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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. Yep.

    I'm feeling depressed. Maybe I should go read a comedy. :P

  2. It's up! *Giggle.* I don't know if you'll like me or pound me for what happened.

  3. Good for you, in both ways. ;P

    I should have chapter 8 up in WotL some time today or tomorrow.

  4. Bacon taste good, but do you not how much fat is in that stuff? It's like eating fat smothered in fat with extra fat on top. *Shudders*.

  5. 'Ello! Just wondering if you're ever gonna finish that pic for me.

  6. Yummy pie... I don't care if it's pumpkin, peach, apple, or anyn other yummieness, I'll eat it.

  7. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

  8. What do you get when you gobble down sweets?

    Eating as much as an elephant, eats.

    New chapter is up in WotL, BTW.

  9. I know what you mean about the comments.

    The older stuff by Skillet isn't exactly bad, it's just not hard core.

  10. *Oompa, Loompa, Duopidy doo!*

  11. It's back up, but where are you?

  12. Um...I did? I most have been looking for something...

  13. *Waves so hard hand falls off.*

    Oh no! I've lost my hand! I'VE LOST MY HAND! Oh, wait, there it is. Gotta get that thing fixed.

  14. *Grabs CDs and starts rocking.*

    My all time favorite by Skillet is Savior. Fav of Barlow Girl is Never Alone.

  15. Really? Cause you just said something.

  16. O.K., I say. Bored I am. Talk till mouth is sore I will.

  17. Absoloutly nothing. It would be kinda like me saying D'uh.

  18. Yep. He writes a lot of Suspence novels and such.

  19. *Looks up Dondake.*


  20. Ha. I have senority over both of you. I'm older then dirt.

  21. So, you be a Peretti fan. :P Which one is your fav? Mine is This Present Darkness and peircing the Darkness.

  22. Worst part is I don't find out what I got till Monday. Yuck!

  23. Very short. *Bites nails nervously.* I had a Spanish test today. Really hope I got atleast a B.

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