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Everything posted by Nara

  1. Nara


    I have something for you: I would consider this an award.
  2. Nara


    Have one where Ferran finds a mutated Klakk that does the oppisite; Drain Light, and give shadow.
  3. Prepare for Stalking. Please do not take the escape pod on your left.

  4. Self Moc/Nara Entry Pic Gallery Topic: Here Click the red X. It works. It's the slideshow. At the end, it shows how I mutate. Click to view the next slide.
  5. I'mk guessing a full makuta.
  6. I hate you. You got it stuck in my head now!
  7. Nara

    A Character Bio

    Well, I feel like reading Iron Rebirth. It sounds good.
  8. Take pics of each one, and photoshop them. It's allowed, not prefered.
  9. Please spoiler that, thank you.
  10. I will be gone until sunday, if anyone cares.

  11. Wow, I've only entered 3 contests (2 blogs (They are still in progress) and BBC #49(I lost)) and I still ranked 8. It's good enough for me Oh, and congratulations to the winners! Looking forward to the epic.
  12. That sentence was a little confusing . . . I don't think BZPower will let you use pictures with their domain name . . . Also, if you're not an assistant, please refrain from answering questions. I know you're trying to help, but I want to make sure you know what the answer is. Thank you. -TV He is reffering to BZP member Wil. ~BD~ How can he use BZPicture? Sorry, I forgot to add 'Member'. Ask Wil about it by Pm.
  13. Me, Myself and I. Just Kidding XD I'm getting no respect, even if I did only post 5 MoCs (They were not costom, that's probebly why. Well, except 1. My BBC #49 entry). I've gotta post my self-MoC. Me Luz Sir Kaji
  14. Yes, But you need an E-Mail address. If you don't have one, ask BZPower Wil about signing up on BZPicture.
  15. Well, you can have broken ones. Just not Painted.
  16. Yes, as long as it has at least 3 forms.
  17. I already have Taka and the Six Mistika. :B
  18. 1. From what Velox said, that would be correct. ~BD~ oooh man, there goes my fun. just to be sure, can i have the 3 stages, but have each one a different photo. just then i can stick them together. Acctually, I gust got a PM from Velox and he said they don't have to be built all at once, he would just prefer it.
  19. Nara

    20 Questions 5

    Is it Large? No
  20. My entry is 9/10 done. I need to finish it up.
  21. Nara

    One Year Vahi!

    Wow, sorry I missed the day. I was out for almost the entire day. Anyway, Huzzah! (Wow, haven't used that word before)
  22. Nice Signoff. It's the 'This post has been edited by Bfahome' thing.
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