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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. By posting.;P I'm not sure how I got that many so quickly... I just post when I want to...

  2. Hello and welcome, Roodaka!

  3. Bye? Be ye going somewhere? And sorry about you not making it to the next round in BBC. I voted for you.

  4. Macku felt that I deserved a prize, so she's giving me part of hers!

  5. My name is Uvon Aot. Or if you're Macku, Toa Nuva. (Luv ya, Macku.) :P

  6. *Waves.* Hi toa of shadow-fire!

  7. Oh I did Varnka... I defenitely won. I just meant I didn't get first. :P I must admit, I was pretty sad when I wrote that, but now I'm exhuberently happy because of something very nice for me.

  8. .yas yeht gnihtreve ta elpoep ekat t'nduohs uoy

  9. Poor Varnka...

    Thanks to all of those who voted for me in theS&T, even if I didn't win.

  10. !nuf s'ti tub

    Yeah... I guess it is...

  11. Eh... It's fun. *Shrugs, then stomps on the nearest coke can.*

  12. Hey, Macku... You might won't to go look at the S&T contest again... ;).

  13. Save the Pepsi! *Chops Coke can in half with lightsaber.*

  14. *Cries.* The poor Pepsi can! We should have a funeral for him... and the Coke can's should be punised!

  15. Light saber dual! *Pulls out Maul-stile saber and plays daul of fates.* Ha ha!

  16. Let's all be confused. It's fun!

    If anyone hasn't voted in S&T number 3, please, vote now!

  17. Hey, Turakii. Have you heard Wierd Al's peridy of "Miss American Pie?" I usually don't like his stuff, but I just had to laugh at that one.

  18. *Looks randomly.*

    Hey look! A Guinea Pug! *Hugs randomly.*

  19. Sorry Ko-zap, force persuation only works on the weak mind-

    *See's Comatose CD and starts drueling.*

  20. ?Yhw .Evah ydaer lla I .Nuf si sdrawkcab gnikaeps

  21. Just randomly popping in to say hi, dince I saw you looked at my profile. Hi!

  22. I am? What's the top 20.. oh! Kewl. 8>P

  23. I'm bored. Did you know that I am bored backwards is derob ma I? I didn't. /:-)

  24. The last one is painful, but it's still the best.

    *Waves again.*

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