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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Meiko

  1. Meiko
    Hey guys so in my further ventures of cleaning out "old" stuff I've been accumulating over the years I've got some unopened LEGO sets that I was looking to see if anyone had any interest in. Please note I'm not selling any of these yet and might not any time soon. I'd just like to know what any of you would be willing to pay for these. All are brand new in their packaging.

    40084 Accessory Pack (x2) - 2013

    Exclusive Tahu Mask - 2014

    1668 Special Offer Trial Size - 1992

    9440 Venomari Shrine - 2012

    5002203 Radio DJ Robot (x2) - 2014

    9557 Lizaru - 2012

    850487 Halloween Accessory Set
  2. Meiko
    Who's up for a preplanned TF2 event on the BZPower server I'm hosting? How about Saturday evening/night EST?
    Server IP has been changed, for those who have to old IP saved:

    Hit me up on Steam if you're interested, as I'll have to make sure the server is set up and able to handle enough people. Give map suggestions in the comments, and let me know if you want to participate (or if a different time/date would work better for you.)
  3. Meiko
    So there was this awesome Chima display somewhere in Korea. Here are some pictures.










    And Ninjago if you are interested:



    So what do you guys think?
  4. Meiko
    I remembered I have a blog here.
    If you didn't know, yesterday was my birthday. Thankful it wasn't on Thanksgiving this year like it was last year.
    This came in the mail yesterday. It was super fun to build, especially since I was on the Creations For Charity 24 hour live stream while I built it. I'll be reviewing it on Brickipedia soon.
    The live stream was a lot of fun. I was in it for around 13 hours out of 24, with some sleep in the middle of it. A lot of fun people were on it too including Josh and Matt from Beyond The Brick, Kevin Hinkle, Nannan Z and various other great MOCists, Bryan from BrickWorld, and many others.
    I've been listening to Korn and Five Finger Death Punch songs an unusual amount lately.
    My first semester of college is almost over. Most memorable moments so far have been completing Crysis 3 over the course of all my Student Development classes, countless hours of GTA in Biology, and back to back Family Guy episodes in English class.
    I can now legitimately call myself a professional automotive and portrait photographer having made decent cash on various photoshoots recently. You can follow my photography on the following sites: 500px - Facebook - Instagram - Flickr
    About a month ago I was in a bad car accident where a large deer ran into the car. No substantial injuries (except for the deer), and the EMS, police officers, and insurance agent were all surprised that, given the conditions, I kept the car under control and everyone inside safe which is good though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm looking at buying another car soon.
    At the start of this month, the LEGO Ambassador Network launched, being my first official year as a LEGO Ambassador. It's been a great privilege.
    I've almost certainly left some things out but most likely nobody reading this cares (and frankly I don't either).
  5. Meiko
    I'm proud to announce a new network for LEGO fans and sites (primarily wikis, which is all we host at the time, and plan to host): Brickimedia! Brickipedia, the popular LEGO wiki hosted on Wikia and several other LEGO Wikis have moved to Brickimedia by today, completing the current network of the sites.
    I did a lot of work with some people I just met when starting this project to set up the server and the wikis. If you're curious, the interface and experience may be similar to what you know on BS01, The Ninjago Wiki, or other independent wikis. Brickimedia will be cooperating with many other sites, including sites like Brickset to integrate information from the Brickipedia wiki to bring a more unified, easy, and complete online LEGO information on various sites you visit.
    Sites like BS01, Brickset, The Ninjago Wiki, or The Chima Wiki won't be moving to Brickimedia, but will support each other as 'partners'. I plan to talk to Black Six some time this week about what can be done with the Brickimedia network to make it BZPower-friendly, and what could be integrated on the sites.
    More information regarding the Brickimedia network can be found at http://www.brickimedia.org and if you have further questions, be sure to ask in the comments.
  6. Meiko
