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The Fallen Amph

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Blog Comments posted by The Fallen Amph

  1. Cool dog. I had tests as well last week, but just in math and Latin.


    BTW, I got Vorox (and 3 other Glats......my attempt to quit buying Bionicle failed) and he's not too bad. The others are really good though. Vorox is just a bit tiny. I personally like him though.


    Yeah. The puppy's are real chick magnet lol. :D I always get immediate attention when I take him for I walk. Like, I always hear in the distance "ZOMIHGAWD!AYPUHPY!!!!!!!". :P

  2. Haha, at first I thought you misspelled leprechauns but then saw the picture xD

    Nice pun... x3


    Reminds me of L.E.P. Recon or something like that from the book series Artemis Fowl =P


    I love the Artemis Fowl series!! I was thinking that too.


    Well, Amph, you may have Karzahni and Lessovikk (want....want....want badly) but I have a green Lewa sword and a gold Miru. Win!


    I read two of those books, but I didn't read the first so I was WAAAAY confused.


    I also for got to squeeze in Lewa Nuva Phantoka and Gorast. ><

  3. So Amph, I know we haven't chatted in a while, but has anything happened?


    Meh.. just the same nervous,shy stuff.


    But I think I'm gonna attempt something this week.


    But, is it a good or a bad thing where a girl doesn't really hang out with guys? Just wondering... as she doesn't.

  4. I was talking to my friend Adrianna in English class like a usually do, and she cracked a joke we both started laughing about. I looked at her again, and it was like going from an old Technicolor movie to HDTV. She became more beautiful to me, simply because I knew her personality better. I remember when I first saw her back on the First Day of the School Year, I thought we wouldn't get passed one full conversation, now we're friends and she's incredibly cute to me.


    It's strange. That paragraph sums up about 80% of my feelings towards this girl in my Math class. O_o Odd...

  5. Interesting. So, what are the other two girls like? Beside Amanda.


    The photography girl seems really nice.


    Well, she's pretty popular. She treats anyone who's not retarded pretty nicely, but not as nice as I have been treated.


    Also it's more than two. I'll make a list... err sort of thing.


    In order of period.


    1st - Photography - Self explanatory (Her name's Shayna)


    2nd - Strings - None


    3rd - Math - Well... uh. There's a girl I've kind of liked, then she was assigned to sit next to me (Lauren). And there's someone who's been assigned to sit next to me that talks to me occasionally (Kaylee) (I just consider her a "mild" friend. I wouldn't ask her out). That girl sits behind me, and (as I said before) the other sits next to me. These two are both friends with one of Amanda's guy friends. Who sits behind me as well. Pretty much every period, him and the "Un-asking-out" girl talk to me. :P I don't know if he knows of the Me/Amanda history or not.


    4th - Life Science - There's this one girl in this class, that I like, and has shown signs of liking me (Rose). Well, the first was back near the begginning of the year, I felt tapping on the back of my chair. I turned around and she was there, sort of smiling at me. Then there was a time at an assembly where she and one of her friends were sitting in front of me, and randomly her friend started asking me if I was a F*ggot. I just ignored her, but then the girl told her to stop and looked back at me nervously.


    5th - Social Studies - There's that one girl who's treated me nicly before, but I'm not sure (Jamie)...


    6th - English - There's this one girl (Victoria) who's friends with this other one that asked me out in the begginning of the year (around October, near the time we were doing our presentations about ourselves). I don't know much about her, but hey, I didn't about Amanda. :P


    So yeah. Right there.


    I wish not to rule any out, but just advice on all (don't hurt yourself).


    I would've contacted you earlier, but I've been flooring my room. Hradwood. I'll post pics once I got the chance.


    BUT, I do have a partially new class scedule tommarrow. So... chances.

  6. #1 Rule: Say you like a girl, that you KNOW. :P


    I think I'll just wait til she says it (she's already has said she likes me only it was kind of a whisper to someone else. But I'm pretty sure as a friend), and If that doesn't happen, I'll just find someone else and we'll stay friends.


    But this is why music kind of "matches" certain situations in my life.


    Mostly Disturbed right now.


    Wow, I hadn't really thought of this until know, but Amph, you've graduated. In this whole thing with Amanda, you've learned the only real thing I know: take it slow. You nailed it. You've made a girl you like relatively well a friends, and you're going to wait to do anything. Good job, Amph. You rock.


