have many connection points. I suggest a bigger-scale Icarax connection point, but there are those gaps that don't look too good.
  19. Hi, how's it going?

  20. Can we expect it to suck? *Takes that comment back before I get my head bashed in* I want to see what you're going to do with that, since it has so many, um, possibilities, I guess that's the right word to use. Maybe you should put some purple in it, just to show the set designers how cool the color looks even on a bio-mechanical camel.
  21. I'll be starting your request as soon as I can, so sorry you haven't heard from me. I've been working on my BBC entry. :D

  22. OK. Are you going to BrickCon later this year? I might be going to that, too.
  23. Yeah, why did you think I was suggesting it for? My Mom was, uh, pushing me to get it done, but I didn't resist too much. One of my patrol members earned it when he was 14. Oh, and you also like Tintin? So do I. It's one of my favorite series. I actually own the first and last books. I've got a feeling there will be a lot for us to talk about the next time we see each other. Are you going to Brickfair next year? The one in Washington.
  24. OK, so here is who we have so far: Approved: Aeori Waiting for MOCs: -Zaxvo- Airoski Ultimate Kardas I'll be sending out PMs to let you all know, just to get things going.
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