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Takuma Nuva

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Status Replies posted by Takuma Nuva

  1. i remember you

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Also, your analogy is completely irrelevant. A starving dog isn't starving because it did something wrong. You, on the other hand, were banned because you DID do something wrong.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  2. i remember you

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      There was absolutely nothing wrong with what we did; we were in the right. We have a responsibility to our community to keep things civil and enjoyable for everyone. That means no idle threats and no special treatment just for you.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  3. i remember you

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      If you were "hurt" by the fact that you were banned, I'm sorry, but you still have nobody to blame but yourself. The rules were laid out clear. You were warned. There was no "confusion". You simply insisted on continuing your behavior despite the warnings. Actions have consequences, no matter how much today's world may try to convince you otherwise. You took the actions so you suffer the consequences. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what we did; we were in the...

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  4. i remember you

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      This is the dumbest thing I've read all day. My "philosophy" isn't wrong. It's proven. "Spare the rod, spoil the child." People don't learn through coddling, they learn through instruction. They learn through discipline.


      Also, I said NOTHING about striking, hitting, or anything of the sort, so don't put words in my mouth. Disciplining doesn't have to include physical pain (though it is irrefutable that pain is an excellent teacher).

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  5. Mind if I ask who drew your avatar? _Because it's really, very good._

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      It was a fan over on the TTV Message Boards by the name of Toafactory.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Lies are a coawrds only defence, and that defence is fragile.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Given the number of lies you've just been throwing my way I'm inclined to agree with you.

  7. TTV is ironic, they claim to be "The Three Virtues" but they don't follow a single one.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      That's one doozy of a lie that I planned for a year and a half ago.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. TTV is ironic, they claim to be "The Three Virtues" but they don't follow a single one.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Check it. We DID rebrand to simply "TTV" and we did so for completely logical reasons. As stated in episode 100 of the podcast which was released May 18th 2014, we wanted to steer away from such a name as "The Three Virtues" because it could be misleading and/or confusing to others who weren't familiar with Bionicle lore. The word "virtue" has religious and moral connotations which in no way accurately represents the fact that our content is based on a construction...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. TTV is ironic, they claim to be "The Three Virtues" but they don't follow a single one.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      So let me get this straight: You start out by saying you "have no heat" with me and then turn right around and slap me in the face with accusations of cowardice and dishonest fabrications? Did you ever stop to question that perhaps it's precisely this disgusting behavior that gets you into trouble in the first place?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. TTV is growing, and they still don't admire too, nor treat their fans with respect, compassion and understanding. Ugh. Why can't they just die?

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      I fully acknowledge that it is unfortunate that such a degrading message was sent with a complete disregard for being professional. The sender of that e-mail did so without our authorization and, in fact, is no longer under our employ. Still, your vendetta seems to be against individuals of the main cast itself so I fail to see what bearing this has to justify your actions.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. TTV is ironic, they claim to be "The Three Virtues" but they don't follow a single one.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      We rebranded. "TTV" doesn't stand for "The Three Virutes". It stands for "TTV" and that's it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. TTV is growing, and they still don't admire too, nor treat their fans with respect, compassion and understanding. Ugh. Why can't they just die?

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Right, nobody at TTV threatened to have you banned on BZP because that is a ludicrous statement. The only person on the TTV crew with any power here is me and all I can do is help moderate the blogs. You want to continue with your bravado and libel? Go right ahead; I can't stop you. At least be truthful about it.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. alright , I'm actually reconsidering joining Bzpower . Do not be shocked if I'm soon inactive for days , or even weeks

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Suffice to say, the pop-up is more to avoid liability on BZP's part than to make it a free-for-all when it comes to members linking. Heck, it was only after we got the pop-up that we started allowing members to even name YouTube and other streaming sites, other forums, and other things you'd think ludicrous to outlaw. But the target demographic for Bionicle is quite young so we have to be stricter in what we do and do not allow.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. alright , I'm actually reconsidering joining Bzpower . Do not be shocked if I'm soon inactive for days , or even weeks

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Oh, well, crud. I believe I said something along the lines of "It may very well be that you didn't realize it was there when you linked it. I couldn't tell you exactly which link or what the exact wording was because, as I said, I have nothing to do with those reports and had no reason to remember specifics.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. i remember you

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      You know what happens with kids who are acting rowdy and wild? They're disciplined so that they learn how to behave.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  16. alright , I'm actually reconsidering joining Bzpower . Do not be shocked if I'm soon inactive for days , or even weeks

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      If it's alright, I'd just like to make sure we're clear on something. Member reports regarding profiles, sigs, status updates, and etcetera are not my jurisdiction; I have no power outside of specific blog situations. I couldn't do something even if I wanted to because the buttons don't show up. That being said, I can see reports that come in. You seemed confused about that particular event so I merely attempted to help you understand the situation. It may very well be tha...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. i was just accused of having homophobic content on my profile ? now i have been issued a "point" ? what ? so im being falsely accused of stuff i did not do ? ummmmmm .....

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      It was not led to by one of your links; it was directly in there. This is against the rules. Just because we have a pop-up warning does not exclude you from them.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. i was just accused of having homophobic content on my profile ? now i have been issued a "point" ? what ? so im being falsely accused of stuff i did not do ? ummmmmm .....

  19. I had forgot how agonizing it was to make photo comics back in the day.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      New Bionicle has me legitimately considering doing photo comics of my own once I'm outta college in May.

  20. "There's more magic in a baby's first giggle than in any firestorm a wizard can conjure up, and don't let anyone tell you any different." ~ Harry Dresden, Fool Moon

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      What if the baby's first giggle conjures up a firestorm? :bigeek:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. So cold... tea time...

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      I have found so many long-lost siblings of mine on here, my parents have some real 'splainin' to do.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  22. So cold... tea time...

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      How could a member of my own family say something so HORRIBLE?


      We'll have to make some major changes around here...

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  23. PHP and Java: The Art of Exploding Toasters

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Somehow I feel even more confused than when I walked into this...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. PHP and Java: The Art of Exploding Toasters

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      I'll be learning PHP the second half of the semester and I have a fascination with toasters. Please elaborate on the correlation.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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