    Well actually, shekinda liked me before I thought about and well-- nevermind.


    Tommarrow is the first day of school after two weeks. I'm glad I'm going back.

  7. Wow. Your life (and in a sad, pathetic way, mine too) are going to get a lot more boring.


    Actually, there's more... "excitement" in my life than this. Things happen all the time (not BIG things but things worth talking about). I think I might post an entry every Friday just to talk about what happened that week (not just school, other stuff too). Kinda like was Black Six does (or did he stop? :blink: ).


    But wow. That ended really bad. Out of old habit, I'll give my advice. 1. You should probably have stopped talking to her after the "leave me alone" message.


    Well, I just feel good that it didn't end with an "I HATE YOU!!!!!! LEAVE ME THE ##### ALONE!!!!!". And she didn't have the upper hand (in my opinion).


    I totally understand your final messages. She may have been somewhat nice to you near the end, but over the 10 months she's given you a lot of ######. Rock on, man.


    Thanks man. B) I guess you don't really understand unless you're in my age group.


    The detachment is a good thing. It means you've finally realized she's not worth it. The other girls seem promising, and if you like one, tell me before you do anything. I would go for the girl in photography, she seems to like you.


    #1 Rule: Say you like a girl, that you KNOW. :P


    I think I'll just wait til she says it (she's already has said she likes me only it was kind of a whisper to someone else. But I'm pretty sure as a friend), and If that doesn't happen, I'll just find someone else and we'll stay friends.


    But this is why music kind of "matches" certain situations in my life.


    Mostly Disturbed right now.

  8. >_<


    She was trying to blow you off nicely.


    She isn't mean at all, just that you're constantly there. She didn't want to come off as bad to you, but it got to the point where it was too much to continue with (since October, come on now) and she decided to tell you bluntly because clearly you didn't see the fact that you should give up right there.


    Yes, no other girl is attractive to you BUT *slap* that's because the attractive ones aren't right for you! Not at this age!


    Give it another 2 or 3 years, everyone you don't find attractive, will be.




    He, he. Well, actually Arch, The part of the entry that got cut off, discussed ALL of this. It had the reason I thought she was heartless, and my thoughts curreently. So, yeah.

  9. Ahem.....welll...........

    I don't know what to say. But now, IMO, I think it's really time to throw the towel in.

    Here's why:

    -She obviously texted that last thing because of her friends.

    -She will always have those friends.

    -Which means if you keep trying, this will just happen again and again.


    I thought you had a chance before, if you could get her to not be exactly like her friends want her to be. Apparently that's not possible, she just obeys them.


    Well, uh... this entry was so long that the board cut off the most important part. I'll just post another entry. And I don't know what was about that last thing.. She's REALLY wierd.

  10. $175? Nice! And I got:

    Rock Band 2 (yeah, I one upped you; I got RB for my birthday)

    Lego V-19 Torrent

    Lego Separatist Spider Droid

    Lego Batman PC

    And a razor and some aftershave. Apparently my whole family hates my moustache. :P


    HA! Goin through puberty too, eh?


    I wish I got RB2. >< It has Down With The Sickness by Disturbed, In the End, and One Step Closer by Linkin Park.


    Yet again RB is still very addictive.

  11. About time this was over!


    Good gosh, it was annoying. It was like watching me in the eighth grade, and ended the same way too.


    As soon as I saw "sweet" from her after you confessed, I saw the future play-by-play.


    Yeah, I'm not gonna offer any love advice to you anymore. Clearly you prefer your plans. :P


    Well, enough downsizing.


    Sorry it ended that way, but you know I can't say I didn't see it headed this direction. Most long-term crushes do, but don't let up now. I garantee you there is now girl in your grade RIGHT NOW that has some interest in you, you just need to be social with them is all.


    And no "love at first sight" stuff.




    I'm prompted to write a guide book...

  12. Well i guess just talk to her with ice breakers like "what's up" and "hey" or stuff like that.. maybe after a week of her getting comfortable around you ask her if she wants to go see a movie or something (side note: horror movies are not a good first "date" movie, contrary to popular belief..) after that... well, to quote andrew ryan "in the end, our decisions make us"..


    I can see how devoted you are to her, she sounds like a nice gal..



    on the subject of liking someone on looks, i'll be honest, they do matter.. for me a girls eyes get me hooked, and then i get to know her better and start to like her based on personality.


    That's what I meant.

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