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Everything posted by Gravitan

  1. Gravitan

    Inspection Stress

    *crosses fingers* What, you told me to do it...
  2. Be yourself, Doc. That's the most anybody can do.
  3. No, I'm pretty sure she locked it. Hmm...
  4. Welcome, newest member. Enjoy your stay. =)

  5. Okay, we're all having a little too much fun here. Probably best if you lock this, Turakii.
  6. It's not too late, son. You can still redeem yourself. XD
  7. Gravitan

    Fourth Entry

    And I type slow, which is why I hardly ever make typos.
  8. Fear not, m'lady, for I am a WikiJedi (long story XD). I'll take care of him. There's still time, Takuta. Rethink what you're about to do, I beg you. *rethinks* Thought. Now what? Take a time-out.
  9. Fear not, m'lady, for I am a WikiJedi (long story XD). I'll take care of him. There's still time, Takuta. Rethink what you're about to do, I beg you.
  10. We got you once. We can do it again.
  11. Lol, what a photo. Nice one. =D

  12. Wait... I know for a fact you haven't been looking around, 'cause I've been watching you. And why is it that the guy who looked the least found the biggest clue? Answer: You're the thief! "Cyclone World" is a nickname for your banner and avatar shop! And that clue came from your Maj! Well, this case is cracked. Don't do it again Vezon. You'll get caught.
  13. Remember not to make this too RPG-ish.
  14. I think I saw him running around COT. Better get him outa there. Like, thanks. I found him in the Current Top 3 Favorite Shows topic, looking to see if he was mentioned. Like, found any clues yet? I think I've got something over in S&T. Give me a minute to see where it leads.
  15. I think I saw him running around COT. Better get him outa there.
  16. Nah, I'll take S&T and GD. And the BS01 Wiki Forum. Vezon can take whatever's left. XD
  17. I just felt like saying this.

  18. Gravitan

    Bbc 45

    Very nice. Rayg would be pleased.
  19. Gravitan

    My God Kmart.

    Judging by how big some Kmarts are, I wouldn't be surprised if a tornado went through one.
  20. Gravitan

    Fourth Entry

    Lol, it didn't take me long to get my rank from "Submerged" to "Emerging Fluidic Master". I go fast. It was a cool rank, but I think I like this one better. The moving Proto was starting to make me dizzy. Recently saw the BIONICLEstory.com updates. This year just keeps getting better and better. Into the Darkness is what really got me. I knew Tuyet would play a role, but not that much of a role. 'Twas very entertaining. I didn't even have to read it! Though I do find it a little funny to hear GregF's voice. No offense meant, of course. Been makin' polls like crazy. Partly 'cause I want to help, and partly 'cause I've got nothing better to do. I'll let you figure out which is the more dominant reason.
  21. Gravitan

    Second Entry

    Oh come on, Gb, you know perfectly well what went down. Might cover that for those who don't know (and the few that would even want to know ) in an upcoming entry.
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