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Status Updates posted by DeepFriedZombies

  1. I changed my name. Wanna know what it means?

  2. Well then I hope you enjoy your stay at the BZPower hotel ^^

  3. Now you havent had a comment since December 8th.

  4. You dont know how to hit on girls? Dont feel bad, I dont know how to either D:

  5. Just wondering: When is your sister (Or if she is reading this) when are you getting your own account? Cause I think it's gotta be confusing sharing one account XD

  6. No, we are NOT friends. Forget it.

  7. I cant beleave it. I thought we were friends. Heres how it goes: I was dying. I was healing you. Cressona kept me from dying. I healed him, becuase he healed me. Thats how a alliance goes. But then you go and get the wrong idea... and betray me. There. You happy?

  8. No one expects a Bitter cold! ...*ACHOO!*

  9. Well, instead of buying songs like you do in GH3, you unlock them in world tour.

  10. *Grabs more bubble shields, A arm shield, energy sword, lightsabers, pistols, snipers, and shape-shifts armor into black and blue Mjolnir armor* Well, the armor may be from halo, but atleast I stand out!

  11. Oh yeah, I also changed my name! (Yeah, this is Terra.)

  12. Kinda fail not making another movie. There goes my entertainment ;_;

  13. *Throws bubble-shield in way, and takes out red light-saber* I got your back, you got mine. Lets get him, Sev!

  14. Well... Gah. I Also borrowed my friends guitar hero: World tour. Do you have that?

  15. If you are a toa of everything, dosent that make you mata-nui? O_o

  16. I understand that you are a noob, Takua. >:D

  17. Aha, I notaced you deleated my comment about you betraying me. But as long as im writing..

    Why did you betray me?

  18. So uh... do you have lego: star-wars the complete saga? Or resistance?

  19. I understand. :P

    Oh yeah, I also changed my name! (Btw, yeah, this is Terra)

  20. People shut you out as a newcomer?

  21. Uh...Ok. I kinda find it odd that the Mapaint doodle is crying too...

  22. Yeah, But I am still Terra. Just stronger. Wanna know what Adjutant and Reflex mean?

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