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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. OOC: You'll have to post your profile in the discussion topic (The Cantina) for approval from the staff before you can play.
  2. Instead of a full-blown reveal, a group of Witch-Hunters might better (equally secretive but devoted to ending the threat posed by Wizards to the natural order).
  3. Then followed by years of creating regulations. Glorious books of policies, laws and regulatory frameworks. An official faction of Witch-Hunters would be fantastic.
  4. Doesn't mean make the plot go in exactly the same direction.. It was entirely intentional. If you have a problem, make a better Dragon Ball RPG. Not everyone is aware of Dragon Ball Online, so it could be a fresh experience. I also admitted to using the same plot and structure in the past, in case you couldn't tell. I swear, no one wants to help me! A rather confrontational response.Personally, I am a fan of Dragon Ball. I've found that putting in an extra bit of effort to make a semi-original premise does wonders for personal morale, fosters a sense of ownership in the setting and generally makes for a better RP. Brainstorming ideas for a premise also helps create a stronger team spirit/general direction amongst staffers. @Harry Potter discussion: The international side of the wizarding world might be fun to play out. An international body policing wizarding would draw in Aurors from Europe, and allow us to imagine other international approaches to "Wizard Cops." Dark Wizards, and even Wizards illegally using their abilities in the Muggle world could make for some interesting foes too (how did a no-name company end up in the Fortune 500 in three years flat?).
  5. Well, I have no questions aside from the one raised by my esteemed colleague, Ymper. Approved. Zann post coming up soon.
  6. Jiming - Wow. You basically copy-pasted the plot and structure of the RP from Dragon Ball Online's Wikipedia page.
  7. That is precisely why. Sensible, normal and privacy-minded. Who knows what really lurks beneath the surface?
  8. IC (GM IC): "The robbery of the Glittering Sky has astounded law enforcement agencies, and the Jedi. As it stands the only identification of the swoop gang that brazenly raided the casino comes from a distant traffic droid. The much of the image is unclear, but if you look carefully, you'll see the trademark bright blue skin of a Chiss-like humanoid, likely a female, based on her buil-" Chask Far'fella paused the holonews report and frowned at the image. At thirty, the Equine Jedi Master was one of the youngest members of the Jedi Council. He trotted around his desk and down a set of steps, hooves clipping against the smooth marble. His deep blue robes, embroidered with a filigree of silver, set him apart from the other Jedi; but this was understandable considering his task of ferreting out any potential Dark-Siders in the Senate, and overseeing the Coruscant Guard. The half-Bothan shook out his curly blonde hair as he descended.The Master surveyed the group of Jedi investigators before him. "As you know, the Glittering Sky casino is owned by Senator Jakooli Reeven of Rodia, a friend of the Jedi. I would bore you with an extended briefing about how unprecedented it is for a lower-level swoop gang to raid an establishment so high up, but frankly, every moment we wait is a moment for them to ferry the money away. I will be gathering additional Jedi to assist you in the task of smoking them out. Be careful, as you all know, the lower levels are dangerous." "May the Force be with you." OOC: Feel free to bring Ze'Taki to the training room Yttro told her about. The Master was intended to part ways with her with my last IC. I should have made that clearer. XD
  9. Kiril is also a fantastic mask. What I would give for a silver one.
  10. It would depend on the definition of grey Jedi and said Jedi's personal history. If, by grey Jedi, you mean a Jedi who is no longer aligned with the Order: There are more than a few Jedi who have resigned from the Order. Some joined the CIS without giving up their devotion to the Light Side (like Qui-Gon Jinn). Others have become full-on Sith (like Recusatia). I could definitely see some Jedi resigning and choosing to stay neutral. In general though, in this RP's Jedi Order, if a Jedi defects to the CIS, they get labelled a Dark Jedi by the Republic's propaganda machine (regardless of their use of the Force). They could refer to themselves as a Grey Jedi though. A Force-user who uses both the Light side and the Dark side would probably be seen as a Dark Jedi by the Order (and disciplined or expelled). There is nothing inherently stronger about drawing from both sides of the Force. As long as he's roughly Knight-level, and isn't secretly a former Darth/Master, I would have no objections.
  11. OOC: I'm gonna be out for most of the day. Will get some GM posts up when I'm back. Expect some developments on the Zann side of things, a little more on the Jedi side of the Casino Robbery, and something for the Sith. @Lord - If she digs around the surface of the spice, there will be a tracker in the crate. There's a second tracking device at the bottom of the container. To deal with the potential thieves. IC (Anshar Rune): Anshar blinked in disbelief when Recusatia said his name, and suppressed the smile that threatened to burst from his face. It had been several months since an apprentice had been named for a mission. Rune stepped forward, and bowed to one knee. "Anshar Rune, at your service." The apprentice bobbed back up to a standing position. "Is it too soon to ask what the mission will be?"
  12. I'm interested in purchasing your Gali and Onua Mistika. I live in Canada (Alberta) though. How expensive is it to ship outside of the US?
  13. *cough* Imagine growing up being told by your makers that you are nothing more than cannon fodder for the Republic. When you grow up (twice as fast as a normal human), you're thrown into a suit of armour and shipped to the living hel* that is war, watching the brothers you know and love die on a daily basis.
  14. Noooooo... Nuuuuuu. >: ( Clone =/= organic battle droid. Even though they're grown in a tank, bred for war and thrown onto a battlefield, clones are people, with ambitions, quirks, thoughts and feelings. See every piece of Star Wars literature on them.@PL- Both approvified. I would wax poetic about how much I like them, but that might get gratuitous. Welcome to the game.
  15. @Doc, you've been approvified! @PL, it's rather late in my time zone. I will look at your profiles tomorrow. prima facie, they look quite interesting.
  16. Totally never thought about this. Now that you mention it.
  17. It would really depend on the abilities. Some powers are off the table for players initially (Sith players can't start out with Force Lightning). You could definitely veer into the esoteric though (Zeison Sha telekinesis, and the Grey Paladin's use of blasters would spring to mind).
  18. Hmmm the awareness certainly is interesting. I was always under the impression that Nuhvok-Kal's attack succeeded because he was manipulating forces working inside the shield, as opposed to attempting to penetrate it. That it was effective because Tahu couldn't "see" it coming is something I hadn't thought of.
  19. Natives of El Dorado were threatened by rumours of foreign bearded gods appearing from the sea, horrifying four-legged creatures with shiny skin. Disease and other tribes fleeing from the sea gods encroached on their lands and threatened their people. A group of ambitious priests woke that which was not to be woken in an attempt to protect their civilization. And the Old Ones have had several hundred years to slumber again.
  20. Hey Kiba! I'd like to buy your Hydraxon, Umbra and Makuta Icarax (Hydraxon has all of his claw tips, right?). What would you like for them + shipping? I live in Canada, but I'd be happy to cover any extra shipping charges. Do you take Paypal?
  21. ....Trying to use the Old Ones as guard dogs would result in uh.... I lack the vocabulary to properly describe the level of doomed that would result in. For the would-be binders. Ever wonder why the city seems so empty? It's always that one group of that pushes things a little too far trying to protect their civilization.
  22. What use are cages full of bears without incompetent subordinates?Ewoks actually. XD
  23. Rainforest. @Strack - People don't pile onto a submarine willy-nilly.
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