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Premier Forum Assistants
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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. Sadnu Steve the Buffalonian Turkey/Ninja Goldfish/Mango Jalapeno Pepper from Pakistan that is not a Filipino farmer.


  3. Of hapiness or sadness?

  4. If you want, send me a PM explaining fully.

  5. No problemo, dude. I'll help


  7. OYAS, please!

  8. MONGESISES! Yes, I can annoy you all the way from Atlanta. Ha.

  9. Zatth


    Perhaps there were other parts of the vid, but from my bad speakers and the crowd, I couldn't hear much. The fact that English is my second language doesn't help much either
  10. Yay! I wuv de stody! I have cookies ad bilk! But really, this explains why the site is so slow, so I guess that's ok for the community.
  11. Zatth


    Yeh, Waffles stole the show. Along with Rayg, Steve Witt, and B6.
  12. How would you react if I was staying for 9 days at the same town that Phoenix lives in? Hypothetically

  13. Zatth

    Zomg New Name

    Yeh, this arose from an interesting convo I had with Chieftain Waffles. Maybe later I'll change my name just to Zatth.
  14. Hopefully in this month.

  15. Yes. Yes I am

  16. please, DA WURLD DEPENDS ON IT!


  18. Since almost all the staffies have mentioned him in some way, I thought I'd steal that idea and do so too. Waffles. I remember after the TFOL Talk I was standing at the BZP table, as I heard a younger voice say "Kanohi Zatth?" And there he was. Actually, he's the same height as me, so that was sorta cool. Also, he helped to build the milk cup, to light the Batman video thingy, and to make me feel pretty good at BrickFair, since he is officially the first BZPer I spend so much time with. Not to mention we both speek Spanish as a first language!!!!!! While I was unsure or shy of approaching staff, he wasn't, which makes him pretty awesome. I wish he'd been at the TFOL follow up. CHIEFTAIN WAFFLES, U WIN SIR.
  19. Zatth

    Being Crabby

    Those two normal Hahnah and the red eyed Hahnah are mine. Srry
  20. Dood, we should start a petition or somethin to make you BZP's semi-official "mascot"(sorta liek mascota) like Tohu

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