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Toa Xenronn

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Blog Comments posted by Toa Xenronn

  1. MA: yet another show that I can't watch because Xenronns need so much sleep. And have so little moneys.

    I actually watched it on the internet for free like most people I'm sure, because the dub/DVD stuff isn't even out yet.


    Oh, right. Yeah. I knew that. :P I was just testing you. I'm totally going to watch that now...




  2. I have told myself (what is this, like, the fifth time?) that I should start watching 24. So far, no dice. :(


    Also in response to a little-later-woah, that may fit in here as this has to do with TV topics, FRINGE officially blows my mind so often, I have no mind anymore. Oh, wait, I didn't before, anyway....


    :D Batigaspizard! :D


    FMA: yet another show that I can't watch because Xenronns need so much sleep. And have so little moneys. :P



    Edit: If you don't happen to watch Fringe, but like SciFi, then you should. Tuesdays at 9 pm, Fox.

  3. TachixKomas drawing?




    It's ok, I kind of know how it feels to be stuck with people in a vehicle for ages and ages. My family road tripped to North Dakota for a family reunion a couple years back and even though it was only four of us plus a dog, my dad can be such a character sometimes it was like dealing with three or four extra people.


    Yay, you went driving with no asplosions! The first time I went driving, I almost hit Home Depot....


    Mmmmm, stir fry and chocolate. *glances disdainfully in the direction of the cafeteria* That sounds so good right now.


    I hope you have fun visiting your family, and have a good Easter! =)

    Replace North Dakota with New York State, dog with luggage, Home Depot with a telephone pole and the family cat, and cafeteria with kitchen, and you've got pretty much the jist of what I would have said here. Guess who doesn't feel like typing?!?!? :P


    Really. My fingers feel like lead sausages. If sausages were made of lead. And really thin.




    I can't imagine piling all your brothers and sisters in a van and driving for hours. I mean, I have only ONE brother and I can't hardly stand even taking him out in public just for a little outing.xD

    Once again with the people saying things that I myself wanted to say, but they can say them better. Ditto, Raia.


    _Xenn again

  4. OH. MY. good.




    *falls over*


    Yeah, that pretty much sums up my feelings too. *also falls over*






    _Xen *gets up* But no, really, Komas is now officially my hero/look-up-to person. When is the Komas fan club going public? Or is it? Or has it already, and I'm ignorent? And is it creepy for a guy to like Komas so much? And am I rambling?






    Did I just accidentally kill a fan?

    In conjunction with my quoting of Nukaya's post, this now also applies to me, I think, and now I feel obliged to answer, and the answer is no.


  5. Nice. I'll check these out IF I ever get the time to actully sit down at the computer and read like a normal person. (I hate this Graduation Project.)



    PS: sorry for the useless rambling about school. Hmmphff. Lady K is homesckooleed. Lucky.

  6. Niihlus is dead.


    He can't think anything.



    Niihlus=/=Nihlus. :P

    Hush, you.




    Okay, now I'm confused. Who's dead? Between Harry Potter, Star Wars, Glatorians, and Space Pirates, I keep losing track. (points if you know what I'm actully talking about.)




    So,,, er, yeah. Congrats on winning. I personally would've given yours first place, but then I'm a biased LK-lover. I can't help it. It's sorta a side-effect of following GITS.



    PS: about this side-effect: You should exploit this. It could be useful. :fear:


  7. I'll work on rebuilding GITS but I'm not sure about the other stuff, I may not have the time and I'm not sure if it's worth it now anyway.

    Of COURSE it's worth it. Your art and other stuff is a very important part of you on here. And everywhere else too, I'm sure.

    If you don't have time, or some things are hard to find, I will help you with anything you need. Don't lose hope, Lady. You ain't the only one who's had a bad week, I have too. So, can I help you cheer up?


    _Xenn, who is dead serious.

  8. You read my brain, <insert real name here>.

    *deep inhale*

    1)If you could have any kind of vehicle(be it Bionicle, something from a movie, or a real thing), what would it be?


    2)We all know the moon is not made of cheese. But, what if it was made of barbecued spare ribs? Would you eat it then?


    3)If you were doomed to be an inanimate object for 3 weeks, what would you become?


    4)Does this dress make me look fat? (you did say ANY question...)


    5)Be honest. What is your real first name?


    6)Say I could teleport back and forth from the Bionicle Universe to earth, anytime I wanted.(Human <-> Biomechanical Being conversions included) Would you go with me?


    (I can't help but feel you'd become Either Tachi or some awesome Icy Lady when we got there...


    7)Truth or Dare?


    8)If you were trapped on a island off the coast of Florida, what would you bring with you? (this is a trick question)


    9)What was your favorite Bionicle year?(09 don't count.)


    10)Why doesn't Tachi ever use her Great Mahiki? :???:



    I couldn't help but comment...

    What's this whole deal with always serving applesauce in the same meal as pork chops??


    takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

    I didn't know anybody else knew this quote referance. Thought it was something my parents do to annoy me.


    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?




    Cake or pie?



    Don't be ridiculous. Woodchucks only eat gravel.



  9. *To Takuma Nuva*: Turakii's right. She's always right.


    *To Lady K*:I have two theroys.


    1) Lady Kopakas need a whole lot more sleep than other people. This results in thier sleeping 10+ hours a day.


    2) You have inbibed a very large quantity of Caffine/Sugar, and it has drastically messed up your internal clock, making you sleep more than normal sometimes. This is also the case if you have certain nights where you sleep for very little time.




    1) You're going to have to deal with either being tired, or sleeping in.


