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Padishah Mehmet II

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Posts posted by Padishah Mehmet II

  1. And I found another Dragon. Attacked Riverrun (whatever that place is called that you go to when you leave Helgen (if you chose Imperial)), although I killed pretty quickly. The other random Dragon I fought was at a word wall too, and got me the "ice" shout. Awesome.

    Lol, it's Riverwood. Riverrun is a city from A Game of Thrones.-Dovydas
  2. Hating on Twilight is so done. It's been so done. It doesn't make you look cool or clever to hate Twilight. The movies and books aren't that good, no, but I can list plenty of movies that sucked way more than the Twilight series.

    Expressing your opinion is done, apparently now?-Dovydas
  3. Eragon and Twilight.Though Twilight less, because nothing better was to be expected.Eragon was at least decent as a novel - ignoring the marysueishness and outright bad writing of the Elves, it was a book that did not make you throw up after reading. The movie disappointed me much, much more than the book.Twilight, well. It's not worse than the book because it simply can't be.-Dovydas

  4. NEVAH. I just don't get why people think they're so great. Most of their songs don't do anything innovative, all they do is make it... loud and charismatic. But it's NOT charismatic.

    Not a single true word in that sentence.-Dovydas
    Well someone sounds like a fan. I backed up my view, would you repay the currency?
    How are 30 Seconds to Mars' songs charismatic and then say that they're not charismatic?
    a) No. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png what Spawn said.c) You haven't backed up your view. You just said arguments that were NOT backed up. Therefore, I will do the same just below.d) they're definitely better than Lady Gaga.-Dovydas
  5. No.There was this dude at Ghostgate before the final battle in Morrowind.A really old dude, supposedly a war veteran, of whom nobody was at all aware that he even was there. He gave you an "Old Man's Lucky Coin" as a supposed good luck charm on the way to defeat Dagoth Ur.If you went to an imperial cult shrine afterwards, they'd explain that it was a manifestation of Talos.http://uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:WulfAlso, I don't expect the Thalmor to attack Skyrim (not immediately at least) for the simple reason of it being completely out of the way. If they attack it, then honestly, they're one darned stupid gang of empire builders. That's not how it works at all. It's strategically a very dangerous gamble because, well, their hold on it would never be strong. And Ulfric doesn't seem too weak a king anyway. Realistically, it's kings like him who are the strongest and most powerful. Who calculate everything coldly, with blunt reason and logic.Plus, even if it happens, what the heck, I don't care, the only race I truly feel attached to are the Dunmer.-Dovydas

  6. Actually, Ultimate_Kardas, it is your Oblivion char. He said he was "around at the time" when the Oblivion Crisis struck.Also, forgive me, ManiacToaLaco, but I seriously can't see how Oblivion, of all the games, could inspire any emotion whatsoever in you. When Martin went along and died, I was all, "Kay kay dude, stop talking and go save the world already. It's not like I care much about this province anyway."-Dovydas

  7. Morrowind produced in me an outright hate for the Empire that was my main fuel in deciding that unless I really want to try something new I will not join the Imperials in any playthrough in Skyrim.All the Nerevarine stuff about liberating Morrowind and saving the Dunmer, without any choice to start a revolt? AaaaaaaaaaaaarghSo when it came to Skyrim, I had to have only one good look at the Stormcloaks and I said, "Now these, these are my people."Honestly, I don't see them as racist. I don't even see Ulfric as racist. Now INB4YOUSAYANYTHING, the Dark Elves, who get most of the hate, are my favourite race in all of Tamriel. Anyway. The Stormcloaks. Sure, some of them talk stupid stuff about other races. But the impression I got was that Ulfric was simply sick and tired of the Empire maltreating Skyrim, and as for the other races, he seems to have rather neutral opinions if you hear what he says about them and not everyone else. Also, when Galmar suggested attacking Whiterun, Ulfric was rather unwilling to do so - for a man who wants power, he definitely has great respect for life, so really, I don't see him as powerhungry, or as racist. In my honest point of view, he makes more sense than the Imperials, who go off executing everyone without fair trials, whether they are claimants to high kingship, random horse thieves, or just some losers who weren't even on the list.And if the Empire breaks down here I have legitimate expectations that such chaos will break out all around that Morrowind will become a free nation.Anyway, surmising, my opinion is reflected in Ralof's words: "I've heard some things about Ulfric that I don't like, but he's right about this war and Skyrim's future." Plus, I have this thing against empires. Any country ruling any land outside, well, itself is a GO TO HECK in my book. I live in a country that has had the historical unfortunality of being the victim of many empires, so probably, it's my history classes paying off.Also. One detail. The Empire and the Thalmor are simply physically wrong about Talos. Talos is a god, established fact: a manifestation of Talos appears in Morrowind.-Dovydas

  8. Finished the main quest with my Nord Stormcloak dude-with-no-magical-talent-whatsoever, who married Ysolda of Whiterun.Now, I'm playing Morrowind again because of a surge of nostalgy.... Honestly, Skyrim's great and all, really, really great, much much better than Oblivion too, but its story doesn't surpass, or even reach the level of, Morrowind.Its best achievement is the Liberation of Skyrim quest line, really, which is filled with so many epic moments and epic speeches and epic confrontations and a "Look who's executing who now" moment with General Tullius, that it's amazing.-Dovydas

  9. it is human.it's like omegle except every minute or so it switches people around. thats why topics seem to change so suddenly. thats also why the guy up there got told what his favorite pony was.

    That doesn't make sense, you know, because there are some cases in which what he says makes no sense whatsoever no matter what. Wouldn't make sense in any discussion, in other words.The impression I got was that it just remembers things people said and reuses them.-Dovydas
  10. I can never get into crime dramas (Aside from Marple, Poirot, Detective Lynley, Midsommer, etc.). A few episodes at a time can be interesting, but after a while it's really just the same thing over and over again, with a little character drama slapped in between. It's the same reason I loathe House.

    Pretty much the same for me, Inspector Montalbano also in the list of exceptions though.-Dovydas
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