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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth

    Brickfair Saturday

    And this. This is just the beginning. BRICKFAIR GIFs: Surrender or Run.
  2. Zatth

    Brickfair Saturday

    As soon as Sumi's camera spits out that footage and GIFs are made, people will see why, today, I was nicknamed "The Living GIF."
  3. Zatth

    Brickfair Saturday

    Chols, we totally have to take pics tomorrow/make GIFs out of craaaazy dancing. (Ask Takuma Nuva, Architect, or Sumi.)
  4. There was a lot of screaming and noises. Mostly from the public, but some from us.
  5. Man, BrickFair... so awesomesauce.

    1. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva

      Hau is it even possible?!

    2. Sumiki


      ... if you know what I mean. *kneeslap*

    3. Zatth


      I heart y'all so much.

  6. Tomorrow will be awesomesauce, partner-in-Lasertag. Also, WHERE'S RACHEL? IS SHE WITH THE DOOM VIPERS OF GA-METRU?! BECAUSE I'M BATMAN. AND SPONGEBOB. AND SQUIDWARD.
  7. Zatth

    At The Moment

  8. Zatth

    BrickFair Friday

  9. Zatth

    A Few Things

    Ditto about the feelings towards what we held as being a joke. Sowwy. But, hey Brickeens, tomorrow you will get a very special plushie huuuuuuuuuuuug at BrickFair.
  10. I can bring maybe five or six hats to add to that.
  11. Zatth

    To-Do List

    SUMIKI, I WILL BRING HATS. How does a stovepipe hat sound?
  12. Some friends said that the whole movie was too slow but that the ending made up for it. I didn't think that. What caught my attention throughout was the fact that Tom Hardy (playing Bane), had to do all his acting only using his eyes. I mean, sure, he has his (weird T-Pain stereo something) voice, but his eyes do a lot of the work. Quite a masterpiece in general. Also, EVERYONE DIES.
  13. The battle for power has begun. BIONICLE: Surrender or run.
  14. Ermahgerd, BrickFair in four days.

  15. I'm just excited to bring my stuff.And then be taken aback by all of the superior MOCs.
  16. I was perusing my blog and I remembered something.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zatth


      Shatter baby.

    3. ~Allegretto~



    4. Zatth


      Mission: Complete.

  17. Zatth

    What The Heck

    Unless you can "aid" me in this incessant pun-making, I am "hear" to stay, unless you offer something that "sounds" good.
  18. Zatth

    What The Heck

    Well, "Halo", Sonu, I see you called me. I sure hope you are not "Border(lands"ing on insanity seeing as you got de-"rail"ed, as if this were somehow Minecraft... Yeah, I'm better when the puns are not in text.
  19. But that would be boring! *sigh* I'll try...
  20. Zatth


    My work here is done.
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