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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Everything posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. IC (Darth Recusatia): Recusatia smiled at Salvador and the other lords. "Lords, the hours till dawn will sneak upon us sooner than we know. If the Force wills it, the Jedi shall be vanquished by this time tomorrow. Report to me if there is anything of note that should be reported. May the Force be with you."
  2. IC (Anshar Rune): "This whole planet's practically choking with the Dark Side. It's even thicker than on the Renaissance." Anshar frowned and squinted, yellow eyes looking about in the night. "Sensing us would be like finding three grains of sand on a beach." The Kage were a species that tended to live in underground, and developed perfect night vision. Unfortunately, Rune wasn't quite Kage, and his night vision wasn't nearly as good as his mothers. Better than most humans. But far short that of his maternal species. A fact made apparent as he stumbled slightly on a tendril hidden under some dense vegetable matter. He spat into the jungle, feeling a sense of satisfaction as the spit struck a broad, waxy leaf. "It's the middle of the night. The jungle is pretty dense, and the trees go up at least thirty feet." He ran a pale hand through his wavy dark brown hair, before pulling on his hood and lifting his mask. "Not to mention we're thirteen miles from the Jedi's dig." He reached out and caught the Kaminoan experiment by the arm as it ambled aimlessly off into the woods, scraping furrows into the trees. "Where the heII do you think you're going? Unless any of us has had a load of jungle survival training that they haven't mentioned before, we'll end up running hopelessly in circles in this foliage if we walk around aimlessly." The Kage hybrid released the clone's arm and leaned his back against a tree. "Guys, this jungle is teeming with wildlife. We need to get to the coast of this island, skirt around its edges until we can get eyes on the Jedi island. Judging from the distinct lack of the sound of waves lapping on rocks, we're a ways away from the beach." The Apprentice glanced out at the jungle. "And then we're gonna have to figure out how to get from our island to their island." He sighed and looked up. "At the very least, it's not raining." As if on cue, a fork of lightning lanced across the heavens. "By the Fanged God."
  3. The E-11 does not exist in this RP. It's a rather shoddy Empire gun.
  4. I like how the Combat Wombat uses missiles that aren't "cheep." I imagine a tweeting missile wouldn't be all that intimidating.
  5. Looks good to me. +2 @Snark As always you make interesting characters with great potential. also... The Combat Wombat is a fabulous name. Approved. +1@Gear - Approved +1@Ymper - And Gungans. Which reminds me...@All - Expect to see Lucas' favourite Senator from Naboo in the future.
  6. OOC: @Flex They could not have gotten a good view. They were in a hold, and it was dark. Hours before dawn.
  7. Ymper raises a good point, one would think that with a pre-Sith career as colourful as his, and the training that he has received as an apprentice assassin, that he'd have a couple more skills.Skills is for everything from Boy Scouts survival training to lightsaber skills to fun things, like gardening or driving!
  8. No problemo. Editing will do nicely. I expect Basilisk want to give you a bit of information about this RP's Sith Order. Their mindset is a quite different from any past incarnation of the SIth.
  9. It looks like quite a good profile. I do have a couple of comments though. No Sith PC starts out with Force Lightning. Another thing is, based on your description of his lightsaber fighting style, he would probably be a Form II: Makashi specialist. His skill with the lightwhip would fit under the Skills section. Because there are different kinds of lightwhip, a description of it would fit well under Equipment/Weapons. Also, what is the colour of his lightsaber blade? What about the lightwhip?
  10. IC (Darth Recusatia): Recusatia tapped her lipped in thought for a moment. "Doing reconaissance of the Jedi would be valuable. Once the Apprentices make it to the Jedi island, feel free to reveal yourselves to them, and make them do whatever tasks you wish them to do."She smiled at Lord Gurrox. "I couldn't help but eavesdrop on your excellent challenge for the Mandalorian. It was inspired."
  11. Roughly speaking, yes. It can be other rations too (1, 1, 4 or 2, 1, 3). Since you're travelling in a group, only one of you needs to make the posts.
  12. I would go with Basilisk's suggestion. That being said, neither Strack or Flare have written any hyperspace posts yet.As for clone numbers.There have been hundreds of billions, if not over a trillion clones made over the course of this war. A clone's serial number would be pretty useless as a verbal identifier (hence why most clones have names. Names that come from their distinct personalities... yes, clones have distinct personalities).
  13. At the time of the profile's posting, I missed the extra profile sections. The whole Electric Judgment thing caught most of my attention I'm afraid. :/ It would be nice to keep profiles standardized. Please edit the extra sections out. As for the transport. No immediate problem that I see with him being shipless. Upon looking at your amendments. No problems. +1
  14. There is no nickname section to the profile. You can include it in the name, like this... Mads "Hannibal" Mikkelsen. A Pronounciation section is also rather superluous.Does Tez have any ship?
