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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, I was browsing a certain art site (not sure if we're allowed to mention it here since it can have some less than appropriate material), and came upon a template for a Mass Effect 2 meme. Even though I suck at drawing, especially on the computer, I decided I would do it.
    Heads up: This is filled with spoilers, so if you don't like spoilers, steer clear. Also, I have never drawn something that wasn't copied from a picture, and I have never drawn something on the computer that wasn't a sprite. The only thing I sorta copied off a picture for this was Garrus. (and the pics from the internet of course)
    I will also be posting my thoughts about each question after the picture.
    So, without further ado:

    1. Very proud of my Shepard I drew here. Looks quite similar to my in game Shepard other than the fact my Shepard is paler and has a smaller face. And yes, I love being the bad guy.
    2. I never feed my fish enough and they always die ;__; If only I had been nice to Kelly, she would've fed them for me.
    3. Kind of an odd question, but I can imagine he'd be pretty angry.
    4. They seemed shifty to me seeing as I destroyed a whole bunch of their bases in the first game.
    5. Seriously. They have the money to bring someone back from the dead, but they don't bother fixing my pilot's bones? Harsh.
    6. I laughed so hard at that line. I would've put the part with Edi loving the sight of him on his knees, but Joker didn't say that.
    7. This is my least favorite picture out of the whole bunch. It was very late at night and I had artist block. The only thing I could think of was putting a baby on her doorstep. Stupid idea.
    8. Legion is <3
    9. So is Wrex. <3 This is also my favorite and in my opinion best picture here.
    10. I love sniping. Garrus is also one of my favorite party members, so I was all like OMG ARCHANGEL IS GARRUS!
    11. Why punch the guy when you can just put a gun to his head with your awesome renegade skills? I also loved how this loyalty mission wasn't all about fighting.
    12. I really didn't like Tali in the first game, but I needed to romance a squadmate for an achievement, but I also wanted to stay loyal, so I created a separate save file that I romanced Tali in, beat the game on that save file, loaded back and stayed loyal for my "Main" save file. Anyway, as I began to romance Tali, I found out that she was the only one of the women who actually seemed to like me for who I was, not what I had done.
    14. I love Liara and wanted her to come with me so much. She's like Tali, someone I feel that actually likes me.
    15. Refer to question #12.
    16. Joker and EDI are such a cute couple.
    17. Even though I wouldn't replace my picture of Liara (unless I could romance Wrex or Legion (As a male)) You gotta love the space cow. And before you complain that he was only in Mass Effect 1, go get the Overlord DLC.
    18. WHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOP (This is not a serious answer)
    19. Well, we sorta know what they looked like already with all the statues and all, so this answer isn't really serious either.
    20. Whenever I think of EDI, I think of GLaDOS, but not as awesome.
    22. I punched her in the first game, and I punched her in the second. Oh ya. And the honorable mentions for this question would be either kicking the merc out the window or headbutting the krogan.
    23. *shivers* I did not mean to make Udina look that creepy.
    24. Nuff' said. But it was a close call with Legion at the end. When we defeated the Reaper, and were sliding everywhere, I was like NOOOOOOOOOO! CATCH HIM SHEPARD CATCH HIIIIIM!!!!!
    25. Tali since I trusted her with my life, and knew she wouldn't let me down, Miranda because I don't like Jacob and I wanted Garrus to save his strength to hold the line with the others, Jack because I figured she was the most powerful biotic, and she would probably be best here, Mordin because I had read on the internet he can die even if he's loyal, and Legion and Tali, because not only is Legion awesome, and Tali sweet, I heard that they were weaker than the rest and might have a chance of dieing like Mordin. I would've chose Garrus and Grunt, but I needed them to help hold the line. Also, I love my drawing of Mordin.
    26. I seriously had no idea I was going to fight it. I thought I was just going to destroy it and that was it. I was so surprised when I saw it come back up after I had shot it down.
    27. Seriously, I hated to keep it, but I wanted the renegade bonus in the next game. When I beat the game on my Tali romance save file, I destroyed it, and not only was the Illusive man angry, all my squadmates agreed with me, and I was not happy to disappoint them a bit. (Except for Jack who just swears at me all the time)
    28. Joker, close this channel.
    29. I felt so bad for the poor guy. Saren's cool cause he realized what was happening (with a bit of convincing) and shot himself. But the collector general had no choice in the matter. He finally is released of Harbinger's control, and what does he get? A giant fireball to the face.
    30. He's got a woman in every port and a gun in every tentacle. I don't see how there could possibly be a better replacement.
    31. We have enough awesome species already. No more needed.
    32. Seriously. Do you know how much firepower it took to take down Sovereign? How are we going to take down a whole fleet of Reapers?
    33. I don't know the specifics, but I'm hoping for a particularly explosive ending. And maybe a building kick or two.
    34. Give me my mountain climbing Mako back, and I'll be satisfied. Also Legion as a male romance option.
    35. Having Urz as a squadmate in Mass Effect 3 would be epic beyond belief.
    36. Ohnoez!
    Also, if you've played Mass Effect 2, I fully expect you to do this. *cough*Bunda*cough*
    Here's the template.
  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I got a whole bunch of DLC for Mass Effect 2 and Assassin's creed 2 today. I've only beaten Kasumi's stolen memory and have just started overlord. I also have sequences 12 and 13 (including the secret locations) for assassin's creed 2.
    Will be posting reviews later after I have beat them all.
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    First off, school is out.
    Second of all, I need help choosing my new av/banner combo.
    Halo combo:

