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Premier Forum Assistants
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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth

    A Question.

    I'd be willing to help on some voice acting.
  2. Whaaaaa? I'm sure there were more people than infinite who liked Waffles!
  3. Zatth


    For a review, check KanohiJournal.com. However, I have left BrickFair a new man. Why? I've decided I'm too old to play with LEGO, but never too old to build with it. From now on, I'll concentrate on building better things and arranging my LEGO collection. They may have been some of the best days of my life. I met LEGO fans for the first time, met some staffies, built a giant LEGO glass of milk, met Steve Witt (he is pure WINrar, BTW), and got awesomesauce LEGO. Now to arrange my LEGO collection. BTW, thanks to everyone I met at BrickFair, it really was a blast!
  4. Zatth

    Members I Met

    You're not bad. The staff are jusy difficult to catch on camera. Just see the safari.
  5. BrickFair has been WIN. I am proud to have met many BZPers, including Chieftain Waffles...
  6. k, I'll make sure Raptor tells me you said hi. Mike's my microphone.
  7. First of all: PAWTOO AND MUTATED STATISTICS DYNAMIC WOMAN BEJEEZUS, YOU HAVE BETRAYED THE ORDER OF ZATTH. AS SOON AS I GET A NEW MIKE, YOU WILL SUFFER!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN. On to serious stuff. I'll be there covering the event for a few groups. If you're there all the 4 days, go to seminars, play games, Running of the Bulls event, see MOCS, and MEET ME! But, you know, don't kill me. Bioran may fire me for not covering the event...
  8. Dag darn... winning a prize

  9. Zatth

    Makutafest 2010

    IT. WAS. AWESUM. They answered my question (when I called), I got a few q's right, and in the test they said me name!!! yay! Overall, it was pretty cool, except for the voitng stuff... Congrats to TTV and BS01 Podcast!
  10. *POKE-TU*

    Meh, just listening to the Doctor Who 2010 Proms

  11. Zatth

    Happy Birthday!

    So, BZP. I know this is sorta late, but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  12. Ummmm, tomorrow you may get the urge to murder me and Uzhe since the new Sawnoo Pawtoo fad hath spurred....

  13. You just lost the game


  15. That's what THEY want you to think, Saw Nooh

  16. so i heard u dream of brie mccheese

  17. Awwwwwww, SAW-NOOH

  18. Oh, that's simple, just use deathkoala's last name, and say it over XBL. It'll sound like Shatter Baby

  19. Zatth

    Sad Face

    Looks like there's not much support or hype for the Chron or Kn projects. Which makes me SAD FACE. On other news, I discovered Sonu Nova's weakness, which also caused his "death" (a.k.a hyperventilation, dizziness, clumsiness, and litlle-brother-answering-for-him-on the-mikcrophone-of XBL-ziness), it is the word: Shatter Baby. No idea why.

  21. Zatth


    Another question. If we'll assist at BrickFair should we enter the crabs as separate MOCs, or what should we do with them?
  22. Officer Sir, we must talk KANOHI.novus and Chron business...

    (pwus I misseth u)

  23. Zatth

    Chronicles Operator

    Yeah, basically. Well, now you know
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