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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth

    I Has Hair

    Also, dunno if you see Doctor Who, but it kinda reminds me of The Doctor always wanting to be ginger...
  2. So, It'll be music and no sound effects? Cool. Can't wait for it.
  3. Zatth

    I Has Hair

    Ditto on the looks well comments, Major.
  4. Already having worked with Skully's earlier Podcast project, I'm gojng for an audiobook with music and sound effects. BTW, get well soon, Lady K.
  5. Ah, well. Evereything that is really good takes time. And, the more time, the more you're encouraged to see or buy it.
  6. Zatth


    As long as it doesn't disrupt your creative flow, any style is ok.
  7. Zatth

    Up Early To Update

    Ah, Bink. You never make us lose hope. Thank you, and say thanks to the guys in Denmark, is it? BTW, loved the clip. Now I get the "Click as himself".
  8. Hey, there. Just want to ask, and hope I don't sound like an ignorant, WAT DAS YAR NAME MEEN?

  9. I can picture it. A multiplayer match in Valhalla. Got lots of players in a CTF, and when the reds are about to score, a giant LEGO Scorpion is being driven by Bink into the battlefield. Epic. The tank looks great. I can't really imagine how to make the skin, but having seen all of your pieces, there are endless possibilities. Great job, and hope to see the Scorpion up and running soon.
  10. What makes me happy is that either I've seen or heard most of them. Plus, it's cool to see some of them have voiced characters for Ben 10, and such. Good chemistry. Thanks for the list, Bink!
  11. Of course, for some of us, this is the most tedious part, the waiting. It is good to know that the project is going smoothly.
  12. Zatth

    Up Early To Update

    Oh, well. At least knowing that there will be an update is enough for me.
  13. Zatth

    Up Early To Update

    (At school) Teacher: Kids, what do we say? Kids: Thank you, Mr Binkmeister
  14. I'll mention it to everyone, then run around like mad. Wait, I'm not allowed to practice getting my head blown up, am I? After all, I am Szian's servant... Thanks again. I'll get on the lines now.
  15. Oh, well. It was good wjile it lasted.

  16. Like the new look

  17. 1.What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year? 2.Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why? 3.Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from? 4.If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set? 1. I don't really mind about the licenses, I am a big fan of Disney, I don't play RockBand, but Guitar Hero, I'm not so much into Harry Potter, and I love Ben 10. 2. I strongly agree with the Ben 10. Not only for being a fan, but because it amazes me how much merchandise is sold in a place like Venezuela, and the US when I travel there. Plus, it'll get smaller kids also into LEGO, which is a plus. 3. Not at all. 4. Don't disagree with any.
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Sorry it's late.)

  19. Zatth

    S&t5 Tiebreaker

    Entry #2. I like listening to different voices narrating in a way that hasn't been thought about.
  20. Yah! Thats what i mean. I'm not going to constantly be playing music in the background. Just during parts that i think are needed. Same with sound effects. In the story, Szian's servent's head exploades. I think that a sound of an explosion is suitible for that. -SK That's what I can't wait. Mmm, head blown apart...
  21. Yeah, I can imagine. And, I guess I'll have a strong sense of respect towards whoever plays Tachi and Komas.
  22. Nice. Love that. He, he. Getting my head blown apart'll be fun. Thanks, Skully. And Lady K. And congrats to everyone else. Just gotta find out who'll be Komas and Tachi now. Wanna know who'll fight me first.
  23. Holy Billy Shears! It's time! Good luck to everyone. Hope I'll get a part. Oh, and good luck to Lady K and Skully. It'll be as good (or even better, no offense) as the PBSP.
  24. Hey, there. Nope. Project didn't work. No one wanted to help. But well, having about only 70 active members, almost no women, and being from thirld world countries, it was bound to happen. But it's still cool to collaborate in the "Version Original", as we say in spanish. 'Cause yer Da Man.

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