    Portal 2 combo:

    I know, the GLaDOS banner is bad X/
    Wrex combo:

    (I know it's too wide, I'll resize it later if I use it)
    and I guess the 4th option is just stay with the one I have.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    1. Open Aho's blog in about 5-10 tabs
    2. Scroll down in each tab until you reach the sunglasses on the left.
    3. In rapid succession, click the sunglasses, then the next tab, then the sunglasses in that tab, then the next tab, etc...
    4. Once you reach the last tab, cycle back to the first one and keep doing it.
    5. Continue to do so until brain explodes.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    First off, you just lost the game.
    Anyway, I play the game of life with a whole bunch of friends at my school, and my brother, and all his friends.
    The game is that whenever you say the word "mine" you do 10 push ups, no matter where you are. As long as someone else who is playing the game calls you on it at the same moment you say it, you must do 10 push ups. The only way you can get out of it is if there's an emergency of some sort.
    And one more thing. You play it for the rest of your life.
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, the blue vahki finished off my vahki collection. I also built the vahki combiners. BLEH!
    The tahnok I got even had the blue krata in the ads that attaches onto Tahu, so I thought that was cool.
    And the exo-toa is just epic. But I can't decide whether he looks better with or without a toa inside him.
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, I started watching it a week or two ago. It is hilarious. I love Dr. Zoidberg
    I've seen a couple of the movies on TV too. One about them going through time, Bender's game, and the beast with a million backs or something.
    Also, like Bunda said in the topic in COT, I felt so bad for the fossilized dog guy. ;__;
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    Saw the movie on Saturday for my late birthday party. Pretty awesome movie. Loved Doc Ock's ostrich races.
    Also, got $145. Gonna use $130 to buy Halo: Reach legendary edition. My brother's paying $50 and there's $30 in taxes.
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    It's last block and we're waiting for the bell to ring.
    Suddenly Mr. Currie (awesome teacher) runs in yelling and shouting that someone is chasing him.
    There's a cop talking into his radio chasing him talking about a white male heading southbound.
    They run around the class then down the stairs.
    Then we heard gunshots.
    All true except that last part.
    It was all a joke obviously since they came up after, laughing.
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    Looks waaaaaay better.


    Edit: turns out the PNG image was actually too big in file size, so I made it a jpeg. Looks almost exactly the saem except for a minor difference in color.
    Here's the new image:

    But this combined with my avatar is 99.4 KB. B)
    Talk about cutting it close.
  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    Yep, my birthday's tomorrow.
    But I still have no idea what to do for the party.
    I'm thinkin' I should go see Prince of Persia with a whole bunch of friends, and then eat after, but I basically do that every year with different movies.
    What do you guys think?
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, technically not new, but I've provided links to all the topics.
    - Stick of dynamite
    - 01 Rahi Style Stork
    - Black And Purple Dinosaur Creature
    - Mutant Visorak Thing
    - Kraakhan snake
    - 2 Small Space Crafts
    - Some random agori
    - Hapori Dume
    - Working Matoran-sized Claw Machine
    All that's left to do now is for you guys to post!
  13. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, because of my procrastination, I've built like 10 mocs, but never took pics or uploaded them. Here's what Imma post soon:
    - Matoran-sized working claw machine
    - some random agori that are sorta custom
    - Kraakhan snake
    - black reptile being that has every purple piece I own on it
    - mutant visorak thing
    - a life-size stick of dynamite
    - A small, 01 rahi style stork
    - two little alien spaceships built around a tri-axle
    - Hapori Dume
    I also took pictures of a Toa Naho I built, but I'm going to stow those pictures away for the Naho contest.
  14. Ultimate_Kardas
    Ya, it's my birthday soon, and I usually get to choose which set to get.
    I kinda have 2 thoughts right now.
    Try to find the boxed Toa Mata Nui titan, or...
    Buy the 4 little sets on the top of the canisters, bordahk (completing my vahki collection), and the exo toa. This is all only $35.

    Yes, they are all used, but he says they're in perfect condition.
    I really want the exo toa.
  15. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, there's been a pain in my shoulder that moved around to my side and is causing me much pain from under my armpit to my back. When I was at the hospital with my Dad, we discovered it was not just a pulled muscle, but something much, much worse. We also found little red dots almost like chicken pox all over my hurting area.
    The doctor told me I have Shingles.
    Yes, that's the disease old people get a lot. The doctor told me it was very strange to have it on someone my age, but not unheard of.
    The doctor explained what is was very clearly. He said that way back when people have chicken pox, the chicken pox never actually goes away. It goes into a hibernation in your spinal cord, and checks every now and then to see how your immune system is doing. A week or two ago I was sick for two weeks, and this caused a significant weakening of my immune system which summoned forth the mutated chicken pox disease, now known as shingles.
    It hurts. It hurts bad.
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