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Madara: Mangekyou Master

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Status Updates posted by Madara: Mangekyou Master

  1. Really. I prefer the subs... the voice acting for the English version... lacked hatred. lol jk Your interests says that you like Narnia. Are you looking forward to Prince Caspian coming out in May?

  2. Relient K rocks... And I thought I should add you to my friends list. :D Chuck Swindoll rocks.. but Charles Stanley, his preaching is pretty amazing too. lol

  3. Roger roger*

    I cheered for the clones (they were the underdogs). But I'm impressed with the battle-field creations the CIS prepared. Especially the Giant Ion Cannons (laughed when Plo-Koon was trapped in the space pod).

    But hey, tis all cool. You can cheer for the droids, I'll cheer for the Clones.

    But still be friends. Lol (Sees King and Madara going toe-to-to

  4. So let me get this straight... kunai and shuriken are blocked words?

  5. So, where did you get the idea for your name?

  6. So... who's the person in your avatar?

  7. Sooo... what do you think of Botar's death?

  8. Sorry to interrupt the deep conversation going on, Necro-san. But I was wondering, how did Ha get the Sharingan if he isn't an uchiha? Was one of his parents an uchiha?

  9. Still no epic?! Shameshameshameshameshameshame*

    Did I mention shame? lol jk jk

  10. Sweet deal... what kind of MOC?

  11. Sweet. good luck Ender. lol

  12. Tch... Unfortunately yes.

    I agree. They should throw in an edge of unpredictability and give the CIS a real military victory of true value.

    I mean, I know that Grievous doesn't have the Force with him, but he's still a brilliant (truly brilliant) commander.

    Also, I can't wait to see him kill some Jedi.

  13. Thank you for approving my friend request.

  14. Thank you for the comment. Yes I do like both SW and LOTR (Read the Two Towers 7 times, Return of the King 6 times, and the Fellowship 4 times.) lol. I'm guessing that your fav character in SW is Obi-Wan, right?

  15. Thanks for the add Spantrax

  16. Thanks for the cheats... I have to get the game now. :D

  17. Thanks for the Lunar eclipse topic... me and my family watched it... sooo cool. He is absolutely amazing... the way He makes things...

  18. Thanks for the Lunar Eclipse topic... my family went outside and watched it... soo beautiful and cool...

  19. Thanks for the vote MoE... you rock. :D

  20. Thanks Nagato, the Rin'negan isn't so bad either. lol

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