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Toa Xenronn

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Everything posted by Toa Xenronn

  1. Toa Xenronn

    I Has Hair

    Heh. Flirt Much? (I'm just kidding, of course.) Back to this "message": OMGLKhsrelpicofherOMGOMGOMGLKLKLKLKLKOMG>< And how many other words can I write using only one letter? Let's see. .. Lots. So, Major. Where am I headed, O' honorific and graticious field commando? Shall we tear down the world, or just storm the place and take all the valubles and food? Mostly the food? I like your style, Major. They've got cupcakes! *munchmunchmunch* MMMM, chocolate chips. _THiS IncReDIBlY rANdoM MessAGE wAs brOUghT To yOU bY XenroNN Edit: Y'know, your smile is pretty. (d'oh, hypocrtical me...)
  2. I resent that. What about the Podcasts, and serials, huh? Some of us like to read... Anyway, yay updates and all that. I hope I'll be able to do better this time around once AM v2 comes out.... I still can't beat Malum in the second go-round.... At least someone's updating... (VGCats fans unite for update.) _Xenn
  3. OOoooh, I want one. One of what, I'm not sure. But I want one! So, does USD payment mean that we can send you moneys in the mail, like a check or something? I must know this, as to ascertain a certain plan henceforth to jimmy up and procure some of your dashingly great-intuituioned pencilwork. (I want one of your artz.) _Xenn PS: I'm strangly british now. PM me if you think this is abnormal.
  4. Toa Xenronn

    Oh Noooz

    I'm pretty much in the same boat with Raia. 17's not old, it's awesome. Next is 18, then 21, then the prime of your life! You aren't old. Anyway, I'll be joining you on the seventeen pedastal in 9 days. (June 9th, rock on) Keep the SS "we're seniors" docked until I climb aboard, then? Make sure to keep your head above water, too. (Am I done with the nautical references yet? Does a Skakdi like poetry?) _Xenn' of the Moon PS: Arrrrgh!
  5. That's code for


  6. Since I haven't been by in a while, I thought I'd poke you. But ~kora~ seems to have monopolized that.

    So: D'poke of D'finga leads to D'downfall of D'body and D'mind. D''yeah.

  7. 0_o Xenronn has gone too far. Xenronn lives under a rock. Xenronn must now finish his schoolwork and quit speaking in the 3rd person... _Xenn PS: yes, LK, I am mocking this. Maybe it's the whiskers, maybe it's because he now looks waaaaaay too much like Sly Cooper....
  8. Poor Lady.. *pats on the head* Feel better, will 'ya? I don't like it when people I like get, like, sick and, like, stuff. Like, Yeah. Like, like, like, like, like, like, like. I said so, that's why. (speaking to Lady K's fever) _Xenn
  9. I SO totally call Szian. My voice be naturally deep. And stuff. I'll see if I can fish out our mic; I know it's somewhere in this house...... You know of course, that I love this. I'm thinking of either Szian, or if I can't get him, Capn' Yuuzian. After all, I'm a pirate. (no, Xenronn is not from somalia. <no offense, somalia>) _Xenn PS: E-Mail is forthcoming, I just gotta FIND the darn thing!!!!11!! MAjor edit::: I read the post above me, Lady, and now I'm fearful. See, I live in NC, but still. Does this mean main roles will have to journey to one place, or something? I'm confusled. ...This is probably going to come to you in a PM.
  10. Lady K, you've got yourself an actor. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Want to do SZIAN!!!!!!! That is, if he has the normal Makuta-ish voice, y'know, all dark and low and scary; 'cause that's how my voice is normally! I'll try to figure out HOW to use our mic now, since I never had a want to do it before. Just PM me when you guys want to start, but keep in mind that I'll be in School until June 11th, so I may not be fully available until then. But available, nonetheless. I think that's all you needed to know right now; if I've forgotton anything, put it in the PM. And thank you for this chance, it absolutly rocks. (I'm trying to cut down on the "awesome" statements.) _Xenn And now, a penguin. I'm off to read the final Glitch chapter.
  11. Toa Xenronn


  12. I actually watched it on the internet for free like most people I'm sure, because the dub/DVD stuff isn't even out yet. Oh, right. Yeah. I knew that. I was just testing you. I'm totally going to watch that now... _Xenn
  13. I have told myself (what is this, like, the fifth time?) that I should start watching 24. So far, no dice. Also in response to a little-later-woah, that may fit in here as this has to do with TV topics, FRINGE officially blows my mind so often, I have no mind anymore. Oh, wait, I didn't before, anyway.... Batigaspizard! FMA: yet another show that I can't watch because Xenronns need so much sleep. And have so little moneys. _Xenn Edit: If you don't happen to watch Fringe, but like SciFi, then you should. Tuesdays at 9 pm, Fox.
  14. Toa Xenronn


