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Rangan Mercenus

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Status Updates posted by Rangan Mercenus

  1. At the rate I'm going I'm more likely to die repeated times...

  2. The most likely one is The Apocalypse, mainly because it would include all of said mentioned.

  3. If that starts again -.-

  4. I don't know anymore. >.<...>



  5. Yeah, voice actors should be in the game, though...

  6. And so, Blademan had to come up with an ingenious plot, which will most likely get OWNED by us...

  7. There's no movie. O.o... well, not for some time, I need to finish The Mercenus CHronicles before I do that. :P

  8. Maybe it's that nuclear powered banana in my world domination plan?

  9. I don't know about the camera, but Bradon is now available again (Chickened out) and Tapika wasn't voiced well enough...

  10. But not for a while, I actually said that I was planning one...

  11. With the failplane... ALL ABOARD FOR THE FAILPLANE!

  12. I was planning on you addinf voices to the original videos, but I'm still focusing on comics... Why does everyone think I'm making a movie?


    The main point of the voices was to have them in the game, too...

  13. Kittens have 18 lives, you know, he'll grow the skin back...


    He's had worse...

  14. It fails to fail to fail to believe that we're failing to jump back to a failed chicken topic. O.o

  15. I turned into a matoran, got stabbed in the stomach, became depressed, had my eye almost gauged out, had to put up with some pretty silly people, drunk too much sprite and through up... WITHIN A WEEK!...

  16. NOTICE:

    Voice actors for the main cast are here:

    Rangan Mercenus = Rangan Mercenus

    Bradon = Tapika

    Bradbot = Nuparurocks

    The Disciple = Omega Decepticon

    Hukster = Jahli

    Lewajohnson = Lewajohnson


  17. I'd like to point you to the direction of the voice actor for Bradbot in The Mercenus Chronicles... Nuparurocks!

  18. Not really, I would have to think that it ate a Mouse-chicken, thus their DNA compatability is so outrageously different that they both start puking out fur-balls...

  19. It'll be odder when you find out how I got it...


    And yes, he's had worse than having a scar on his left eye...

  20. Hi, I just came into this room *Looks around* why is there a Kitten and a chicken in the room?

  21. I'm doing some other characters, I think i'll go and do... a certain character which i have yet to reveal to the public...

  22. Surely the liquidization would of melted his brain, thus making him unable to think and thus making him a liquid potato?...


    mmm... the new kind of chips...


  23. You probably wouldn't want to know :/...

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