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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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About The Hip Historian Iaredios

  • Birthday 06/05/1995

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Arizona (USA)
  • Interests
    -- I enjoy writing when I have inspiration.

    -- I like to draw, with both pencil and computers.

    -- I like Metal, Electronic, and medieval folk music

    -- Non-denominational 'Protestant' Christian, Progressive Old-Earth Creationist. Some training in Christian apologetics. I don't look kindly on rigid, bureaucratic religious organization.

    -- I really enjoy history. I also study cultures, ideologies and religions, not to mention the basics of multiple sciences. My specialty is the Roman Empire (First is from 27 BC to 1204 AD, second is from 1261-1453 but I'm well read on other areas too.

    -- Fantasy and Science Fiction stories usually interest me. Working on my own lore presently.

    Have any questions? PM me. God bless y'all.

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    "That's great! ...But your teeth, those are a lovely set of pearls"
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    "Well now you can, with the Cinco Tanning System!"
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    "Oh these? Nah, these are dentures! Beats brushin'!"
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    "I wanna be a tan-man too"
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    "Me-me I'm tan-man!"

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  1. This military Senate hearing is like candy to me. Listening to (possibly) history in the making.

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    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      I don't really care, if staff have a problem then they can tell me personally. My answer is Rand Paul, gotta stop the rapid expansion of executive authority before we fully turn into a dictatorial empire. Roman history gives some light into this.

    3. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      We're all grown ups here, we should know when things get too far, and if a specific case doesn't turn out that way then that is when authorities should pop up. The populace should be able to govern itself in a free society, and when they completely lack the capability to do that, then that is when society devolves into either anarchy or authoritarian rule.

    4. Erasmus Graves

      Erasmus Graves

      Ah, there's nothing like a bit of politics. We live in Interesting Times, and the 21st century has already changed the world in unalterable ways. By the end of our lives (hopefully they are all long and fruitful) we will have seen things that shall be remembered for centuries (if not millennia). History in the making indeed; though the broad strokes are recorded better than the fine lines

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