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Toa Xenronn

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Blog Comments posted by Toa Xenronn

  1. Wow. Art. The majority of my feelings have already been expressed in the topic itself. That, and the reason I'm so monotonic is because I'm thinking hard. I believe that after about a year of inactivity, I may start drawing again. *Idea blossoms* ...


    AC16, here I come.



  2. Well, there isn't much I know about that. I basically draw to music, so I take a bunch of songs I like and listen to them until I get an idea. If you don't draw to music, maybe the same principal can be applied?

    (drawing on a trampoline?)



  3. I hear ya', sister. (Okay, you're not my sister. I know this.)

    Solitude is a plus when looking at the stars. You at least have that - all I get when looking skyward is about 3 different dogs barking, a car accelerating, and at least one airplane/Helicopter. You'd think that my living next to a wood would mean peace and quiet. Not so. Or maybe my hearing's just REALLY good. :P



    PS: Right on with the stars. Whenever I can't take the people I live with (whether family or not) another second, that is what I do. Then I usually get yelled at for being outside in the middle of the night with no pants on. (I wear a robe, calm down.)

  4. I think tis' becoming a slight trend for me to post under you. :blink:


    I really think that Tachi should be colored with, well, normal human colors. Meaning don't make her hair purple. Maybe a nice light brown/tan...


    And as for GitS... Maybe 2 more really suspensful, hinting chapters would be good. Though whether that's because I just don't want it to end, or because that would be a good story plot, I have no idea. :lol:



    PS: PS.

  5. Yay, member facts! I'll even catagorize them!

    Mushy -

    Xenronn likes to watch romance movies

    Xenronn can only go to sleep if he's hugging a pillow.

    Xenronn thinks that blue eyed brunettes are HOT.


    Strange -

    Xenronn has rebuilt his MOC of himself about 29 different times.

    Xenronn likes to eat his Snickers Bar with a fork and a knife.

    Xenronn has an alter ego named Ceris, whose name arose out of a really bad typo of the word "Steak"

    Xenronn is actully an acronym for Xenon Robot-suit Onyx Nine, which is the name of Xenronn's body armor.


    Internet -

    Xenronn had a collection of short-lived comics, which failed because no one read them.

    The search term "Xenronn" will get you about 635 results on Google.

    Xenronn is actully a widely used name, created by his... well, creator, Josh. His creator (aka ME) uses the name as a collective online identity.

    Xenronn likes to browse the internet, looking for anything and everything to do with the Metroid Series.

    Xenronn has the biggest favorites folder of his entire family on the internet browser, containing exactly 80 links.


    Life -

    Xenronn is very shy

    Xenronn has never had a girlfriend.

    Xenronn likes to make fun of turkeys in November.

    Xenronn's favorite Movie EVER in the ENTIRE WORLD is Treasure Planet.

    Xenronn is incredibly long-winded when it comes to description

    Xenronn can only remember about half the things he reads, 3/4 of the things he sees, and all of what he hears.

    Xenronn has a phonographic memory


    Believe it or not, Xenronn does not talk about himself in the third person all the time. Except when it's raining. Xenronns don't like rain...



  6. "I'm gonna live till I die." - Frank Sinatra

    - Yes, this is definatly Komas. Daniel Craig - Can't see how he could pull off wearing a mask, but... Goggles - Well, yeah. He has them






    PS: My mother had 9 other siblings... all about 2 years apart... and she was the ext-to-youngest. I think I know where you might be coming from. The explanation she gives is quite vivid.

  7. Confess! I's one of those poor saps who edited. :rolleyes: I need to learn to read more carefully.


    PSAT= Personal Super-Annoying Test-o-rama.


    Woo, bed frame! I had a friend once who slept on just a mattress. As I recall she was sore often....


    And finally, I will go out on a visual note:



    OOOOOOoooooooooo! It's a lemurouse! This is to make you go "awwwww" and forget your troubles about school. Or the Pit. Whichever one of those you were talking about, as I get them mixed up.



  8. Okay, I'm feeling critiquey.


    By Karzahni, I loathe school— I’ve been avoiding the dreadful stuff… It’s such a darn mess. Trying to learn geometry and everything else unaided is not fun. Not at all. >:[

    Awwww, lucky homeschooled girly.


    I’m going to take a break from the computer for roughly a week. I need to catch up in school and discipline myself better to finishing all my subjects. I have a lot of work and I don’t want to fail like I did with my freshmen and sophomore year. I personally blame life in general for messing up my school, but for now on my education is on my head.

    Just make sure you don't switch the sentance around to read: "I'm going to take the computer for a rough break from the week." you wouldn't do that. Why would you do that?


