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Status Updates posted by Catora

  1. Ze... Zeddy? Is that really you? Lol, when I searched for you, you were nowhere to be found =P Guess I now know why that is =D

  2. The one where they tested Hollywood heist myths... Magnets, suction cups, locating security lasers, that kind of thing :D

  3. Hey Xana. What's Up?

  4. Li'l Tom Marvolo Riddle ( That's the way it's spelled, right )? =P 'Cause in the Bulgarian versions of the books, he's Tom Mersvoluko Riddle O-o Lol...

  5. That's correct, it's a Tanuki/Raccoon Dog.

  6. Why not 11 or 12? =P

  7. I like your new personal picture ^_^ What are Axel, Roxas and Xion doing?

  8. It's going faster than I would be comfortable with... I'm reading Shakespeare's Hamlet at the moment; reading it is incredibly worthwhile and fun ^^

    On the 23rd July, I went to a concert in Kavarna and I saw Leaves' Eyes, Epica, Doro Pesch, Tarja Turunen and Atrocity (in order of appearance :D)

  9. Hi, Wazzzuup? Yo, Where's Dukey XP

  10. Yeah, I remember that one xD

  11. Hey there! I havent heard from you in quite some time... How's life? :D

  12. Ooh, I have to see that... I love anything Gothic.

  13. By the Mother Moon, Zahd, what happened to your PE?

  14. Hey there :3 What's up?

  15. Gratz on becoming a Staffie, Turakii. =)

  16. Heh... xD Never mind, then =P

  17. =P Wewl... Erm... I meant "Kewl" xD

  18. Lol, AWESOME =D

  19. Yo, where's Dukey?

  20. Ooooh, you named your change, eh? XD

  21. Oh... Ok... Sorry if I offended you...

    Thanks for the photo comment =D Did you see Orochimaru's feet XD That rocks :D

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