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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    Credit to Laughin man for the questions and explanation
    Here's what you do:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the "next" button and continue
    1. What is my life's philosophy?
    By your side/House of Heroes (Whose sde? Hmm…)
    2. What will my last words be?
    Scream/Thousand Foot Krutch (Oh god ._.)
    3. How am I feeling today?
    Get this party started/Toby Mac (Awww ya)
    4. What is my theme song?
    Forward Motion/Thousand Foot Krutch
    5. What song will be played at my wedding?
    Boomin’/Toby Mac
    6. What song will be played at my funeral?
    7. How will I be remembered?
    8. What is some good advice for me?
    Bye bye Babylon/Cryoshell
    9. What is my life's dream?
    Crayons can melt on all of us for all I care/Relient K (Well that’s not good…)
    10. What's my kind of lady/man?
    Creep/Radiohead (Ono)
    11. How do people see me?
    Little Drummer Boy/The Almost (I’m not little, but I used to play the snare drum)
    12. How would I describe this page?
    Letters to the president/Hawk Nelson (But this page is a blog post, not a letter)
    13. How would I describe my best friend?
    Code Name: Raven/House of heroes (My friend has I codename? I SMELL A SPAH)
    14. What's in store for this week?
    Red Flag/Billy Talent (I’m gonna get kicked out of a game, ono)
    15. How would I describe my parents?
    Dangerous/House of Heroes (true in my Dad’s case. I fear for my life when driving with him)
    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?
    New World/Toby Mac (How Fitting)
    17. What do my friends think of me?
    Trudog: the return/Toby Mac(‘s son)
    18. What is said about me behind my back?
    Still alive/Jonathan Coultan (does this they don’t think I’m alive in front of them? :S)
    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?
    Favorites: 2, 9, 15, 16
  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I started reading the series.
    It's so unbelievably awesome.
    I love Wallace.
    Well, not LOVE love him. You know what I mean.
    Also, I kinda feel sorry for Lucas Lee. He was actually a pretty cool guy. Then he had to go and skate into oblivion.
    I'm starting volume 3 right now.
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    My thornatus and skopio came yesterday. I've already built them and they are awesome. I might make some reviews later.
    Also, it was funny because my brother got an ipod touch at the same time (since when he ordered his mac laptop online, he gets a free ipod touch), and when my box came to the door he was all like "This box is kinda big for an ipod...
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    Skopio and the thornatus are now mine.
    It should've been over $200 in Canada with shipping and handling.
    But I got it for $104 with free shipping.
    The only sets I don't have for 2009 now are Tuma, Mata Nui titan, Click (but I can build him), kaxium, metus, Berix, and Atakus.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    Sorry I forgot last week. Here's this week though:

    BTW, the bottom right will almost always be blocked out, since most of the pics are from a site that can post some inappropriate stuff.
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    Kaeseer Cousland, human noble. (I would've changed the last name, but you can't)

    I also have way better armor now. I'm playing the game on my 360, and only could get this picture because of the free character creator you can get online from Bioware. And yes, my character looks basically exactly like this on the 360.
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    Ya I had this craaazy dream last night. I was with all the people from Gilligan's Island and we were scavenging for fruit in a crashed train. I was all like "Find a pineapple so we can play football" and we pulled out many fruits but we couldn't find a pineapple and we were all very sad. But then we found one and started tossing it to each other.
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    So my buddy Arby (AKA my waifu) made this krazy new comic series in COT. You should totally go read it.
    They're so hilarious. I even made a fan comic!
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I wanted the Orange Box back from my brother's friends. And my bro's all like "k", so then he goes and comes back. He's all like "I didn't get it." I was all like :angry: until he pulled out Dragon Age: Origins which he had borrowed from them. Then I was all B)
    And yes, that explains my absence of late. It's a lot like KOTOR which I really like. Also Morrigan is <3
    And I had to start playing it on casual (easy). Even on normal the bosses are ridiculous, and it's no fun just dying in one or two hits. Why do I play the game? To say I beat it on a certain difficulty? No. I play the to have fun. It's much more enjoyable for me on casual. Besides, there's no achievement regarding any difficulties.
    Also did I mention Morrigan is <3? Cuz she is. I love the conversations between her and Zevran/Alistar.
    And new banner/av combo dedicated to her. I think the banner is too big. Do you agree?
    Also after we finished a battle this one time, Zevran was all like "We...are awesome."
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    Should I start something like this? I visit a site which has so many hilarious pictures every day, and I want to share a few of them.
    Should I try it once and continue or not based on the feedback? Or is this probably a bad idea that I should leave alone?
    Here's an example of some of the hilarious photos I would show:

  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    About to make my first post in the central sphere. To save you the trouble, I have brought his profile here. You don't have to read the whole thing, but at least look at the moc of his appearance.
    Species: Toa of rahi control
    Gender: Male
    Alignment: Good
    Mask: Kanohi Xanips, mask of substance mimicry: The user of this mask has the ability to make their body become a living form of any substance they touch for a limited time. Example: User presses hand against a protosteel weapon, and their whole body becomes living protosteel, becoming much more durable.
    Appearance: This. Toa of rahi control are much bigger than the average toa. Kraal stands at almost twice the height of a toa mata. Here is a comparison shot. In his beast form, he looks like this.
    Weapons: He carries two blades with him that he holds on the sides of his arms. When not in use, he puts them on his back like this. He is very skilled with these blades.
    Powers/Abilities: Being a toa of rahi control, he can summon, communicate with, and if need be, control rahi. He is also very strong and agile, though not as strong as a toa of stone. Another advantage of the rahi control element is that Kraal can turn into a beast form which has heightened senses and increased strength. He grows wings, spikes sprout out from his back, he grows a long tail, his hands turn into very large claws, and his head morphs into a head that resembles that of an energy hound.
    Weaknesses: While in beast form, Kraal cannot access his mask power, and even though his physical attributes have increased, his mental attributes have decreased. He cannot think as straight and relies mostly on animal instincts. He also shares a strong bond with his rahi companion, and would risk his life to save him. A downside of being a toa of rahi control is that, unlike other elements, he cannot produce his element out of thin air. He must summon the nearest rahi to his aid, and if they’re slow, there’s nothing he can do about it.
    Personality: Kraal is a very friendly toa despite his imposing size. He is very loyal and is willing to put his life before others. He fights for what he thinks is right, and tries to follow the toa code as best he can. In beast form, his personality changes drastically. His morals and regard for the toa code are all but gone, and he only recognizes who is innocent and who should be punished. That’s why he doesn’t go in beast form often unless completely necessary. Or for only a short time just to reach a place he couldn't.
    Bio: Kraal is one of the last few toa of rahi control. Nobody knows what happened to them. Not even Kraal himself. Due to this fact, Kraal has lived by himself with his rahi companion, Tersuuk, for many years. They have a small home in the agriculture sphere, with the job of keeping the rahi away from the fields. This job is very simple for a toa of rahi control, and his employers are very satisfied with the results. Recently though, Kraal has gotten the feeling he’s stuck in a rut. He is no longer content with his current situation. He wants to return to the time of his glory days, where every day was a new adventure. He has decided to travel to some of the more populated spheres to seek out new opportunities.
    Companion (NPC): Kraal refuses to go anywhere without his rahi companion, Tersuuk. Kraal rescued the rare, panther-like reptilian rahi from a pack of predators that would’ve surely killed it, had it not been for Kraal’s timely intervention. He is very loyal to Kraal, and the toa never has to use his power of rahi control on Tersuuk. The rare rahi has the ability to scale walls and has two whiplike tails. Although it has a quite fearsome appearance, the rahi can be quite affectionate towards others, especially Kraal. He looks like this.
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    I've been hearing a lot about it lately (Or maybe I'm just reading Aho's blog too much), and I'm thinking about joining it. I'm worried about about a few things though...
    I joined a few RPGs in COT awhile ago, and they were fun, but in the smaller ones, they didn't get enough attention and died off. And the bigger ones, I was just forgotten about because there was so many people.
    I'm scared of that last part happening again since there's so many people in this RPG.
    What do I do?
  13. Ultimate_Kardas
    It was amazing, just like every other pixar films. Another great thing I love about Pixar films is that they have loads of cameos from other movies. See if you can spot the Pizza planet truck in this one. It's easier to find than in other movies.
    Also, to quote Invader Zim:
    "That horrible monkey!"
    Seriously, that monkey creeped me out so much.
  14. Ultimate_Kardas
    For our Xbox live avatars, my waifu and I made them into the characters Nick and Ellis from Left 4 dead 2. It was his idea.
    He's Ellis, and I'm Nick. We changed our mottos to lines from the game, and I have the garden gnome for an item, and I helped him beat the rest of the campaigns to get the med kit.

    Also, reference picture:

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