    I’d like to apologize for not adding a new Glitch in the System chapter recently, but I’m having a tad setback. Hopefully when I’m back I’ll have a new one up. Sorry!

    Oh, hai, that's okay. (rhymes are now awesome.)


    But, in short— I’m gone for the week. Don’t expect reviews, PMing or the sort from me, but then again don’t be surprised if you see me on, I’m not doing school all day.

    Well, I don't anyway! ^_^

    ...most of the day, right?


    I have some good news though. I have a job now, so money, yay! Aside from that, nothing too exciting is happening, so I’ll get back with you folks later.

    Woo, now you can give some to me! Right? Riiiight? *pats o head* No, I couldn't take your money. You need it to go and buy things that you need. Like stuff to make you all warm and happy inside, and the occasional Bionicle. (Can anyone say "put Kopaka in the next year's story"??)



  9. Hmmm... Well, if you want to be hit in the head.....



    Besides, you already decided. But really, frying pans HURT>_< when you get hit with them. I should know. Now, as I was saying../

    The concert would definately be better, because it only comes around once every few years, unless you're rich and stuff. A formal is just about every year at school, church, and anywhere else publicly organized. So you won't really miss a chance doing that.



    PS: If you ever decide to go to a dance, and there's no one to take, I'd take you. You know I would.

    PPS: that is, If I could ever FIND you... :P ><

  10. Is that snake strangling a poor little girl? how could you? I"M the resident Toa of Shadows, you know...

    If I am totally making a huge and irreversible mistake, begging forgivness.


    Mutran himself reminds me of another Anime/game character.... now who could that be? maybe it's just the glasses, but...



    greed.jpg - FMA


    I swear it by Artahka's holy sweatband, this is really weird. The shadowed one looked like Auron, and now this. Not that I am saying you are a con-artist, because I would NEVER say that, and they don't look similar ENOUGH> stilll, I must make the point because I am obnoxious, and also REALLY HYPER right now. Which makes no sense because I had about 5 hours of sleep last night. I smell apples. Does anyone else smell apples? *collapses*



  11. Well, now. I could say several different things. I could say that you look great with them, but that's already been said. I could say that they match your eyes, but I don't know. (do they?)

    I could say that it's an awesome idea, and that you are very creative, but you already should know that. I could say that you must be very brave to wear them in public (if you do, you're braver than me.)

    AND I could say that I am incredibly jealous that you have Copper Hunas and I don't. And while all these things are probably true, (save for #2, as that has a lessened chance of being so.), and I have already said them, these are not what I am thinking right now.


    Instead, I will say this:

    I can swear that I've seen you before!!! I didn't know who you were, but ... I never forget a face. Or half of one. :P

    Perhaps we'll meet again?



    PS: Can we say "brainwave"?


    I would've taken more pics, ( the mask is interchangable!), but my camera batteries diededed. Now I have to wait until we can find lithiums again... :(

    PPS:You ain't the only one with failzorz camera skills... :lol:



    Very beautiful! And creative, at that!


    My, what a beautiful... neck?





    No offense, but the way you said that you totally sounded like a vampire.


    No, THIS is a vampire:

    Wow, Lady Kopaka, your neck looks very very very .... Good. I mean appetizatious. I mean delicieautful! I mean scruptonice! .... *%&@.

    I know this vampire guy... Isn't he Horrifunifying?

  12. I KNOW!!!! ^_^ :wub: !!! :alert: ... :akaku:


    (regains guyish composure.)


    sorry, but I really am glad too. After all, Zaktan IS win. (how can anyone not love impact eyebeams? Or that dashing smile? Okay, the smile's a little creepy, I admit. but It's still WIN.)



    PS: By the way, did anyone know that Zaktan is back in the storyline? :D


    _Xenn again

  13. Wow, and I thought my friend Kayla and I were the only ones who used the word "esplodeded". :happydance: (That and pokeded).


    I love your voice. Is that creepy? :blink: I don't think so...


    And the Piraka Rap was a nice touch. I think that the startup tune (City of Legends) was a little out-of-place, though.


    All in all, there is NOTHING wrong with this recording. I put it on my Mp3 and listen when I'm playing games.



    PS: You're awesome. Did I mention that you're awesome?


  14. stop starting new drawings, it's not helping me at all with older stuff. xDDDD.




    just like that, right? :lol:

    No, but seriously. The neck isn't all that long. It looks like he's stretching it upwards to look at something in the sky in the distance. Perhaps he's seeing the Red Star?!?

    Good job yet again, M'Lady.

    (Is also missing out on Brickfair; is close to tears because they is giving away free Copper Hunas.)



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