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Everything posted by Zatth

  1. Zatth


    The Rockville Toys R Us in Maryland.
  2. Zatth

    I've Decided

    As all who've answered here, I may not get done with it. I'm just losing interest, and I don't feel that I'm striving towards it. So get better, and remember: if you feel you can't finish a NaNoWriMo, think about all the poor kids of... wait, no. I meant, think of all members who procrastinate too much to actually write.
  3. Zatth


    I convinced (and irritated) my parents to take me to Toys R Us. So at 8:30 p.m we were at the store, and I saw them! There they were! The Stars! I got Tahu, Rahkshi, and Piraka (Nektann). Perhaps I'll get the reamining 3 when I've paid off my toy debts that I owe... my parents
  4. Zatth


    So I went to see 2012 today. It was a pretty interesting movie. I loved the effects, but as always, there were some downsides that can't be avoided, but that still made me bored: 1. Characters nobody likes die 2. Before almost all the deaths there is a sentimental moment 3. The main characters always seem to save themselves in impossible ways But still, that can't be avoided. Still, overall it was a good movie. And if you want to know, no. I don't believe in 2012.
  5. YES!!!!!! YEAH!!!! OH YES!!!!! Thanks, Skully.
  6. My only comment to the uber-long message:

    roflcopter XD

  7. Zatth

    Memento Mori

    Let me see if I can remember, doesn't Memento Mori mean "Remember you will die"?
  8. Soo... wat's ur name mean now, oh Great Skully, the Name Changer? XD

  9. Zatth

    This Can't Be!

    So for Thanksgiving at least think that Assasins Creed II IS coming out... not like Halo Chronicles or the Halo Movie, or that BIONICLE Game that was never released. Plus, the game seems awesome judging from the "Lineage" videos.
  10. Have you seen Lineage yet?

  11. Yo, Officer Sir! How you doin'?

  12. At least some good things did occur. And there will always be NaNoWriMo's, and you have all the time in the world to write.
  13. Zatth

    Homework Excuse

    In Math class, we had to do some homework for tomorrow. This girl raises her voice and shouts the most ridiculous statement today: "But Mr. _________, I can't do homework today, I have to go to the Hannah Montana concert! ... and ... I also have a medical appointment." So some of us actually have after-school activities dealing with helping poor people, or some of us help family in other moments, or some ACTUALLY have medical appointments. Is it really smart to tell your teaher you can't do schoolwork because of a concert? I don't understand how she's still in that class.
  14. Next we'll see Bink with a pack full of every BIONICLE set, collectible, book, and anything else BIONICLE-wise, all behind him. Lukcy Bink.
  15. Zatth

    Na No Wri Mo

    Since I'm doing 9000 I decided an average of 500 words per day, and I'll be done before the end of the month. I've got about 920 words right now. And I read that for those on the 50K trek, it's about 1557 per day, or somethink like that. So, once again, good luck.
  16. Zatth

    Na No Wri Mo

    Okay, so this is kinda embarassing to say, but if nayone has joined the Young Writer's NaNoWriMo I'm C.D Vitta there. Yeah, I joined the young version. Don't judge me. I just want to start out slow, with the minimum for my grade age... which is 9,000. Hopefully I'll reach more and next year, as i'll know about Na NoWriMo, I'll try to get to 50,000 or more. But good luck to all of us (especially everyone who will (or will try to) reach 50,000 and isn't a newbie like me). BTW, if I create an account on the main site, but I don't write anything, will they delete my account? It's just so I can read your novels (if you dont mind).
  17. Zatth

    Na No Wri Mo

    If I have time today and tomorrow, and such, I may try to write something based on the current issue in my home country. As for the blog, why not do some sort of collage-y thighy of all you've done as a fan of BIONICLE and a BZP member? BTW, good to hear you're back to writing.
  18. Yes! Lady K is back! Well, it's good to know that you're feeling better now. Plus, you proved once again, it's hard to get rid of you So, yeah. Welcome back to craziness.
  19. Zatth

    The Perfect Moment

    Wow. Suddenly Skully became very philosophical. I agree with what you say about a peaceful moment. But when growing up, and with today's issues, it seems harder and harder to get one of those moments. Hopefully one day you'll get that perfect moment of peace, Skully.
  20. Nuther name change, eh Skully?

  21. I'll be moving on Monday, but I may have Internet problems, so next time I post will probably be when I get a membership. So goodbye for some time, blog.
  22. Good to know all's (hopefully) okay, Lady K :)

  23. Well, at least, good for me. If it's got some sort of sound somewhere apart from the voices, me iz happy.
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