    So today is the official launch of The Chima Wiki, however we have not yet made a universal database between The Ninjago Wiki and The Chima Wiki. Therefore, those of you who have a TNW account already, sign up on TCW using the exact same username and password. This will protect your account from being corrupted if anything goes wrong when we make a new database. Those of you who sign up for the first time on a BrickCraft.me site, go ahead and sign up on The Ninjago Wiki using the same username and password as on TCW.
    If you need any further assistance, let me know!
  7. Meiko
    Last blog I left off at the start of the public days of BrickFair. Nothing particularly special happened on either day. I did, however, get a delicious fish.
    Recapping on the weekend, I told myself not to spend any money at BrickFair this year because I have other priorities to spend my money on. I successfully did not spend any money on LEGO. However, taking into account the wings, taco bell trips, gas, and fish dinners, I spent over $100. Woops. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    At the LEGO Group Q&A at BrickFair, Kevin made me take pictures since I'm a "professional" photographer. Unfortunately these were people that I was photographing and not cars, so they're not exactly all spectacular photos. There are some great photos in there, but then there are also the goodies (including this good one I took) that we can turn into more Kevin memes. Keep an eye out on the LAN Blog and Kevin's Flickr for some of those photos.
    I spent most of BrickFair with my bros at Beyond The Brick so keep an eye on their YouTube channel, as I made a cameo appearance in several of their videos (including the Christmas of Creation building activity brought to you in part by Brickipedia).
    I also just found this dank photo of me at the Organizer's Dinner that Kevin got.
    In other news, a friend told me to read The Fault In Our Stars (I'm only a few years late to that right?) so I did. I have revoked her privilege to suggest books to me for the time being, as I do not wish to be hit in the feels like that.
    *abrupt end to blog*
  8. Meiko
    Oh my goodness, Chima is awesome (the TV show).
    The characters are amazing.
    Lagravis is awesome. He's like god and kicks butt.
    Longtooth is like... how can I make this appropriate... kick... no bad... he's donkey 8D (Actually that makes me kind of want a donkey tribe)
    The ravens are really, let's say "simple minded". Not much going on under the cranium cap there. Makes it pretty funny.
    The gorillas, or at least Gorzan, are such hippies. Gorzan sees the battle and is like "Groovy". Also he seems a bit... high. No honestly. He seems to be acting like King Kong (heheh gorilla jokes) or something and needs to come down a bit.
    Crocs are awesome. Cragger is awesome, and his flashback story is great. Crooler... Oh my I didn't know LEGO would make such a seductive character with some appeal for "older audiences". Let's go with that.
    Wolves seem pretty cool. I really like Worriz's character. He's evil, and not a cheesy evil. He's evil, he knows it, everybody knows it, and it's a really cool evil.
    Didn't see many eagles, but Eris is soooooo cute. Her voice and the way she acts. It's adorable and attractive.
    Also, the "Legend Beasts" are awesome. More or less they are natural lions that never harnessed chi long ago, and didn't evolve like the others. "Legend says they will return when Chima needs them most." They are AWESOME, and I want a LEGO piece for the lion Legend Beast.
    Anyways, the show is pretty awesome, and if you couldn't tell from the things I did my best to tone down the coloquial terms which I'd be able to describe it better with, it's entertaining for any age group. Hopefully the terms I used weren't too bad.
  9. Meiko
    So I've been having this killer pain in my tailbone, and it's gotten so bad I can't walk or sit without pain. I went to an urgent care center and they diagnosed it as a pilonidal cyst. So long story short, I might be out of school for a while, or at least gym. If it worsens, it'll require surgery. .__.
    Also I'm working on Toy Fair 2013 recapping for The Chima Wiki. Stay tuned for that, though this recent complication may get in the way of that.
  10. Meiko
    First off, Happy Easter everyone! Go eat chocolate and watch bunnies even though that has nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ.
    Also, tomorrow is my 6th anniversary of joining BZPower! Why does it feel like it's been longer than 6 years?
  11. Meiko
    So I can't join it? Wow this store app on the site sucks. I didn't buy it, it says I did, and now I can't actually pay for it. What a let-down.
  12. Meiko
    A flashback scene about when the animal tribes turned against each other. Also, we don't have a name for this lion yet.

