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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. You really should stop doing that to your poor head. Someday you won'y be able to re-esemble it.

    I'm in third place in the S&T finals! If anyone hasn't voted, go vote now!


  2. What is it? A floating brain? Cool.

  3. Ya... I like yah better. or br. ;)

  4. If you mean the 9/11 avy, it's with the other basic avies in your avatar settings option.

    *Waves* Hi Varn!

  5. You're welcome! 8-#

  6. Must... resist.. urge... to.. post smiley... 8}

  7. It mauled him (slightly). Nice epic, Joroc.

  8. Don't worry. They get read. Alot of people just don't post a review.

  9. School... *Falls asleep from bordum.*

  10. He's some dude Turahkii likes. (I think...) Hi Turahkii!

  11. Hey Maku. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for voting for my entry in S&T contest #3. :)

  12. Your avy is so true. I think my Mom has camera's up or something.

  13. You know... I have no idea what's in my interests. I better go see what I put...

  14. Hm... I didn't realize I was on your freinds list. Cool. :-P

  15. Yeah. All we're doing in my profile is making faces. Guess that's just the way we are.

  16. Hm.. Hola! What's up with the just saying hi? And, thanks again for the sketch Varnka.

  17. Yeah! For homeschoolers!

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