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Toa Xenronn

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Everything posted by Toa Xenronn

  1. Toa Xenronn

    It's Done

    That really is a fun game. YES. And of course, since you've now finished the last US Bionibook, that means that We'll have some in stores now.. Right? Riiiiiight? *nudges* _Xenn PS: EEEEEEEeeeeeek, movie!
  2. Toa Xenronn

    New Monitor

    Oh, you know..... Guess who's got two thumbs and isn't getting her classwork done and instead is spending it drawing dinosuars? This gal! I have but only two things to say, the first being that I am jealous of you, dear Lady, for having a computer like the one I've always wanted. That being one of my own. and the second, less pessemistic thing, is: McMacasaurus Rex - the only fat dinosaur monitor that sits on you. _Xenn
  3. Woo, Lady K, a driver. I actully don't have a liecense yet. . But I will in March, I think. Guess I just didn't need one before. Not to mention gas prices weren't exactly encouraging.... And yet. As for your issue with all the people wanting to be your friend, isn't it obvious? You're so darn awesome, they can't help themselves. I found myself in that situation once. Though you accepted me anyways. (once again going back to the awesomeness.) I say let'em in. PM them, ask them about themselves. If you don't get replies, then remove them from your list. ... Or you could just dress them up like Makuta and set Tachi on them. _Xenn PS: Bwuhahaha x3.
  4. Toa Xenronn


    Xenronn then reads blog and goes XP Then he gets sick and goes "hhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggghhh". And finally, Xenronn sues the record companies for making 8-tracks so darn easy to trip over, when you're doubling over in fits of sickness. ... *hands Lady K half of lawsuit proceeds* _Xenn PS: or at least I would, if there had been a lawsuit.
  5. The night I spent in your bed was wonderful <3 I was there too! Was I so forgettable? But you weren't in the bed, you were in the chair... Exactly How big is this room?!?! .... I was hiding behind the big fluffy chair. If you looked closely, you'd have seen a mask of concealment lying on the ground. Yep, that was me. ... o_O _Xenn Edit: Aww, Smeag, you sorta killed it!
  6. Hmm. It seems that swords are now 70 % more effective than before. _Xenn
  7. Toa Xenronn

    A New Year

    Reading this gave me a weird pain/bubbling in my chestal section. (that's lungs, stomache, and liver) I see I have a plethora of things to ponder, on top of all that being the choice of whether or not to use overly-complicated words. But all silliness aside, I do have some things to change about my life, particularly the habit of running and hiding from my people-problems, and waiting for them to get better. Two things I have forgotten. I know it's a little late for me to start making resolutions, but I think the one that I'll love by is to forget the darkness that preys on my mind. seriously, It's time for me to be serious with my life. This has been coming on for a while, but it took a big something to bring it fully to light. So thank you for helping me see, Lady. _Xenn
  8. Ah, yes. Virii are the worst. But you fot through it, and cheered joyously and probably half-deleriously. And so I congratulate you, and anyone else who helped. I offer you this cyber-cake. Or I would, if it were'nt, sadly, a lie. _Xenn
  9. Toa Xenronn


    Sure. LA gets snow. YOU get snow. The whole freaking world gets snow. 'cept me and my little state of NC>_< (okay, so the mountains got some. But I'm not there ) Does it help any that I made 2 wishes on the clock numbers 11:11 and a wishbone for a white chrismas down here? I hope so!!!! _Xenronn, who now wishes he were a Toa of Ice. PS: Hey, Lady, do you think you could persuede Kopaka into sending me some frozen goodness?
  10. Toa Xenronn

    Plot Twist

    Hmm, I wonder what it's like to have wireless internet in your room... ... I wonder what it's like to have a computer in your room... ... _Xenn
  11. pokiferriferious.

    (which I think, if I translated correctly, means "Poke of Iron")

  12. OR! Ajihad. -Raia- Or, just maybe... Mr T! _Xenn
  13. That makes me wanna write some lyrics with how you said that. xD I haven't read Twilight yet and the craze about it is a bit too much for me, so I'm gunna wait to check it out later. It looks nice though. More like the stupid deer. >_< The darn thing ran out right in front of us and my dad didn't have time to stop, and I nearly fainted from shock for some reason. Reviews and critics are dumb. Do not trust them. The movie was good. And I like the new Bond. Very yummy. :3 Hey, Lady K, I'm quoting you quoting other people! 1) [singing badly] And I'm sorry 'bout the ride, and the deer, and the sick! [/singing badly] 2)Speaking as a fan of the Twilight books (before this craze that arose out of nowhere... Actully, the girl I had a crush on got me into them... But THAT is a different story ENTIRE-LY) I think you'd like it, but as always with these instances, please read the book first. Unless mushy love stories mixed with bone-chilling vampires creeps you out. Or just love stories in general. [/doesn't know, and is now making a fool of himself] 3)The deer actully wondered if it could hitch a ride on you front bumper, seeing as how the deermobile (a branch of Exxon) left it on the roadside again. Sadly, Humans do not speak deer, so all you heard was "*ba-thump*, and the occasional gasp of fright from the driver's area." ... Followed by retching. 4) I love the old Bond movies, but I haven't seen any newbies yet. (wow, a use of the word "newbies" for non-degrading reasons! ) ... .. *gags* _Xenn
  14. POKE

    (as in pokage, poking, pokked, pokeded, and pokehappy.)

  15. Riiight, Bleach. I had a feeling..

    *goes to poke Turakii*

  16. ...And those dishes. >_< ... My hands are still pruney. _Xenn
  17. Toa Xenronn

    New Prince

    Why is Lady K talking about herself in 3rd person? _Xenn
  18. Toa Xenronn


    Wow. Art. The majority of my feelings have already been expressed in the topic itself. That, and the reason I'm so monotonic is because I'm thinking hard. I believe that after about a year of inactivity, I may start drawing again. *Idea blossoms* ... AC16, here I come. _Xenn
  19. Toa Xenronn


    Well, there isn't much I know about that. I basically draw to music, so I take a bunch of songs I like and listen to them until I get an idea. If you don't draw to music, maybe the same principal can be applied? (drawing on a trampoline?) _Xenn
  20. Wow. I feel so young, with on'y my one-year vahi. Even though we're the same age. _Xenn
  21. Watch this. It always helps me when I've had a horrible day. _Xenn
  22. I hear ya', sister. (Okay, you're not my sister. I know this.) Solitude is a plus when looking at the stars. You at least have that - all I get when looking skyward is about 3 different dogs barking, a car accelerating, and at least one airplane/Helicopter. You'd think that my living next to a wood would mean peace and quiet. Not so. Or maybe my hearing's just REALLY good. _Xenn PS: Right on with the stars. Whenever I can't take the people I live with (whether family or not) another second, that is what I do. Then I usually get yelled at for being outside in the middle of the night with no pants on. (I wear a robe, calm down.)
  23. I think tis' becoming a slight trend for me to post under you. Anywhose... I really think that Tachi should be colored with, well, normal human colors. Meaning don't make her hair purple. Maybe a nice light brown/tan... And as for GitS... Maybe 2 more really suspensful, hinting chapters would be good. Though whether that's because I just don't want it to end, or because that would be a good story plot, I have no idea. _Xenn PS: PS.
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