    2) Perform strenuous exercises until you are "dog-tired", and then sleep. If the problem is not resolved, ask you doctor.


    current side-effects are mild to deep insomnia, jerkiness, nose pain, overdue bills, bad credit, house impoundment, and attorneys. :P

    Yeah, I started rambling. But who doesn't these days?



  10. Sooooooo ... I am off to have breakfast and then play some Marvel Ultimate Alliance until my wife wakes up :)


    That really is a fun game. :P



    And of course, since you've now finished the last US Bionibook, that means that We'll have some in stores now.. Right? Riiiiiight? *nudges*



    PS: EEEEEEEeeeeeek, movie!

  11. Fat... dinosaur... monitor?







    Fat... dinosaur... monitor?





    Oh, you know.....




    Guess who's got two thumbs and isn't getting her classwork done and instead is spending it drawing dinosuars? This gal!


    I have but only two things to say, the first being that I am jealous of you, dear Lady, for having a computer like the one I've always wanted. That being one of my own.


    and the second, less pessemistic thing, is:

    McMacasaurus Rex - the only fat dinosaur monitor that sits on you.



  12. Woo, Lady K, a driver. I actully don't have a liecense yet. :o . But I will in March, I think. Guess I just didn't need one before. Not to mention gas prices weren't exactly encouraging....


    And yet.


    As for your issue with all the people wanting to be your friend, isn't it obvious? You're so darn awesome, they can't help themselves. I found myself in that situation once. Though you accepted me anyways. (once again going back to the awesomeness.)

    I say let'em in. PM them, ask them about themselves. If you don't get replies, then remove them from your list.




    Or you could just dress them up like Makuta and set Tachi on them.



    PS: Bwuhahaha x3.

  13. Xenronn then reads blog and goes XP


    Then he gets sick and goes "hhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggghhh".


    And finally, Xenronn sues the record companies for making 8-tracks so darn easy to trip over, when you're doubling over in fits of sickness.



    *hands Lady K half of lawsuit proceeds*



    PS: or at least I would, if there had been a lawsuit.

  14. But I thought what we had was special. I let you sleep in my room when you were tired and everything. :(

    The night I spent in your bed was wonderful <3

    I was there too! Was I so forgettable?

    But you weren't in the bed, you were in the chair...

    Exactly How big is this room?!?!




    I was hiding behind the big fluffy chair. If you looked closely, you'd have seen a mask of concealment lying on the ground. Yep, that was me.







    Edit: Aww, Smeag, you sorta killed it!

  15. Reading this gave me a weird pain/bubbling in my chestal section. (that's lungs, stomache, and liver)


    I see I have a plethora of things to ponder, on top of all that being the choice of whether or not to use overly-complicated words. But all silliness aside, I do have some things to change about my life, particularly the habit of running and hiding from my people-problems, and waiting for them to get better.

    ...ignorance is truly bliss.


    Love and live while you can.

    Two things I have forgotten. I know it's a little late for me to start making resolutions, but I think the one that I'll love by is to forget the darkness that preys on my mind. seriously, It's time for me to be serious with my life. This has been coming on for a while, but it took a big something to bring it fully to light. So thank you for helping me see, Lady.



  16. Sure. LA gets snow. YOU get snow. The whole freaking world gets snow. 'cept me and my little state of NC>_<

    (okay, so the mountains got some. But I'm not there :( )


    Does it help any that I made 2 wishes on the clock numbers 11:11 and a wishbone for a white chrismas down here? I hope so!!!! :lol:


    _Xenronn, who now wishes he were a Toa of Ice.

    PS: Hey, Lady, do you think you could persuede Kopaka into sending me some frozen goodness? :P

  17. And sorry about the ride. And the deer. And you getting sick.

    What I always do in long drives is stare intently at one point really far off,

    and sooner than it seems you start daydreaming off, and then Poof.

    You're there.

    That makes me wanna write some lyrics with how you said that. xD


    Haven't seen Quantum of Solace...saw Twilight the other day. It's good as long as you like the book.

    I haven't read Twilight yet and the craze about it is a bit too much for me, so I'm gunna wait to check it out later. It looks nice though.


    Poor deer.

    More like the stupid deer. >_< The darn thing ran out right in front of us and my dad didn't have time to stop, and I nearly fainted from shock for some reason.


    The reviews for QoS were... not too great (2.5/5 stars). My bro. saw it and, however, said it was good. I just don't like the character of James Bond to start with, though, so yeah.

    Reviews and critics are dumb. Do not trust them. The movie was good. And I like the new Bond. Very yummy. :3

    Hey, Lady K, I'm quoting you quoting other people! :)

    1) [singing badly] And I'm sorry 'bout the ride, and the deer, and the sick! [/singing badly]


    2)Speaking as a fan of the Twilight books (before this craze that arose out of nowhere... Actully, the girl I had a crush on got me into them... But THAT is a different story ENTIRE-LY) I think you'd like it, but as always with these instances, please read the book first. Unless mushy love stories mixed with bone-chilling vampires creeps you out. Or just love stories in general. [/doesn't know, and is now making a fool of himself] :P


    3)The deer actully wondered if it could hitch a ride on you front bumper, seeing as how the deermobile (a branch of Exxon) left it on the roadside again. Sadly, Humans do not speak deer, so all you heard was "*ba-thump*, and the occasional gasp of fright from the driver's area." ... Followed by retching. :P


    4) I love the old Bond movies, but I haven't seen any newbies yet. (wow, a use of the word "newbies" for non-degrading reasons! :blink: )


    The movie was good. And I like the new Bond. Very yummy. :3


    Very Yummy. :3




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