    The totally awesome Lion Fortress:

    Cragger entering his Chi state:

    Worriz, the leader of the Wolf Tribe:

    The beautiful Crocodile Fortress:

    The entire Lion tribe:

    My favorite image, of the floating island:

    Eris in flight:

    I get more of these daily, so if you like these, I can share more. I have to say, the animation quality of Chima is much better than that of Ninjago, especially when you look at the image of Worriz.
  13. Meiko
    So, a contact of mine at LEGO is getting some beta accounts for Legends of Chima: Online for some of the TCW Staff, including me.
    I won't legally be able to share screenshots or videos of gameplay until the game is out, though, so... yeah.
    I'll keep you updated. I can't wait.
  14. Meiko
    Anybody interested in playing tomorrow night? I might make it a regular thing on Sunday evenings. 9pm, feel free to come early or later.

    ^ there's the IP. There will be an invite thing to everyone in the BZPower Steam group. Is mvm_mannhattan and mvm_rottenburg good?
  15. Meiko
    Title mostly self-explanatory. I'm considering hosting a BZPower TF2 server. Anyone interested? It'd be on the east coast (Washington DC area), so for those a significant distance from there, be mindful that you wouldn't have the best ping.
    Some things I need to know:
    First of all, who is interested?
    Should I leave it running 24/7? I have no problem with doing so, just want to know though.
    Should it be password protected?
    Should there be occasional scheduled "events" that would be planned ahead of time?
    What kind of map cycle should there be? What maps do you like?
    Any SourceMod plugins that should be used?

    Also, if you aren't already, be sure to add me on Steam.
  16. Meiko
    So apparently my purchase of a membership isn't in the system, according to Black Six. Thank goodness I have the PayPal order receipt to prove I bought that. I'm not going to re-purchase something like this, let alone something I have to continuously pay for every year. I hope this gets resolved soon. Has anybody else had problems like this with the BZPower store?
  17. Meiko
    is awesome
    So I pre-ordered the game last night at midnight, and have been playing it all afternoon. It's so awesome!
    I took screenshots too:

  18. Meiko
    As many of you have likely noticed, The Ninjago Wiki and The Chima Wiki are not accessible.
    The reason for this downtime is that we just bought a brand new server, with much more RAM, bandwidth, and space! The downtime wasn't planned to be this long, so I wanted to give you an update if you don't follow any of the sites' social network pages.
    When the sites come back up though, everything will be the same, and the site will be much faster than before.
  19. Meiko
    Yeah, so now I'm premier, and that also got me Premier Outstanding BZP Citizen at the same time.
    I'll probably update this every now and then.
    Blog name courtesy of Sumiki and Zaath at BrickFair. I almost called it "Life of George" since my first name is George, and Life of George is an awesome game (even though it isn't compatible on my Android *rages*).
  20. Meiko
    This weekend I had the privilege of going to KidsFest in Richmond. Even with my pilonidal cyst making it annoying to walk or sit, I had a good time. Sometime once I finish Toy Fair coverage, I'll put up coverage on The Chima Wiki.
    With permission from Black Six, since I reached my Flickr upload limit, here are all of my photos on The Chima Wiki's Facebook: http://fb.me/1x9zhik8M
    The Chima section was really fun. It seemed quite popular, though I suck with Speedorz (I'm practicing though), but the kids seemed to be good at it.
    I got me a nice KidsFest Tour T-Shirt, 2 large Ninjago posters, a Legends of Chima Laval poster, a Legends of Chima Cragger poster, LEGO Club and Club Jr. magazines, and an exclusive Friends comic. I also bought 70100 Ring of Fire (review here), 70503 Golden Dragon, and 70013 Equila's Ultra Striker. My dad bought two Horizon Expresses as well.'
    Overall, it was an incredibly fun experience. Now I understand why tickets sold out so quickly, and boy was it a large, crowded event. I'm definitely going in the future.
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