  15. Hey Shadow!I'm very interested in purchasing your Mistika Toa ($15.00 is a fantastic deal). I live in Canada, so I would like to find out the shipping price (it can get quite pricey if you're shipping from the States). I'll send you my shipping information so you can check.
  16. True enough. If only breaking through firewalls was as glamorous as Hollywood makes it out to be. I imagine anyone working with droids would have to have reasonably extensive programming and soldering/welding/bolting skills.
  17. You have no idea what a compliment that is. I'm running under that assumption. X)
  18. IC (Captain Tremaine): Captain Tremaine could only cling to the holomap projector as a proton torpedo slammed into the shields, exploding violently and shaking the Arquitens. The captain blinked. Partially out of shock, and partially out of disbelief that anyone would have the audacity to attack a Republic vessel over the Republic homeworld. Reports were coming from the gunners. The targeting systems had been completely shot. They were firing blind. A fact made apparent by the completely inaccurate trajectories the Lance was firing at. Finally, someone had the bright idea of manually aligning the shots, communicating from the viewports to the gunners. A turbolaser shot lanced out from the Arquitens gun. 100 yards from the target. A second shot followed. 50 yards from the target, despite its evasive maneuvers.A third shot. Ten yards. Captain Tremaine shook his head. Despite the uncanniness of working with an army with one face, the clones sure knew what they were doing. IC (Darth Recusatia):Recusatia nodded. "You are absolutely correct, Lord Gurrox. Out of sight would be preferable. Being in the corner of one's eye is nowhere near true invisibility. The amulets tend to behave differently depending on the mental strength of those it is intended to effect. Though, at face value, 75% of the apprentice group will be no challenge to the magic." She paused for a moment. "Bring in Master Limaech alive. Lord Salvador, if you are challenged by a Jedi, feel free to do what you will with them, in the mind or the body. We trust your prudence. It is also possible that their clone troopers have some information." IC (Anshar Rune): Anshar's leap was broken by a branch that looked study, but sadly had been mostly devoured by termites. It shattered into powder, the whole end of the limb tumbling down and breaking into pieces against other branches. This all threw the Kage hybrid quite off-balance, his arms nearly windmilling in the dark. His potential fall was only broken by the presence of a particularly thick vine, which he latched onto with both hands. The Apprentice gulped. If he had caught it while in free-fall, he would likely have dislocated his shoulder. A potentially fatal injury when facing eight Jedi and their troopers. His gold eyes blinked in the dark, pupils large. The vine was woody and rough. He was lucky. Falling and relying on the vine to slow him down would have rubbed his palms raw. An injury that would have had equally dangerous potential. Rune carefully clambered down the vine, going down it at a measured pace, hand over hand. After several minutes, he reached the forest floor, where the other apprentices were gathered. The half-Kage grinned at the others. "So, none of you would happen to have a compass in your lightsaber hilt, would you?"
  19. Best last words ever. This is wonderful. Not as wonderful as your profile picture. But still wonderful. Too bad your potato-bears can't wear bow ties like the MeT's nexus. Bow ties are cool. Fezzes should be shot.With disruptors. ;3
  20. There are other establishments in the Chum Bucket though. For instance, the Menagerie et Trois. It has the diversity of a zoo. oooh... rancors. That's brilliant. The MeT went for nexus. Those things are ferocious.
  21. It was convenient. And they have a wicked dance floor.
  22. I'm still decompressing from finals (and its supper time in my time zone). I'll get some stuff up for Fear and Loathing in Croissant and Lehon afterwards.
  23. Just finished two rather large finals. My head is throbbing and my eyes are absolutely on fire. I would be having a nap, but unfortunately, the floor has opened up from under me, and Basilisk is laughing while I'm being fed to his pack of rancors. Fun fact! When they were designing rancors, they wanted something that looked like a cross between a bear and a potato. I never imagined their mouths could get so big. Everything's going black. D: I'll edit in the new profiles when I get back to the land of the living. I also want to echo what my fellow staffers have said. If you have any concerns, complaints, or queries for us don't hesitate to throw them up. Courtesy and communication are a good things.@Basilisk and Ymper, do you see anything that might concern you about Veeks' profile? I'm not seeing anything, but at this point, I'm almost hallucinating from sleep-deprivation, and Chinese opera somehow has become the soundtrack of this moment (if you haven't heard Chinese opera... listen to it. It's mind-blowing).
  24. Bahahahahaha. You're totally safe in creating one. Black Sun/Hutt, Zann, or independent?
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