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Status Updates posted by Zorrakh

  1. You're in the spotlight again. :D

  2. I'll not be on BZP too much for a little while dealing with family matters at home, so please PM me if you need anything :)

  3. Probably Coruscant or Mygeeto.

  4. I like how you transfer to different subjects in your interests. :P

    And I hate broccoli and brusselsprouts, too.

    Maybe we could make banners saying "I hate Broccoli and Brusselsprouts". :P

  5. Do you have the internet hooked up to your Wii?

  6. I think it's because I joined six months before you. :P

  7. Ah, there we go. I thought I sent a request to you some time back... But it's settled now.

  8. When you select Wi-Fi from the main menu (when you're hooked up to the internet), after it's done connecting, select With Friends - then Friend List.

    At the top right, there should be a code, that's your friend code. I type that into my Friend List, then I put a nickname for that user (you). I send you my Friend Code, you type it in, then put in a nickname.

  9. "Iron Maiden! Excellent!" :P

  10. Yeah, it was at some convention several days ago. :P

  11. Hi. I just finished reading your interests just now. :P

    It was nice seeing you at BrickFest; I'm sorry I didn't indroduce myself. I'm not a talker, I'm a do-er, and that sometimes makes me bang my head against the table, thinking "WHY DIDN'T I SAY ANYTHING?!" XD

  12. If you can let me know when you have room in your PM box, please let me know. Thanks.

  13. Just make sure you've got time to read them, they're looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.

    I'm not kidding. :P

    I really love mythology, it's very interesting how people in ancient times made stories to explain how things work.

  14. I love that movie. :P

    "Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200!"

  15. I actually know what a Taiko is, sort of.

    I only know what it sounds like. :P

  16. How's the gun you bought?

  17. Congrats! I'm an Eagle myself, and it's completely worth it to finish.

  18. Good. Just come to Ta Metru at any time and join. :)

  19. I'm going to be taking a break from BZPower for a while. I'll look at my PM box occasionally, so please contact me that way.

  20. No, I wanted to know if you knew about BFX 2.0.

  21. Wait, do you have SSBB?

  22. I use Paint Shop Pro 8, and thanks and your welcome, and hello. :)

  23. They're going alright, I guess, thanks. :)

  24. How's it going?

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