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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. The flexible nature of the mythos would allow one to make their own ancient eldritch ruins (alien geometries everywhere).
  2. Granted. You go to Gallifrey, just before it is destroyed. I wish I could teleport at will!
  3. It doesn't necessarily have to be Antarctica. The climate there would be utterly impossible for an ill-equipped human to survive in (particularly if there was any wind in the winter season). The location could be unstated. We're dealing with extradimensional horrors. Perhaps a plane was flung radically off-course by an extradimensional whirlpool (landing on some desolate place on the Earth). Drop them in a reasonably desolate and creepy place with some wood. They're huddled around a fire, trying to stay warm, when something moves at the edge of the firelight. The mysterious creature(s) ("That was no wolf.") end up pushing them towards the eerie ruined city they didn't see earlier.
  4. What good are all these cages without bears to occupy them?
  5. I know that in-canon, Ewoks can eventually learn how to speak Basic. But I would totally give him a slightly beaten-up, partially functional, protocol droid head he scavenged from a junk heap as a translator.
  6. How old was he when he was kidnapped? If he was young enough (and if there was a linguistic gap) the symbol of the syndicate might be a good traumatic flash-back inducing image. It could have been an advance party, scouting out potential base locations.hehehe. I'll write up something Zann related now that we have a couple characters there (tomorrow, after my company law final).
  7. Nope, no relation. Jade just happened to be a nice, somewhat colour-related name that I thought fit nicely with a Zeltron. As for the rest of his name... the Dark Side reveals many things. Muahahaha. @Flex - Ermagerd. Perhaps you should rename him Ted. The fact that the moon is the secret base of the Zann Consortium, and that Tyber Zann has done all sorts of unspeakable things to the Ewoks of the Sanctuary Moon amuses me greatly. I approve this character. Chubs +1
  8. Hehe. Her Occupation and this "However Selana almost never feeds on her targets from the contracts she is given from the CIS or the Sith Order, unless they want their target dead that is." say otherwise. Shift the above and it should be good. :3
  9. Like LOST, with Lovecraft! The potential cultural diversity of people on a plane or a Costa Concordia ship is almost limitless.
  10. @Flex - Well, dozen-a-day is only if one only eats average non-Force sensitives. There are plenty of nominally Force-sensitive sentients around. I'm going to assume that the potency of their soup is exponentially higher.Because soup seems to have a life-experience element to it, I'd imagine that an average space-port resident would have much more potent soup than average schmoe living in the burbs. I think the dozen-a-day "average" sentient thing simply means that an Anzat wouldn't be able to live undetected in the suburbs, driving a repulsor-van to soccer practice, eating desk jockeys (not that that would effect your character). Excellent. The Zann Consortium would be the type of group that breaks a potential asset out of custody (really, Zann wouldn't care whether she drained a Separatist or a Republic diplomat). @Flare - Before I make any decision, have you asked other players if they're interested in making some clone troopers and squadding it up together?
  11. From the Star Wars Wiki. A dozen non-Force sensitives a day is quite the body count. I don't know if the Sith or CIS would necessarily directly employ someone like that. That being said, I do know of an unscrupulous crime lord who is distinctly anti-Republic and has had some dealings with the Confederacy in the game's storyline. He'd have plenty of enemies that would need disposing of. I'm, of course, referring to Tyber Zann.
  12. And you know there would be heck to pay if the government started to bring in armed soldiers on the streets over some blurry shakey-cam footage, or an (obviously) doctored photo (I can see the pixels).
  13. Meh, just have them go to local gun shows, or purchase online. Plenty of assault-style weapons for everyone!Or make a cult more well-connected that a group of people in someone's basement.
  14. Granted, but- wait, you have claws?!!I wish I could successfully divide by zero.
  15. Why not take advantage of this? If you go with the more modern times, you can have a set up where people, caught up in the speed of modern times, have been ignoring most of the weird sightings and stuff as hoaxes. If you have characters who are fully ignorant - which is far more interesting in a Lovecraftian setting - then players who are likewise will have a much easier time. -Toa Levacius Zehvor That premise would be fantastic. We live in a time dominated by things we can measure, processes which science explain clearly (quantum physics aside). When something that we cannot explain stirs, what would that do to the worldviews of those who would never have expected it? A modern setting is also practical in that characters would be able to communicate and transport themselves relatively quickly over reasonably large distances. Speaking as a biracial third culture kid, the different cultural interpretations of the strange going-ons around the world would also be quite interesting to play out.
  16. Granted. Too bad you're empty, and there is no compatible fuel in sight.I wish I had a green thumb.
  17. @Lavama - Approved. @Lev - Approved. Really looking forward to seeing where he goes.
  18. IC (Anshar Rune): Rune had separated himself from the Ithorian with a low, thrusting kick to his opponent's knee, switching his stance to one based on Niman, the form he been specializing in since the age of eleven. As the Ithorian lurched backwards slightly, Anshar felt the Force bubble within him. The Apprentice was half-way through extending his hilt when a clear voice sliced through the air. The Kage turned to the entrance, where Darth Recusatia stood. As the apprentice deactivated his training saber, holding it behind his back, the hum of a saber filled his ears, and he could almost feel the blade tickling against his neck.The Ithorian's voice reverberated into Rune's ear, a stereo whisper, before the other apprentice switched off his saber. "Distracted. I would have had your head, half-breed."
  19. IC (Anshar Rune): Anshar removed his training lightsaber from his belt, and tested the weight of the hilt in his hands. It was bulkier than his current saber, and felt slightly less balanced than his proper weapon as an apprentice. While his new lightsaber could smoothly telescope into a double-bladed format, Rune's training saber required him to twist and pull the hilt into its longer mode.Despite its shortcomings, on the surface, the saber appeared to be equipped only for single-blade action. And that, is what mattered.The Sith Apprentice twirled the hilt between his fingers, and observed his sparring partner, the tired-looking Ithorian. Rune reached out carefully with the Force, feeling the other Apprentice's emotions. Weariness. And a touch of irritation. The hybrid smirked at the Ithorian. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." Anshar felt a sense of satisfaction at the noticeable spike in negative energy that seemed to flood the alien's aura. The Ithorian activated his lightsaber, raising it in a one-handed high guard with the blade held horizontally above the head and pointed to the side. His body was half-twisted, with the off-hand swept across and down. "Classic Juyo stance. I can take hi-." Rune started to raise his own training saber, in a traditional Shii-Cho stance."Begin."Anshar's thought was interrupted by the Ithorian, who cleared the space between them in a single bound, bringing his training saber in a savage arc, characteristic of Form VII. Rune barely had time to jump upwards, the training saber avoiding his knees. Activating his own blade, the Kage apprentice brought his own saber downwards in a diagonal Shii-Cho strike, only to find it blocked by the horizontal motion of his opponent's blade. The Ithorian's eyes glinted gleefully s the two apprentices pushed against one another, corps-à-corps. Shii-Cho, Form I, while useful against multiple opponents, was a fundamentally simplistic form. Juyo, on the other hand, was intended to be a ferocious staccato of attacks, a form ideally suited for one-on-one duels. But no furious pattern of attacks came. Instead, the Ithorian seemed to be taking pleasure in demonstrating his superior strength against the Kage. "Flushed with pride." Ithorian slowly inched Anshar's blade back, the Kage seemed to be at a clear disadvantage.
  20. Thank you very much for your willingness. No worries. Summer is a time I find is best spent away from the screen.
  21. Granted. The first tree you try to cut down is an Ent. You are stepped on. I wish I was a Time Lord.
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