    Replace North Dakota with New York State, dog with luggage, Home Depot with a telephone pole and the family cat, and cafeteria with kitchen, and you've got pretty much the jist of what I would have said here. Guess who doesn't feel like typing?!?!? Really. My fingers feel like lead sausages. If sausages were made of lead. And really thin. _Xenn Edit: Once again with the people saying things that I myself wanted to say, but they can say them better. Ditto, Raia. _Xenn again
  15. Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings too. *also falls over* ... ... _Xen *gets up* But no, really, Komas is now officially my hero/look-up-to person. When is the Komas fan club going public? Or is it? Or has it already, and I'm ignorent? And is it creepy for a guy to like Komas so much? And am I rambling? _Xenn Edit: In conjunction with my quoting of Nukaya's post, this now also applies to me, I think, and now I feel obliged to answer, and the answer is no.
  16. I so totally love this song. It makes me feel all tingley when I listen. ... Interestingly, this is the first song you've posted since I started reading your blog that I actully know. Strange, yes? no? no. Right. _Xenn
  17. Nice. I'll check these out IF I ever get the time to actully sit down at the computer and read like a normal person. (I hate this Graduation Project.) _Xenn PS: sorry for the useless rambling about school. Hmmphff. Lady K is homesckooleed. Lucky.
  18. Toa Xenronn

    No Way!

    Niihlus=/=Nihlus. Hush, you. BtB Okay, now I'm confused. Who's dead? Between Harry Potter, Star Wars, Glatorians, and Space Pirates, I keep losing track. (points if you know what I'm actully talking about.) <ANYWAYS I WAS NOT COMPLETLY OFF-TOPIC BACK TO CONGRATULATING LADY K> XP So,,, er, yeah. Congrats on winning. I personally would've given yours first place, but then I'm a biased LK-lover. I can't help it. It's sorta a side-effect of following GITS. _Xenn PS: about this side-effect: You should exploit this. It could be useful.
  19. Toa Xenronn


    Awwww, *glomps anyway* I'm already sick, you see. *cough cough*. And so now you must feel better, because I said so. Feel better, Lady K. DO IT! Feel betterrrrrr! ( roll that last r sound, if you can. ) _Xenn
  20. Toa Xenronn


    Of COURSE it's worth it. Your art and other stuff is a very important part of you on here. And everywhere else too, I'm sure. If you don't have time, or some things are hard to find, I will help you with anything you need. Don't lose hope, Lady. You ain't the only one who's had a bad week, I have too. So, can I help you cheer up? _Xenn, who is dead serious.
  21. I just read it. You're awesome. (there's more in the review topic on account of that's where you wanted it.) _Xenn
  22. You read my brain, <insert real name here>. *deep inhale* 1)If you could have any kind of vehicle(be it Bionicle, something from a movie, or a real thing), what would it be? 2)We all know the moon is not made of cheese. But, what if it was made of barbecued spare ribs? Would you eat it then? 3)If you were doomed to be an inanimate object for 3 weeks, what would you become? 4)Does this dress make me look fat? (you did say ANY question...) 5)Be honest. What is your real first name? 6)Say I could teleport back and forth from the Bionicle Universe to earth, anytime I wanted.(Human <-> Biomechanical Being conversions included) Would you go with me? ... (I can't help but feel you'd become Either Tachi or some awesome Icy Lady when we got there... 7)Truth or Dare? 8)If you were trapped on a island off the coast of Florida, what would you bring with you? (this is a trick question) 9)What was your favorite Bionicle year?(09 don't count.) 10)Why doesn't Tachi ever use her Great Mahiki? I couldn't help but comment... I didn't know anybody else knew this quote referance. Thought it was something my parents do to annoy me. Don't be ridiculous. Woodchucks only eat gravel. _Xenn
  23. Wow, 10 grand in posts. In 2 1/4 years. I don't think I could get even 3000 in that time.

  24. *To Takuma Nuva*: Turakii's right. She's always right. *To Lady K*:I have two theroys. 1) Lady Kopakas need a whole lot more sleep than other people. This results in thier sleeping 10+ hours a day. 2) You have inbibed a very large quantity of Caffine/Sugar, and it has drastically messed up your internal clock, making you sleep more than normal sometimes. This is also the case if you have certain nights where you sleep for very little time. Cures: 1) You're going to have to deal with either being tired, or sleeping in. 2) Perform strenuous exercises until you are "dog-tired", and then sleep. If the problem is not resolved, ask you doctor. current side-effects are mild to deep insomnia, jerkiness, nose pain, overdue bills, bad credit, house impoundment, and attorneys. Yeah, I started rambling. But who doesn't these days? _Xenn
  25. Well said. ..And why on earth would you want a pound of beads? _Xenn
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