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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    For too long have I idly sat by and let Friday slip through my fingers! FRIDAY FUNNY LIIIIIVES!!!
    And while this not be funny, I just thought I should share that this is a real movie that is really being made.

  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    The year is 2001. My mom is pushing me out of walmart in a shopping cart. I have already finished building my first Bionicle ever, Pohatu.
    I drop the rock that came with him.
    I frantically look around I the ground. I can't find it. My mom stops and casually looks around for it. We can't find it.
    My mom comforts me, and we go home, no rock in hand.
    Fast forward to the present.
    I'm at the house of one of my mom's friends. There's a big bucket of Lego nearby and I figure there might be a few bionicle pieces in the mix. There was, and her son also had a whole bunch more stuff that I didn't have, and will probably be going back to buy from him.
    Anyway, that's when I see it. Not 1, but 3 rocks. Just like the one I lost that day. I find the woman's son and ask him if I can have one. He says sure.
    Reunited at long last.
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    First off, school is out.
    Second of all, I need help choosing my new av/banner combo.
    Halo combo:

    Portal 2 combo:

    I know, the GLaDOS banner is bad X/
    Wrex combo:

    (I know it's too wide, I'll resize it later if I use it)
    and I guess the 4th option is just stay with the one I have.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    Looks like I'm finally an outstanding member. I did of course, pay for 4/5 points of it (and that was not my intention. The blog is what I really wanted), but what matters is that I actually got 1 point "fairly". I can now say I have successfully contributed to BZP with my front page news story.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    Does this always happen to you?

    Well worry no more! Now there's the slobstopper! (I am not joking, this is a real thing)

    Just hook it around your neck, and you'll never have to worry about spilling on your shirt ever again!
    Bibs aren't just for babies!
    Oh wait, yes they are.
    What is the world coming to?
    1 week.
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    The new borderlands 2 trailer was pretty great. Clap trap dancing to dubstep? Yes please.
    And I am totally gonna be Zero and nobody is gonna stop me. I'm gonna miss my bloodhawk though.
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    It's the 13th Friday Funny! Wait... Friday? The 13th? Well this can't be good.
    To make up for the bad luck we will all presumably get for looking at this entry, I'm making this Friday Funny a TRIPLE THREAT! =O
    And that is totally the reason. It's not like I couldn't decide between 3 pictures and used the number to my advantage. That's ridiculous.



    And yes, that is Nathan Fillion in the best photobomb ever.
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    Tomorrow will be picture day for me. I'll be taking pictures of my Star Wars shirt, my scorpion hero factory combiner, my house of heroes shirt, and my brand new Square Enix Emile figure.
    Also, I'll upload that picture of that puzzle I did in Arizona.
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    Might not be funny if you haven't played Skyrim, but It made me laugh so I'm posting it.
    And yes, this is how I determine what I should post. If it makes me laugh, I'll post it. Unfortunately I'm very prone to laughing, even if they are only slightly funny.

  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    I've been hearing a lot about it lately (Or maybe I'm just reading Aho's blog too much), and I'm thinking about joining it. I'm worried about about a few things though...
    I joined a few RPGs in COT awhile ago, and they were fun, but in the smaller ones, they didn't get enough attention and died off. And the bigger ones, I was just forgotten about because there was so many people.
    I'm scared of that last part happening again since there's so many people in this RPG.
    What do I do?
  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    Yep, my birthday's tomorrow.
    But I still have no idea what to do for the party.
    I'm thinkin' I should go see Prince of Persia with a whole bunch of friends, and then eat after, but I basically do that every year with different movies.
    What do you guys think?
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, there's been a pain in my shoulder that moved around to my side and is causing me much pain from under my armpit to my back. When I was at the hospital with my Dad, we discovered it was not just a pulled muscle, but something much, much worse. We also found little red dots almost like chicken pox all over my hurting area.
    The doctor told me I have Shingles.
    Yes, that's the disease old people get a lot. The doctor told me it was very strange to have it on someone my age, but not unheard of.
    The doctor explained what is was very clearly. He said that way back when people have chicken pox, the chicken pox never actually goes away. It goes into a hibernation in your spinal cord, and checks every now and then to see how your immune system is doing. A week or two ago I was sick for two weeks, and this caused a significant weakening of my immune system which summoned forth the mutated chicken pox disease, now known as shingles.
    It hurts. It hurts bad.
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